Bill InformationSCHOOL SAFETY
AN ACT relating to school safety.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to allow school districts to implement a wearable panic alert system; establish system criteria; require the Department of Education to provide a list of approved wearable panic alert systems; require the Center for School Safety to establish the Wearable Panic Alert Grant Program; amend KRS 158.446 to allow the Center for School Safety to distribute wearable panic alert grants using funds appropriated in the biennial budget to support school safety.
CURRENT STATUS2/12/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.
Amend KRS 158.175 to require moments of silence or reflection at the start of each school day and establish guidelines.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT relating to pension spiking in the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority.
Amend KRS 61.598 to exempt from the pension spiking provisions any increases in rates of pay authorized or funded by the legislative or administrative body of an employer or mandated in a collective bargaining agreement approved by the legislative body of the employer that are provided to members of the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, County Employees Retirement System, or State Police Retirement System.
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to misconduct in schools and school-sponsored activities.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to prohibit a public school district or public charter school from entering into a nondisclosure agreement relating to misconduct involving a minor or student; amend KRS 160.380 to define "abusive conduct"; require school district applicants to disclose being the subject of any investigations or disciplinary actions in the previous 12 months relating to abusive conduct and consent to a reference check; require school districts to conduct reference checks; require nonpublic schools and public school districts to disclose any investigations or disciplinary actions related to abusive conduct of applicants; provide immunity for disclosures made about school employee conduct; require school districts to request all related information from public and nonpublic schools and the Education Professional Standards Board (ESPB); require schools and EPSB to provide the records; require requests for information to be satisfied in 10 working days; require EPSB to create and implement procedures for information requests; require all school district applicants to list all schools of previous and current employment on the application; require a school district to internally report and investigate to completion all allegations of abusive conduct; require all records relating to an allegation of abusive conduct to be retained in an employee's personnel file unless the allegation is proven false; provide that that certain requirements apply to public charter schools; amend KRS 156.160 to direct the Kentucky Board of Education to include employment standards in the voluntary certification standards for private schools; make technical corrections; amend KRS 160.151 to define "certified nonpublic school"; require employees of certified nonpublic schools to submit to a national and state criminal background check and a CA/N check; require certified nonpublic school personnel to have a state criminal background check every five years; prohibit a certified nonpublic school from hiring a violent or felony sex crime offender; require a certified nonpublic school to conduct reference checks on all applicants; prohibit a certified nonpublic school from entering into a nondisclosure agreement related to misconduct involving a minor or student; make technical corrections; amend KRS 156.095 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to develop a training related to sexual misconduct and inappropriate relationships for employees to undergo every five years; make technical corrections; amend KRS 161.151 to conform; require that an allegation of abusive conduct be reported pursuant to KRS 620.030; amend KRS 158.4431 and 156.492 to make conforming changes.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT relating to interpreters.
Amend KRS 309.312 to allow an interpreter in a K-12 classroom setting with a score of 4.0 or above on the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA) and passage of the EIPA written test to meet certification requirements.
CURRENT STATUS2/19/2025 - House Licensing, Occupations, & Administrative Regulations (H), (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to choking prevention in schools.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define "anti-choking device"; require school cafeteria personnel and other expected users of the device to be trained if a school obtains an anti-choking device; provide immunity from civil liability for rendering emergency care or treatment with an anti-choking device or the Heimlich maneuver at a public or private school; provide that the Act may be cited as Landon's Law.
CURRENT STATUS2/13/2025 - received in Senate
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to campaign finance.
Amend KRS 121.015, relating to campaign finance, to define terms; create new sections of KRS Chapter 121 to establish reporting and record retention requirements for political issues committees and persons making independent expenditures; prohibit political issues committees from knowingly and willfully soliciting or accepting contributions from prohibited sources; establish certification requirements for treasurers of political issues committees and donors making contributions and independent expenditures; define activity that creates a presumption of a violation; prohibit foreign nationals from making a donation, contribution, or expenditure, soliciting another person to make a donation, contribution, or expenditure, or participating in another person's decision to influence a ballot measure; establish a cause of action for accepting or soliciting contributions from prohibited sources and failing to certify, report, or retain records; establish a right of privacy in donations to tax-exempt organizations; establish a penalty for a state or local governmental entity, court, or officer of the court that violates the right of privacy; amend KRS 121.190 to require a "paid for by" disclosure for advertisements advocating or opposing a ballot measure.
CURRENT STATUS2/13/2025 - received in Senate
PositionBD OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to sexual extortion.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 531 to establish the crime of sexual extortion as a felony; provide for enhancements to penalties; create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to establish a civil cause of action for sexual extortion; amend KRS 17.500 to include sexual extortion in the definition of "sex crime"; create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to require superintendents of local school districts to notify students in grades six and above and parents and guardians of all students of the crime of sexual extortion; require local school boards to display posters with the definition of sexual extortion and contact information for entities offering assistance to victims in secondary schools; amend KRS 164.2518 to require postsecondary institutions to display posters with the definition of sexual extortion and contact information for entities offering assistance to victims in residential facilities and buildings containing instructional spaces, student services, and academic support services.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary (H)
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT relating to education.
