My Tracked Bills
Prepared by: Kate Shanks
Report created on July 27, 2024
HB1WAGES (STUMBO G) AN ACT relating to wages.

Amend KRS 337.275 to raise the state minimum wage to $8.10 per hour on July 1, 2014, $9.15 per hour on July 1, 2015, and $10.10 per hour on July 1, 2016; amend KRS 337.420 to define "equivalent jobs" as those that are equal under the federal Equal Pay Act, or jobs that are dissimilar but equivalent in skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions; amend KRS 337.423 to prohibit wage discrimination on the basis of sex, race, or national origin by prohibiting wage differentials for employees who perform equivalent jobs; provide exceptions for wage differentials based on seniority or merit systems, systems that measure wages by quantity or quality of production, and factors other than sex, race, or national origin; amend KRS 337.425 to require the promulgation of administrative regulations to specify criteria for determining jobs that are dominated by employees of a particular sex, race, or national origin, and acceptable methodology for determining equivalent skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions; require that the promulgation occur on or before July 1, 2015; amendments to KRS 337.423 EFFECTIVE July 1, 2016.
 Current Status:   3/20/2014 - (S) reassigned to committee Senate Licensing, Occupations, and Administrative Regulations
HB2BACHELOR DEGREE ATTAINMENT (STUMBO G) AN ACT relating to increasing bachelor's degree attainment at postsecondary education institutions located in coal-producing counties.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to establish the Kentucky Coal County College Completion Program to include the Kentucky Coal County College Completion Scholarship and the Kentucky Coal County College Completion Student Services Grant; create the Kentucky Coal County District to include coal-producing counties as defined in KRS 42.4592(1)(c); direct the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority to administer the program; define student and institutional eligibility for scholarships and grants; define the maximum grant amounts; require the authority to make an annual report on the program and a program evaluation every four years; fund the program with amounts appropriated from coal severance tax receipts in the biennial budget; APPROPRIATION.
 Current Status:   4/25/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB3LEGISLATIVE BRANCH (OVERLY S) AN ACT relating to the legislative branch of state government.

Amend KRS 6.611 to implement the "no cup of coffee" rule for legislators, limit allowable payments for attendance of individual legislators to events held in-state, define "in-state" and include administrative regulations and legislative proposals not introduced in the General Assembly to the definition of "legislation"; amend KRS 6.701 to specify that sexual and workplace harassment information is to be part of the legislative ethics manual and training program, and specify that the training for legislators is to be conducted by an individual chosen by the deputy director of human resources; amend KRS 6.711 to specify that sexual and workplace harassment law and policy is to be part of the general curriculum of the legislative orientation courses, make sexual and workplace harassment training mandatory for legislators, specify that the training is to be conducted by a live presenter, expand the orientation training requirement to five hours, and require that two of the five hours of the orientation course is to be devoted to sexual and workplace harassment law and policy; amend KRS 6.716 to include updates on sexual and workplace harassment in the current issues seminar for legislators, and specify that one of the three hours of the current issues seminar is to be devoted to sexual and workplace harassment training; amend KRS 6.747 to specify that the legislative agent or employer may not furnish out-of-state transportation or lodging for a legislator with certain exceptions; amend KRS 6.767 to prohibit a legislator, candidate, or campaign committee from accepting a campaign contribution from an executive agency lobbyist, or an employer of a legislative agent or executive agency lobbyist during a regular session of the General Assembly, except for a special election held during a regular session of the General Assembly; amend KRS 6,811 to prohibit a legislative agent or employer to give anything of value to a legislative candidate, prohibit a legislative agent from soliciting, controlling, or delivering a campaign contribution, prohibit an employer of a legislative agent from making a campaign contribution to a legislator, candidate, campaign committee, or caucus campaign committee during a regular session of the General Assembly, and delete language allowing legislative agents and their employers to purchase food or beverages for legislators not to exceed $100 ("no cup of coffee" rule); amend KRS 6.821 to conform, and to include the cost of advertising during a General Assembly by an employer of a legislative agent or their affiliates in the employer's statement filed with the Legislative Ethics Commission; create a new section of KRS Chapter 7 to require the Commission, with the assistance of the Personnel Cabinet, to establish a job classification and compensation system for non-partisan employees of the Commission by July 1, 2014, require non-partisan staff to be employed, promoted, disciplined, and dismissed in accordance with that system, allow non-partisan staff to appeal to the Kentucky Personnel Board, require that each non-partisan employee of the Commission have a personnel file that is accessible to the employee, and provide that nothing in this section shall grant rights under KRS Chapter 18A to employees of the Commission; create a new section of KRS Chapter 7 to define "sexual harassment" and "workplace harassment", require the Commission to establish comprehensive policies and procedures to maintain a harassment-free workplace, require the Commission to employ a deputy director for human resources upon recommendation of the director who may only be dismissed by the Commission, provide for partisan staff to make complaints under this section, require complaints of workplace harassment to be investigated and the findings and recommendations made in a written report to the Commission, prohibit the Commission from providing staff support for a member of the Senate or House, or anyone directly employed by the Senate or the House, who has not consented in writing to be bound by the policies and procedures regarding sexual and workplace harassment; amend KRS 7.090 to require employment of personnel by the Commission to be in accordance with the job classification and compensation system; amend KRS 18A.030 to require the secretary of the Personnel Cabinet to assist the Commission in establishing a job classification and compensation system; amend KRS 18A.075 to the require the Kentucky Personnel Board to assist the Commission in establishing a job classification and compensation system; require the Commission to contract with an external entity within 10 days of enactment of this legislation to evaluate all facets of the policies, procedures, and culture of all Commission staff, require certain experience of the outside entity, and require the entity to recommend best practice in accordance with the requirements of this Act; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   2/20/2014 - House State Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB5PERSONAL INFORMATION SECURITY (BUTLER D) AN ACT relating to the safety and security of personal information held by public agencies.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to define certain terms; create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to require public agencies and nonaffiliated third parties to implement, maintain, and update security procedures and practices, including taking any appropriate corrective action to safeguard against security breaches; establish reasonable security and breach investigation procedures; include security and breach investigation procedures in contracts with nonaffiliated third parties; create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to require public agencies that maintain personal information to notify persons impacted by security breaches; notify specified officials of security breaches; specify how to provide notice of security breaches to impacted individuals; create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to require the Department for Libraries and Archives to establish procedures for the disposal and destruction of records that include personal information and require the legislative and judicial branches to follow Sections 1 to 4 of this Act; amend KRS 42.722 to define certain terms; amend KRS 42.726 to require the Commonwealth Office of Technology to develop a security framework relating to privacy and confidentiality of personal information and submit an annual report to the Legislative Research Commission regarding security breaches; amend KRS 42.732 to require the Commonwealth Office of Technology to receive specified advice on preventing security attacks; amend KRS 171.450 to require the Department for Libraries and Archives to establish procedures to protect against unauthorized access to personal information; amend KRS 171.680 to require public agencies to comply with the provisions of Sections 1 to 4 of this Act.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB12EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS (GREER J) AN ACT relating to confirmation of executive appointments.