Amend KRS 156.557 to increase the time period between mandatory summative evaluations for tenured certified school staff from once every three years to once every five years; provide that additional summative evaluations may be performed at the discretion of the individual's immediate supervisor but shall not be imposed as a uniform requirement across the system; amend KRS 158.060 to provide teachers access to their employment contract upon request; amend KRS 156.095 to require the Department of Education to create and local school districts to implement a four year recurring professional development training schedule that includes all required professional development trainings; provide that all certified school employees shall complete designated trainings within 12 months of initial hire and at least once every four years thereafter; consolidate state-required certified school personnel trainings; create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to relocate language currently contained in KRS 158.060 related to the display of designated hotline information and the publication of and school lessons on evidence-based suicide prevention awareness information; amend KRS 158.070 to remove language regarding professional development trainings consolidated elsewhere; amend KRS 160.346 to prohibit the Department of Education from requiring comprehensive school improvement plans and comprehensive district improvement plans not expressly required by federal law; amend KRS 156.492, 157.360, and 158.4416 to conform; amend KRS 161.031 to remove the mandate for an induction program for new teachers; require a report identifying school districts that do not implement an induction program for new teachers; require the Department of Education to conduct a review of the reporting requirements imposed upon public schools and public school districts; eliminate all reporting requirements not expressly required by state statute or federal law; submit a report on the remaining reporting requirements; provide that the Act may be cited as the Red Tape Reduction Act.
CURRENT STATUS2/13/2025 - (H) recommitted to committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to civil liability of a parent or guardian.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to establish civil liability against a parent, guardian, or other person legally responsible for a minor if the minor causes the injury or death of another by the use of a destructive device, explosive, firearm, or other deadly weapon; provide limited exemptions; amend KRS 411.155 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary (H)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to the display of the Ten Commandments in schools.
Repeal and reenact KRS 158.178, relating to the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to wages.
Amend KRS 337.275 to raise minimum wage for employers to $9.50 an hour on the effective date of this Act and incrementally thereafter to $15.00 an hour on July 1, 2029; raise the state minimum wage for tipped employees to $5.00 an hour on the effective date of this Act.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Economic Development & Workforce Investment (H)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority.
Amend KRS 61.505 to establish the Office of Financial Management within the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority; amend KRS 12.020 to conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2025.
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to employers of the Teachers' Retirement System.
Amend KRS 161.220 to add WeLeadCS, a virtual computer science career academy for Kentucky high school students, to the list of participating employers of the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS).
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to providing free feminine hygiene products for elementary and secondary students.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define "feminine hygiene product"; require each public school that includes any of grades four through 12 to provide free feminine hygiene products to female students; require each local board of education to adopt policies for the distribution of free feminine hygiene products.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to undesignated glucagon.
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 217 to define terms; permit health care practitioners to prescribe and dispense undesignated glucagon in the name of a school or to a trained individual; permit trained individuals to receive, possess, and administer undesignated glucagon during diabetic medical emergencies; permit schools to stock undesignated glucagon; provide for immunity from civil liability for any personal injury resulting from good faith actions to use undesignated glucagon to treat diabetic medical emergencies.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health Services (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to education.
Amend KRS 161.030 to specify authority of the Education Professional Standards Board over educators hired by public schools only; amend KRS 199.894 to define "learning pod" and exclude them from the definition of "child-care center" and "family child-care home"; amend KRS 194A.381 to exclude learning pods from certain youth camp requirements.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD OPPOSE |
AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property exempt from taxation.
Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to exempt for homeowners who are 65 years of age or older any increase in the valuation of their permanent residence that is assessed after the later of the year the homeowner turned 65 or the year the homeowner purchased the property; require the exemption to be in addition to the exemption provided in Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky and notwithstanding Sections 171, 172, and 174 of the Constitution of Kentucky; apply the exemption to increases in valuation that occur after the date the amendment is ratified by the voters; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)
PositionDA OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to the Ten Commandments in public schools.
Amend KRS 158.195 to allow the reading or posting of the Ten Commandments in a public school building, classroom, or event.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to historical instruction.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require African history instruction in certain middle and high school world history and civilization courses; require Native American history instruction in certain middle and high school United States history courses; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations establishing academic standards for the required historical instructions; require superintendents to adopt curricula for required instruction; require the Department of Education to collaborate with the Kentucky Center for African-American Heritage and the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission to develop recommended curricula and instruction guidelines for the required historical instruction, elective high school course offerings in African history and Native American history, and relevant professional development materials.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to discriminatory practices against a person.
Amend KRS 344.010 to provide definitions of "protective hairstyle" and "race" that include traits historically associated with race; amend KRS 158.148 to provide that school disciplinary codes shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of race; provide that the Act may be cited as the C.R.O.W.N. Act.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Economic Development & Workforce Investment (H)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to a living wage.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 337 to require any employer doing business in Kentucky that receives governmental incentives or subsidies to pay its employees a living wage.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Economic Development & Workforce Investment (H)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to home and hospital instruction.
Amend KRS 158.033 to allow a student admitted to an inpatient facility to receive home and hospital services effective on the day of admittance.
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to the taxation of retirement distributions.
Amend KRS 141.019 to increase the retirement distribution exclusion from $31,110 to $41,110 for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2026.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to public school curriculum.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to develop a guide for instructional materials collections adopted by the State Instructional Materials Commission that details the academic standards addressed by the materials, how the instructional materials are connected to specific learning targets aligned to the standards, sample questions, skills, and products students should be able to answer or demonstrate to meet the academic standards, and a curriculum guide for using the educational materials; amend KRS 156.395 to define "instructional material collection"; amend KRS 156.405 to reestablish the State Textbook Commission as the State Instructional Materials Commission and establish the scope of the commission's duties and membership; amend KRS 156.415 to reestablish fees for filing instructional materials collections for consideration and to conform; amend 156.433 to delete reference to the state textbook fund and to conform; amend KRS 156.474 to apply to all educational funds and to conform; amend KRS 156.407, 156.410, 156.420, 156.425, 156.435, 156.437, 156.438, 156.440, 156.445, 156.460, 156.465, 156.470, 156.474, and 156.476 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property exempt from taxation.
Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to exempt from taxation a portion of the assessed value of real property maintained as the permanent residence of an owner who is a veteran or first responder; require an owner's disability status to meet the same disability requirements under Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky; allow real property maintained as the permanent residence of the surviving spouse of a veteran or first responder to receive an exemption based on the qualifiers of the veteran or first responder prior to his or her death; allow the General Assembly to set qualification requirements by law; prohibit a property from receiving more than one exemption under this new section of the Constitution of Kentucky; allow the exemption to be in addition to the exemption provided in Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky; provide that the exemptions supersede contrary provisions of Sections 171, 172, and 174 of the Constitution of Kentucky; apply the exemptions to property assessed on or after January 1, 2027; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)
PositionDA OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to independent school districts.
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 160 to establish a process for the creation of new independent school districts; define terms; establish a petition process for voters of a qualifying city to place the question of creating a new independent district and local board of education on the ballot; specify the requirements for the question and the board of education provisional election; establish the initial terms of office for the interim board of education; establish the transition of authorities from the originating district board of education to the boards of both the altered originating district and the new independent district; require the Kentucky Department of Education to calculate assets and liabilities of the originating district for division to the altered originating district and the new independent district; authorize the altered originating district to maintain control and use of assets until the scheduled transfer to the new independent district and authorize the continued payments of debts; establish a negotiation process between the altered originating district and the new independent district to resolve the division of the originating district's assets and liabilities; establish a deadline for the negotiation to conclude; provide a process for resolution of disagreements; establish a deadline for the transfer of all assets and debts; authorize the altered originating district to continue to assess and collect taxes for both districts until the close of the tax year in which the new independent district is fully operational; provide for the distribution of collected taxes during the transition period; require the mayor of the city to call the newly elected interim board of new independent district to meet; allow the interim board to request assistance from the Kentucky Department of Education; establish the transition process for the new independent district to become fully functional; allow the interim board to submit a waiver request for a statute or administrative regulation to the Kentucky Board of Education; authorize the interim board to enter into service contracts with another school district during the transition; establish a process for the interim board to vote to terminate the establishment of the new independent district due to financial nonviability during the transition; establish the transition from an interim board to a fully functional board of the new independent district; require the continued collection of taxes restricted to the payment of debt or interest; waive the requirement for school-based decision making for the first year of operations of the new independent district; require the interim board of the new independent district to develop a transition plan and establish the requirements of the plan; create a new section of KRS Chapter 157, relating to state formula funding calculations, to establish a projection model for the first year of full operations of the new independent district and the altered originating district.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to public school facilities.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 162 to define terms; require at least 95% of restroom facilities in a specified school building be designated for a specific biological sex; amend KRS 156.160 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to school lunches.
Amend KRS 160.345 to require a school council to adopt a policy requiring students to be assigned a lunch period of at least 30 minutes in length; amend KRS 158.153 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to teachers.
Amend KRS 158.060 to require teachers to be compensated for noninstructional planning time within their school day during which they are required to supervise or instruct students; amend KRS 164.787 to expand the program eligibility of the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program to include a program that leads to a bachelor's degree in education in a critical shortage area.
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to school board elections.
Amend KRS 160.200 to require the offices of boards of education to have a partisan primary or partisan election; amend KRS 160.210 to require school board candidates to have emblems of political party affiliation presented on the ballot; amend various KRS sections to conform; and repeal KRS 160.250 and 160.260, relating to election of local board of education members.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)
PositionBD OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to Option 9 alternative teacher certification programs.
Amend KRS 161.048 to allow employment in substitute teaching to qualify as part of the required residency or paraprofessional component of an Option 9 alternative teacher certification program.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to undesignated glucagon.
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 217 to define terms; permit health care practitioners to prescribe and dispense undesignated glucagon in the name of a school or to a trained individual; permit trained individuals to receive, possess, and administer undesignated glucagon during diabetic medical emergencies; permit schools to stock undesignated glucagon; provide for immunity from civil liability for any personal injury resulting from good faith actions to use undesignated glucagon to treat diabetic medical emergencies.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health Services (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to restoring religious liberty.
Amend KRS 446.350 to define "government" and "substantially burden"; outline procedures and relief that may be sought if statute is violated; outline procedures and relief for any inmate who alleges a violation of this statute; establish duties and authority of the Attorney General; apply to laws adopted before or after the effective date of this statute; include severability clause; waive sovereign, judicial, and governmental immunity; waive qualified immunity under specified circumstances.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to fiscal statements.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 6 to define "Fiscal note"; require fiscal notes to be filed with the clerk in the chamber of the General Assembly for each bill or resolution that is filed; establish requirements related to fiscal notes for the director of the Legislative Research Commission; require fiscal notes to contain specific information; amend KRS 6.950, 6.955, 6.960, 6.965, and 6.970 to rename fiscal note to local government mandate statement; amend KRS 13A.190, 13A.230, 13A.250, and 13A.280 to rename fiscal note to fiscal note on state and local government.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to teacher scholarships.
Amend KRS 164.769 to remove expected family income from the selection criteria for the teacher scholarship; amend KRS 164.7889 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Postsecondary Education (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to advanced educational opportunities.