Amend KRS 304.2-020 to delete the requirement for Senate confirmation of the Governor's appointment of the commissioner of the Department of Insurance; and amend KRS 342.228 to delete the requirement for Senate confirmation of the Governor's appointment of the commissioner of the Department of Workers' Claims.
 Current Status:   2/18/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Banking and Insurance
HB15COAL SEVERANCE (STEELE F) AN ACT relating to coal severance revenues and declaring an emergency.

Amend various sections in KRS Chapter 42 to distribute 100% of coal severance revenues among the coal producing counties on the basis of the tax collected on coal severed or processed in each respective county; amend KRS 143.090 and 164.7891 to make conforming changes; repeal KRS 42.490; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB17ECONOMIC INCENTIVES (CLARK L) AN ACT relating to reporting on economic incentive programs.

Create a new section of Subchapter 12 of KRS Chapter 154 to require the cabinet to maintain a searchable electronic database containing information on the cost and status of economic incentive programs; specify programs and information to be included; apply to specified programs approved within last five years; require in addition a single annual written report for programs approved in preceding fiscal year; specify programs and information to be included; amend KRS 148.546, 148.8591, 154.12-100, 154.12-208, 154.12-278, 154.20-150, 154.27-050, and 154.31-030 to conform.
 Current Status:   4/25/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB19DELINQUENT TAXES (YONTS B) AN ACT relating to the collection of delinquent taxes.

Amend KRS 44.030 and 131.560 to prohibit the offsetting of a person's financial claim against the state or a local government, including claims for individual income tax refunds, to satisfy a delinquent property tax debt owed to the state or any local government if the 11-year period established for liens on the property on which the tax has become delinquent has expired; amend KRS 134.015 to extinguish the personal debt of a taxpayer for delinquent property taxes upon the expiration of the 11-year period established for liens on the property on which the taxes have become delinquent; amend KRS 134.490 to clarify that a third-party purchaser of a certificate of delinquency may institute an action to collect on the certificate anytime after the 1-year tolling period but prior to the 11-year period established in KRS 134.546; amend KRS 134.546 to provide that a certificate of delinquency becomes null and void 11 years from the date when the taxes became delinquent.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB20TEACHERS (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to the employment of public school teachers.