Amend KRS 158.6453 to define "advanced coursework"; require each local board of education develop an accelerated learning plan for students with identified strengths; direct local board of education to adopt policies for advanced coursework in designated subject areas; establish a reporting requirement for the Kentucky Department of Education related to the number of accelerated learning courses offered, the demographics of eligible students, the number of students placed in those courses, and the number of students not placed in those courses; amend KRS 160.348 to direct school-based decision making councils to adopt designated policies relating to advanced courses; provide that students who meet certain criteria shall be granted automatic enrollment in advanced coursework; provide that a student shall not be withdrawn or excluded from advanced coursework without written parental consent.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD OPPOSE |
(PAYNE, J. T.)
AN ACT relating to dual credit scholarships.
Amend KRS 164.786 to add eligibility for high school freshmen and sophomores, require an "approved dual credit course" to be in the statewide general education core; provide that scholarships shall be awarded in order of application date; revise scholarship to allow two career and technical dual credit courses in each academic year of high school and two general education dual credit courses in the 11th and 12th grades; amend KRS 164.787 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/18/2025 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to taxation.
Propose to amend Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky to provide the General Assembly the authority to exempt all or a portion of any class of property from taxation or eliminate all or a portion of any tax and the related provisions of that tax; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)
PositionDA OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.
Repeal KRS 237.115, which interprets the application of the license to carry concealed deadly weapon statute as permitting postsecondary facilities, local governments, and units of state government to limit concealed carry in governmental buildings; amend KRS 150.172, 237.110, and 527.020 to conform; amend KRS 237.110 to no longer prohibit the carrying of concealed deadly weapons in schools and specify that the prohibition of carrying concealed deadly weapons in airports is limited to areas controlled by the Transportation Security Administration; make technical corrections; amend KRS 527.070 to add persons with valid licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons to the list of those permitted to possess weapons in schools.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary (H)
PositionDA OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to teachers.
Amend KRS 161.030 to remove the authority of the Education Professional Standards Board to require successful completion of assessments prior to teacher certification; amend KRS 161.048 and 161.053 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to materials, programs, or events alleged to be harmful to minors.
Amend KRS 158.192 to require the local board of education to allow parents and guardians an opportunity to orally recite passages from materials, programs, or events subject to appeal; require immediate removal of the material, program, or event if the board denies a parent or guardian the opportunity to orally recite passages.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to technology in public schools.
Amend KRS 158.165 to require local boards of education to adopt a policy to, at a minimum, prohibit student use of a personal telecommunications device during the school day with specific exceptions; amend KRS 156.675 to include social media in prohibited material to be made inaccessible through school technology and provide the scope of social media to be prohibited.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to the Teachers' Retirement System and declaring an emergency.
Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 161 to remove provisions of HB 258 enacted during the 2021 Regular Session that created and adjusted benefits for individuals who become members of the Teachers' Retirement System on or after January 1, 2022; repeal KRS 161.633, 161.634, 161.635, and 161.636, relating to university and nonuniversity members; provide that these members shall be eligible for the benefits applicable to members who entered the system immediately prior to January 1, 2022; EMERGENCY.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government (H)
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT relating to employment.
Amend KRS 336.130 to delete references restricting rights of public employees to organize, associate collectively, or strike; amend KRS 336.180 to redefine "labor organization" and delete definitions of "candidate," "committee," "contributing organization," "contribution," "election," "electioneering communications," "employer," "fundraiser," "independent expenditure," "political activities," "public employee," "slate of candidates," and "testimonial affair"; amend KRS 336.990 to conform; amend KRS 67A.6904 to allow urban-county governments to make an agreement with a labor organization to require membership in the organization as a condition of employment; amend KRS 67C.406 to allow consolidated local governments to make an agreement with a labor organization to require membership in the organization as a condition of employment; amend KRS 70.262, 78.470, and 78.480 to remove exceptions; amend KRS 345.050 to allow public employers to make an agreement with a labor organization to require membership in the organization as a condition of employment; amend KRS 336.1341 and 336.135 to conform; repeal KRS 65.016, 336.132, and 336.134.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government (H)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to employment.
Amend KRS 336.130 to delete references restricting rights of public employees to organize, associate collectively, or strike; amend KRS 336.180 to redefine "labor organization" and delete all other definitions; amend KRS 336.990 to conform; amend KRS 67A.6904 to allow urban-county governments to make an agreement with a labor organization to require membership in the organization as a condition of employment; amend KRS 67C.406 to allow consolidated local governments to make an agreement with a labor organization to require membership in the organization as a condition of employment; amend KRS 70.262, 78.470, and 78.480 to remove exceptions; amend KRS 345.050 to allow public employers to make an agreement with a labor organization to require membership in the organization as a condition of employment; repeal KRS 65.016 and 336.132.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Economic Development & Workforce Investment (H)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to labor standards.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 337 to require every employer to establish a workplace policy that provides employees the right to disconnect from communications from the employer during nonworking hours; amend KRS 337.990 to provide a penalty for violation of the lunch period requirements in KRS 337.355 and for violation by an employer of a right to disconnect workplace policy.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Economic Development & Workforce Investment (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to teacher professional development.
Amend KRS 156.095 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to create a professional development training schedule for certified personnel; require each local district to implement the schedule; require an additional day to be added to the school calendar if required training cannot be completed in a single calendar day; require school districts to submit a report to the department on the status of professional development training.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to civil rights.
Repeal and reenact KRS 344.010 to define terms; amend KRS 344.020, relating to the purpose of the Kentucky's civil rights chapter, to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.025, 344.040, 344.050, 344.060, 344.070, and 344.080, relating to prohibited discrimination in various labor and employment practices, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 210.033, 344.030, 344.100 and 344.110 to conform; amend KRS 344.120 and 342.140, relating to prohibited discrimination in places of public accommodation and advertisements therefor, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.170, 344.180, 344.190, 344.300, and 344.310, relating to the state and local human rights commissions, to include prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in the scope of their powers and duties; amend KRS 344.360, 344.370, 344.380, and 344.680, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain housing, real estate, and other financial transactions, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.367, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain insurance sales, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.400, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain credit transactions, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 18A.095 to conform; make technical corrections.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary (H)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to high school graduation requirements.
Amend KRS 156.160 to require any course meeting the health requirement for high school graduation to include information on the organ donation program.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to primary school.
Amend KRS 158.305 to require kindergarten students to be given a universal screener within the final 10 instructional days of the school year; require beginning with the 2025-2026 school year require that a student remain in kindergarten for an additional year if they did not make adequate progress in kindergarten; prohibit a school from requiring a student who turns seven by August 1 to remain in kindergarten; require the school to reevaluate the reading improvement plan of any student remaining in kindergarten; allow a student provided an additional year in kindergarten to advance through the primary program when it is determined to be in the student's best interest.
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to school district calendars and declaring an emergency.
Allow local school districts to make up days missed by adding instructional time to student attendance days; notwithstand the requirement for the student instructional year to have 170 student attendance days; allow waiver of up to five student attendance days if a school district is unable to provide the required 1,062 hours of instruction by June 4, 2025; require local boards of education seeking to revise its calendar to submit a plan for approval to the Department of Education; allow instructional time made up and days waived to count as employee contracted days; EMERGENCY.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools.
Amend KRS 164.7874, relating to KEES awards, to define terms; amend KRS 164.7879 to establish the use of a specified equivalent grade point average for eligible graduates of certain private, parochial, or church schools based on the Advanced Placement exam score, dual credit courses grade point average, or a combination of both; amend KRS 164.7881 and 164.7884 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to the evaluation of educator preparation programs.
Amend KRS 158.840 to require the Education Professional Standards Board, rather than the Council on Postsecondary Education, to ensure teacher education programs provide highly skilled teachers; require the board to report to the Legislative Research Commission every three years and regularly report program data to an external evaluator.
CURRENT STATUS2/18/2025 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to prohibited uses of tax dollars.
Amend KRS 65.013 to create a cause of action for violations of the use of tax dollars to advocate for or against public questions on ballot or to lobby or participate in executive agency lobbying; establish time limitation to commence suit and appropriate venue; provide damages recoverable per violation; allow for a class action; prohibit holding a position of public trust or profit for 10 years for individuals held civilly liable; create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to establish criminal penalty and a prohibition against holding a position of public trust or profit for 10 years for individuals found guilty for a violation.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to school bus stops.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to define "bus stop camera system," "school bus stop," and "qualifying school district"; require the installation of video cameras at each school bus stop in a qualifying school district; require the unit of government responsible for maintaining the road where the bus stop is located to install the cameras and retain the video images; specify the allowable uses of the video images and provide for retention timeframes; require school districts to notify the Transpiration Cabinet and all local governments that maintain roads in the district of the location of school bus stops.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Transportation (H)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT providing maternity leave for public school employees.
Amend KRS 161.155 to provide 20 maternity days to district employees who give birth; establish the terms and conditions for use of maternity days.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to teacher scholarships.
Amend KRS 164.773, relating to the Student Teacher Stipend Program, to specify that an eligible student is a Kentucky resident as determined by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (authority) and is student teaching at a Kentucky public school or certified nonpublic school; specify that the authority shall disburse stipend funds to eligible students directly or through the participating institution; allow the authority to establish criteria for an eligible student who is student teaching outside of Kentucky but is otherwise eligible. HCS (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 164.769 to remove expected family income from the selection criteria for the teacher scholarship; amend KRS 164.7889 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/14/2025 - (H) THIRD READING, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute (1) and Committee Amendment (1-title)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to social studies curriculum.
Amend KRS 158.196 to require social studies instruction, materials, and academic standards to include the roles and contributions of indigenous peoples, people of color, and people from other marginalized or non-European groups, as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the history of the United States and the Commonwealth.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to school district employees and making an appropriation therefor.
Appropriate necessary funds for local school districts to provide a five percent salary increase to eligible employees in fiscal year 2025-2026; APPROPRIATION.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to reading and writing in schools.
Amend KRS 158.307 to define "dysgraphia"; require the Department of Education to annually review and update the dyslexia toolkit; expand dyslexia toolkit required guidance and include dysgraphia and other reading and writing difficulties; require rather than allow local boards of education to develop a policy on dyslexia; require rather than allow the policy to include certain items; require the department to compile and maintain data on dyslexia reported by local school districts; require the department to report dyslexia data to the appropriate Interim Joint Committee on Education; amend KRS 164.304 to require postsecondary institutions offering teacher preparation programs to include instruction on dyslexia by the 2026-2027 school year, rather than the instruction being contingent on availability of funding.
CURRENT STATUS2/18/2025 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
Amend KRS 407.440 to add gender-neutral language and make technical change.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Families & Children (H)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to leave from employment.