Amend KRS 160.345 to require teacher vacancies to be filled by qualified teachers certified through a regular certification program before considering applicants certified through an alternative certification program.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB21SALES TAX HOLIDAYS (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to sales and use tax holidays and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 139 to establish a three-day sales and use tax holiday the first weekend in August each year to exempt clothing, school supplies, school art supplies, computers, and school computer supplies; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB22FUEL TAXES (BECHLER L) AN ACT relating to motor fuels taxes.

Amend KRS 138.210 to remove any adjustment to the "average wholesale price" without the direct action of the General Assembly.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB23SALES TAX HOLIDAYS (STEELE F) AN ACT relating to sales and use tax holidays and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 139 to establish a three day sales and use tax holiday the first weekend in August each year to exempt clothing, school supplies, school art supplies, computers, and school computer supplies; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB27FIREFIGHTERS (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to firefighters.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 95 establishing a rebuttable presumption that cancer, resulting in either temporary or permanent disability or death, is an occupational disease for full-time firefighters; establish the guidelines for compensation; establish the types of carcinogens associated with specific types of cancers.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Labor and Industry
HB28CODE OF LEGISLATIVE ETHICS (YONTS B) AN ACT relating to the Code of Legislative Ethics.

Amend KRS 6.611 to implement the "no cup of coffee" rule for legislators, limit allowable payments for attendance of individual legislators to events held in-state, define "in-state" and include administrative regulations and legislative proposals not introduced in the General Assembly to the definition of "legislation"; amend KRS 6.747 to specify that the legislative agent or employer may not furnish out-of-state transportation or lodging for a legislator with certain exceptions; amend KRS 6.767 to prohibit a legislator, candidate, or campaign committee from accepting a campaign contribution from an executive agency lobbyist, or an employer of a legislative agent or executive agency lobbyist during a regular session of the General Assembly, except for a special election held during a regular session of the General Assembly; amend KRS 6.811 to prohibit a legislative agent or employer from giving anything of value to a legislative candidate, prohibit a legislative agent from soliciting, controlling, or delivering a campaign contribution, prohibit an employer of a legislative agent from making a campaign contribution to a legislator, candidate, campaign committee, or caucus campaign committee during a regular session of the General Assembly, and delete language allowing legislative agents and their employers to purchase food or beverages for legislators not to exceed $100 ("no cup of coffee" rule); amend KRS 6.821 to conform, and to include the cost of advertising during a General Assembly by an employer of a legislative agent or their affiliates in the employer's statement filed with the Legislative Ethics Commission..
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB31EMINENT DOMAIN (TILLEY J) AN ACT relating to eminent domain.

Amend KRS 278.502 to condition the exercise of condemnation authority upon approval of the Public Service Commission, which may be given only after review of delineated statutory criteria.
 Current Status:   3/24/2014 - received in Senate
HB37INVESTOR TAX CREDIT (SIMPSON A) AN ACT relating to the angel investor tax credit.

Create new sections of Subchapter 20 of KRS Chapter 154 to establish the angel investor tax credit program for certain investments in small businesses; define terms; state Act's title and purposes; list requirements for small businesses and investors to qualify for participation; require the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority (KEDFA) to establish the application process; cap the total amount of angel investor and Kentucky Investment Fund Act tax credits available in all years at $40,000,000; require KEDFA to maintain a Web site listing all businesses and investors certified and all credits awarded; require small businesses to report annually and allow for tax credit recapture in certain circumstances; amend KRS 152.20-255 to provide that the total amount of tax credits available in the Kentucky Investment Fund Act program and the angel investor program is $40,000,000 in all years; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish the credit; amend KRS 141.0205 to provide the ordering of the credit.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB39CABLE TELEVISION (WATKINS G) AN ACT relating to cable television.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to require that any contract between a local government and a cable television service provider include a provision requiring the cable provider to offer access to channels individually.
 Current Status:   2/26/2014 - House Local Government, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB42FISCAL MEASURES (KING K) AN ACT relating to legislative procedures for state fiscal measures.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 6 to require roll call votes on any appropriation or revenue-raising measure voted upon in the Senate or House or a committee thereof; require identification of appropriation or revenue measures as state fiscal measures by the Director of the Legislative Research Commission, or upon a determination by the Senate or House or a committee of either; require separate votes for appropriations or revenue measures; require committees to vote on appropriation and revenue measures by roll call votes.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB46TVA (STONE W) AN ACT relating to TVA in-lieu-of-tax payments, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 96.895 to provide that, beginning in fiscal year 2014-2015, a portion of the Tennessee Valley Authority in-lieu-of-tax payment made to the Commonwealth and deposited into the general fund shall be transferred to the regional development agency assistance fund to be distributed among fiscal court-designated local industrial development authorities for economic development and job creation activities; provide that the transfer will not affect the portion of the total TVA payment that is currently distributed among local government entities; provide that these transfers will be phased-in over a five-year period, with an amount equal to 50 percent of the general fund portion of the total TVA annual payment being transferred in fiscal year 2018-2019, and each fiscal year thereafter, not to exceed $6,000,000 each year; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB48PUBLIC RETIREMENT INFORMATION (BENVENUTI R) AN ACT relating to the disclosure of public retirement information.