Amend KRS 337.415, relating to court-ordered appearances by employees, to define terms; prohibit employers from discharging or retaliating against an employee who is a crime victim when the employee takes leave to attend proceedings associated with a crime; require an employee to give an employer reasonable notice to take leave when practicable; provide guidelines for use of paid leave; require the employer to maintain confidentiality of records and communication with employee crime victim; create a private right of action for improper discharge, discrimination, retaliation, and failing to maintain confidentiality; amend KRS 337.990 to establish penalties for employer violations.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Economic Development & Workforce Investment (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to school curriculum.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define "Success Sequence"; require all students to receive instruction on the Success Sequence during grades 7 and 10 beginning with the 2026-2027 school year; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations to establish academic standards for instruction on the Success Sequence; require the Department of Education to develop guidelines for implementing Success Sequence instruction; permit superintendents to partner with Kentucky-based nonprofits to develop required curriculum.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to school districts.
Amend KRS 160.041 to provide a merger process for any contiguous school districts; require the Kentucky Board of Education to determine the terms of merger for an insolvent district if no agreement between the school districts can be reached, and to promulgate administrative regulations regarding mergers due to insolvency.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT relating to schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement in schools.
Amend KRS 160.346 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to annually identify schools for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI); require the audit of a CSI school to include an assessment and recommendation regarding the principal's capacity to lead the turnaround effort; remove the required use of a turnaround vendor by a CSI school; require the department to establish professional learning for teachers in a CSI school; require the superintendent of the district in which the CSI school is located to adopt evidence-based curriculum and select high-quality instructional materials for the school.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to preschool and kindergarten education.
Amend KRS 157.3175 to require school districts provide a full-day preschool education program for eligible three and four-year-olds; establish eligibility for the program; require that preschool for three year old children continue to be funded through a grant process and preschool programs for four-year-old children be funded under KRS 157.310 to 157.440; require preschool programs to operate on the school district calendar; require transportation be provided; amend KRS 158.031 to include preschool education programs for four-year-old children in the primary school program; amend KRS 157.320 to remove the definition of "kindergarten full-time equivalent pupil in average daily attendance"; amend KRS 157.360 to remove a reference to the kindergarten full-time equivalent; amend KRS 158.030 to include a preschool education program for four-year-old children in the definition of "common school"; remove language allowing kindergarten to operate for less than six hours on a school day; amend KRS 158.060 and 160.1596 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to high school graduation requirements.
Amend KRS 156.160 to allow participation in physically demanding interscholastic athletics, or similar activities, as determined by a local board of education to satisfy physical education course graduation requirements; make technical corrections.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to educators.
Amend KRS 160.160 to authorize a local board of education to establish minimum score requirements for certified positions within the district on specific assessments related to content knowledge, competency in educational practices, or both; require the district include minimum score information in any posts or notices for a related certified vacancy; amend KRS 161.030 to remove successful completion of assessments prior to receiving a teacher certification; amend KRS 161.048, 161.010, and 161.053 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Licensing, Occupations, & Administrative Regulations (H)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to financial literacy.
Amend KRS 158.1411 to require one credit in financial literacy during the eleventh or twelfth grade for students entering grade nine during or after the 2026-2027 school year; direct minimum topics to be covered in the course; direct that the financial literacy course be accepted as a math, social studies, or elective course graduation requirement; require the Department of Education, in collaboration with the Kentucky Financial Empowerment Commission, to determine which courses meet the financial literacy course requirement.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to sanctuary policies.
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 61 to define terms; prohibit state and local governmental entities from adopting sanctuary policies; require law enforcement agencies to use reasonable resources to support the enforcement of federal immigration law; prohibit policies which would restrict the sharing of information with federal immigration agencies; require compliance with federal requirements when a defendant subject to an immigration detainer has been sentenced in a criminal case; require correctional facilities to provide information regarding the date of discharge to federal immigration agencies and cooperate in the transfer of an inmate to federal custody; require completion of a sentence before an inmate may be transferred to federal custody in cases where the inmate is a violent offender; require a law enforcement agency to provide notice to a judge if a person in their custody is subject to an immigration detainer; require counties to endeavor to enter into agreements with federal immigration agencies regarding the housing of persons in county jails who are subject to immigration detainers; create a rebuttable presumption that a state or local officer who intentionally violates any of the provisions has committed malfeasance and neglect of duty and is subject to impeachment; allow the Attorney General to make findings that a local government has violated the Act; and to withhold road aid funding if the local government willfully violates the Act by refusing to cease a violation; create a private right of action against an official that has adopted a sanctuary policy; waive immunities when a person is injured by a person released as a result of a sanctuary policy; amend KRS 177.360 and 177.366 to require county road aid moneys be suspended upon notice by the Attorney General of willful violations by a local government and reinstated upon notice by the Attorney General of compliance; provide that the Act may be cited as the Lawful Immigration System Act of 2025.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Local Government (H)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to a deduction for union dues.
Amend KRS 141.019, relating to income tax, to define terms; allow a deduction from gross income for union dues and professional membership dues paid for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, but before January 1, 2030; amend KRS 131.190 to allow the Department of Revenue to report on the exclusion; make technical changes.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to school district use of autonomous vehicles.
Amend KRS 186.763 to prohibit school districts from operating fully autonomous vehicles for transporting students.
CURRENT STATUS2/12/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to human sexuality instruction in public schools.
Amend KRS 158.1415 to exclude puberty instruction from the prohibition of human sexuality instruction for students in the fifth grade and below; make human sexuality instruction opt-out for parents instead of opt-in.
CURRENT STATUS2/12/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to child sexual abuse instruction.
Amend KRS 158.1415 to exclude age-appropriate child sexual abuse instruction from the prohibition of human sexuality instruction for students in the fifth grade or lower.
CURRENT STATUS2/12/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to intranasal epinephrine.
Amend KRS 158.832 to include intranasal epinephrine to list of medications used to treat anaphylaxis; amend KRS 158.836 to include intranasal epinephrine as permissible for schools to keep.
CURRENT STATUS2/12/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health Services (H)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to human growth and development instruction.
Amend KRS 158.1415 to require a school district to adopt health curricula that includes human growth and development instruction that meets specific criteria; set restrictions for the instruction that grants parents an opportunity to review materials and opt their child out of instruction; provide that the Act may be cited as the Baby Olivia Act.
CURRENT STATUS2/12/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionDA OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to education.
Amend KRS 156.690 to insert gender-neutral language.
CURRENT STATUS2/12/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Postsecondary Education (H)
PositionLT Neutral |
A RESOLUTION encouraging Kentucky schools to acquire anti-choking devices.
Encourage Kentucky schools to acquire anti-choking devices.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (H) Referred to Committee House Primary and Secondary Education (H)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to wages.
Amend KRS 337.010 to increase the applicable threshold of employees of retail stores and service industries from $95,000 to $500,000 average annual gross volume of sales for the employer; amend KRS 337.275 to incrementally raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour; include anti-preemption language permitting local governments to establish minimum wage ordinances in excess of the state minimum wage.
CURRENT STATUS1/9/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.
Amend KRS 158.175 to require moments of silence or reflection at the start of each school day and establish guidelines.
CURRENT STATUS1/9/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT relating to bus safety.
Amend KRS 156.153 to define "danger zone"; direct the Department of Education to consider requiring the installation of school bus sensors and interior cameras on new school buses purchased on or after July 1, 2026; direct the department to promulgate administrative regulations; require the department to submit a report on the availability and effectiveness of school bus sensors to the Legislative Research Commission by June 30, 2026; amend KRS 156.990, 160.380, and 189.540 to conform; amend KRS 281.635 to encourage cities to install safety sensors in city buses; provide that part of the Act may be cited as Ally's Law.
CURRENT STATUS1/9/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Transportation (S)
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT relating to school bus safety.
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to define terms; allow the use of camera monitoring systems on school buses operated by a school district, and allow the enforcement of a civil penalty for stop arm camera violations recorded by a camera monitoring system; set the amount of the civil penalty; provide that the revenue generated from a civil penalty shall be retained by the school district; allow a law enforcement agency to charge a fee of $25 from every civil penalty enforced by the law enforcement agency; require specific notice for a stop arm camera violation; establish defenses to a violation; establish procedures for a contest to a violation; allow for suspension of motor vehicle registration for failure to timely pay a penalty; require a school district or law enforcement agency to notify the Transportation Cabinet of the need to release a motor vehicle registration suspension within one business day of payment; amend KRS 189.990 to increase the maximum fines for failing to stop for a school or church bus that is receiving or discharging passengers; amend KRS 189.370 to require traffic in the opposite direction of a school or church bus to stop for the bus on a highway that is not divided by an elevated barrier or unpaved median.
CURRENT STATUS1/9/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Transportation (S)
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships.
Amend KRS 164.7879 to increase the Kentucky educational excellence scholarship base amount for each eligible grade point average; increase the supplemental award amounts; require a supplemental award for eligible Cambridge Advanced International scores; amend KRS 164.7882 to increase the award amount for an eligible student enrolled in a comprehensive transition and postsecondary program; amend KRS 164.7874, 164.7881, 164.7884, and 164.7885 to conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2025.
CURRENT STATUS1/9/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to school meals at low-income schools.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define terms; establish the Kentucky Proud School Match Program fund; establish the Kentucky Proud School Match Program; direct the Department of Education to reimburse an eligible school district $0.33 for every meal reimbursed by the community eligibility provision at the paid rate; require a school district that receives a reimbursement to develop and implement a Kentucky Proud school plan to identify and purchase available Kentucky-grown agricultural products and to optimize food usage; direct the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations necessary to carry out this section; provide that the section shall be null and void if the community eligibility provision is terminated by the United States Department of Agriculture; provide that the Act may be cited as the Kentucky Proud School Match Act.
CURRENT STATUS1/9/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)
PositionBD SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to workplace harassment.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 338 to define "political matters" and "religious matters"; require an employer to post notice of employees' rights; provide an employer shall not subject or threaten to subject any employee to discipline or discharge for refusal to attend employer-sponsored meetings to communicate employer's opinion concerning religious or political matters or listen to speech or view communications of which the primary purpose of which is to communicate the employer's religious or political matters; permit an employee to bring a civil action to enforce the provisions of this Act.
CURRENT STATUS1/9/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary (S)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to restoring religious liberty.
Amend KRS 446.350 to define terms; outline appropriate relief if the statute is violated; apply to laws adopted before or after the effective date; include severability clause; waive sovereign and governmental immunity.
CURRENT STATUS1/10/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary (S)
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to local school boards.
Amend KRS 160.180 to remove the definition of "relative"; remove prohibition for local school board eligibility for individuals directly or indirectly interested in sales for which school funds are expended; prohibit employees of the board from being eligible for local school board membership; remove prohibition that a local school board candidate have no relative employed by the district; provide that board members may be removed from office after election for becoming an employee of the board, failure to abstain from board votes in which they have an interest, or for violation of the board's code of ethics; amend KRS 160.290 to require each local school board to create a board code of ethics; provide that a code of ethics cannot prohibit relatives of board members from being employed by the school district.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)
PositionDA OPPOSE |
AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property exempt from taxation.
Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to exempt for homeowners who are 65 years of age or older any increase in the valuation of their permanent residence and contiguous real property that is assessed after the later of the year the homeowner turned 65 or the year the homeowner purchased the property; require the exemption to be in addition to the exemption provided in Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky and notwithstanding Sections 171, 172, and 174 of the Constitution of Kentucky; apply the exemption to increases in valuation that occur after the date the amendment is ratified by the voters; provide ballot language; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.
PositionDA OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to education.
Amend KRS 158.645 to change the required learning capacities of Kentucky public school students; amend KRS 158.6451 to provide that schools shall expect a high level of academic achievement and shall develop students' ability to think critically and independently; amend KRS 156.010 to include career and technical education; amend KRS 160.345 to remove the reporting requirement relating to physical activity of students; amend KRS 157.065 to remove the reporting requirement relating to participation in breakfast programs; amend KRS 424.250 to reflect that school boards are tax levying authorities and do not file budgets with the county clerk; require district budgets to be published in the same manner as school financial reports; repeal KRS 157.061 and 158.856.
CURRENT STATUS2/4/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)
PositionBD Neutral |
AN ACT relating to the Education Professional Standards Board.
Amend KRS 161.028 to allow for a designee of the chief academic officer of an independent not-for-profit college or university to serve as a member of the Education Professional Standards Board.
CURRENT STATUS2/18/2025 - (S) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day; SCS 1
PositionLT OPPOSE |
AN ACT relating to KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools.
Amend KRS 164.7874 to include an equivalent score on the Classic Learning Test as a KEES supplemental amount; define "eligible noncertified school graduate"; amend definitions of "KEES award," "KEES award maximum," and " KEES base amount" for an eligible noncertified school graduate; amend KRS 164.7879 to establish an equivalent grade point average for eligible noncertified school graduates based on the graduate's ACT score; amend KRS 164.7881 and 164.7884 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/6/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)
PositionLT Neutral |
AN ACT relating to children.
Amend KRS 158.1415 to remove provisions related to parental rights and courses, curriculums, or programs on human sexuality; provide for a process for parents to opt out of their child receiving instruction on the subject of human sexuality; amend KRS 158.191 to remove language limiting Kentucky Board of Education or Department of Education policies regarding student confidential information and the use of pronouns; require a local school district to use pronouns for students upon a request from a parent along with a note from a medical provider diagnosing the child with gender dysphoria; remove language concerning parental consent for well-being questionnaires or assessments or a health screening; amend KRS 158.189 to make findings about children and young adults desiring individual privacy; require a school to provide an accommodation to any student who requests an area of individual privacy in restrooms, locker rooms, and shower rooms, regardless of biological sex or gender identity; require school officials to provide an accommodation for individual privacy for children whose gender is different from his or her biological sex and who have a note from a medical provider diagnosing the child with gender dysphoria; permit alternate accommodations upon the parent's request; amend KRS 311.372 to prohibit surgical or medical treatment of a child under the age of 18 years for gender dysphoria, and any nonsurgical medical treatment without the consent of the child's parent or legal guardian; require that the provision of nonsurgical medical treatment to a child under the age of 18 years apply only to a child with a medical diagnosis from a mental health care provider and by a trained and experienced health care provider in collaboration with a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist using only appropriate nonsurgical medical treatments approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for adolescents and that meet evidence-based medical standards.
CURRENT STATUS2/6/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to civil rights.
Amend KRS 344.010 to define terms; amend KRS 344.020, relating to the purpose of the Kentucky's civil rights chapter, to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.025, 344.040, 344.050, 344.060, 344.070, and 344.080, relating to prohibited discrimination in various labor and employment practices, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.100 and 344.110 to conform; amend KRS 344.120 and 344.140, relating to prohibited discrimination in places of public accommodation, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.170, 344.180, 344.190, 344.300, and 344.310, relating to the state and local human rights commissions, to include prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in the scope of their powers and duties; amend KRS 344.360, 344.370, 344.380, and 344.680, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain housing, real estate, and other financial transactions, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.367, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain insurance sales, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; amend KRS 344.400, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain credit transactions, to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity; make various technical amendments; amend KRS 18A.095 to conform.
CURRENT STATUS2/6/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary (S)
PositionDA SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to state holidays and declaring an emergency.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate June 19 through July 4 as "Civic Season" in the Commonwealth; amend KRS 2.110 to add the nineteenth day of June as a state holiday commemorating Juneteenth National Freedom Day; EMERGENCY.
CURRENT STATUS2/7/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State & Local Government (S)
PositionLT SUPPORT |
AN ACT relating to sex-based classifications.
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 61 to define "boy," "equal," "female," "girl," "male," "man," "sex," and "woman"; prohibit any state or local law, regulation, ordinance, or policy from treating males or females unfairly from similiarly situated members of the opposite sex, but permit separation of the sexes if in the interest of maintaining safety, privacy, and fairness; provide a non-exhaustive list of examples of areas in which public entities may distinguish between the sexes; require any public school, public school district, state agency, department, local government, special district or any political subdivision of those entities that collects vital statistics to identify each person as either male or female; provide that the Act may be cited as the Kentucky Women's Bill of Rights.
CURRENT STATUS2/11/2025 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education (S)
PositionDA OPPOSE |