Amend KRS 61.661, 161.585, and 21.540 to require the Kentucky Retirement Systems, Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, and the Judicial Form Retirement System, to disclose upon request the names, status, projected or actual benefit payments, and other retirement information of each member or recipient of a retirement allowance of the systems; require the systems to also make the information available on a searchable database on the systems' Web site or on a Web site established by the executive or judicial branch to provide government expenditure and salary data to the public.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government
HB52NUCLEAR POWER (WATKINS G) AN ACT relating to nuclear power.

Amend KRS 278.600 to define "storage" and require that nuclear power facilities have a plan for the storage of nuclear waste rather than a means for permanent disposal; amend KRS 278.610 to delete the requirement that the Public Service Commission certify the facility as having a means for disposal of high-level nuclear waste; change all references to the disposal of nuclear waste to the storage of nuclear waste; prohibit construction of low-level waste disposal sites in the Commonwealth, except as provided in KRS 211.852; require the Public Service Commission to determine whether the construction or operation of a nuclear power facility, including one constructed by entities regulated under KRS Chapter 96, would create low-level nuclear waste or mixed wastes that would be required to be disposed of in low-level waste disposal sites in the Commonwealth; repeal KRS 278.605.
 Current Status:   3/24/2014 - (H) Returned to Committee House Tourism Development and Energy
HB60EMINENT DOMAIN (FLOYD D) AN ACT relating to eminent domain and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 278.502 to limit the scope of the eminent domain authority created by that section; declare amendments retroactive to October 1, 2013; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   3/21/2014 - (H) WITHDRAWN
HB63UTILITIES (GOOCH JR. J) AN ACT relating to utilities.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to require retail electric suppliers to maintain a 30-day supply of fuel for electricity generation.
 Current Status:   2/11/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Tourism Development and Energy
HB64CRIMINAL RECORDS (OWENS D) AN ACT relating to criminal records.

Amend KRS 431.076 to expand the scope of an expungement motion under that statute to include felonies referred to a grand jury where no indictment ensues; amend KRS 431.078 to expand that statute's expungement process to include Class D felonies; create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to establish various protections for persons whose records have been expunged; create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to establish standards for commercial criminal record history providers; amend KRS 527.040 to expressly provide that an expunged felony does not trigger the application of that statute.
 Current Status:   2/26/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
HB66PUBLIC BENEFIT CORPORATIONS (FLOOD K) AN ACT relating to public benefit corporations.

Amend KRS 271B.1-400, 14A.3-010, 271B.2-020, 271B.6-260, 271B.7-400, 271B.8-300, 271B.13-020, and 271B.16-210, and create a new section of subtitle 11 of KRS Chapter 271B to establish public benefit corporations.
 Current Status:   1/17/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
HB67CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT (CLARK L) AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 226 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to casino gaming.

Propose to amend Section 226 of the Kentucky Constitution to allow the General Assembly to permit casino gaming by general laws that shall also strictly regulate casino gaming; submit to voters.
 Current Status:   3/11/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Licensing and Occupations
HB68GAMING (CLARK L) AN ACT relating to gaming and making an appropriation therefor.

Establish KRS Chapter 239 and create new sections thereof to enumerate legislative findings and declarations; define terms, to include "adjusted gaming receipts," "affiliate," "applicant," "casino game," "casino license," "casino licensee," "casino gaming," "cheat," "commission," "control," "county," "electronic gaming device," "gaming facility," "gaming licensee," "gaming supplies and equipment," "gross gaming receipts," "occupational license," "racing association casino licensee," "supplier," and "wager"; create the Kentucky Gaming Commission and establish its membership; establish the operating procedures for the commission; establish the commission's powers and duties, including the authority to promulgate administrative regulations, inspect premises, issue subpoenas, administer oaths, initiate disciplinary action against applicants and licensees, and employ investigators; prohibit commissioners from engaging in off-the-record communication with applicants; require a continuing study of all aspects of gaming; require an executive director to be appointed by the Governor; establish casino license and criteria for casino location; establish requirements for casino licensure; specify information to be required on a casino license application; establish requirements for a racing association casino license; specify information to be required on a racing association casino license application; permit issuance of a temporary racing association casino license; require a racing association with a casino license to hold as many races as it held in 2014; specify exceptions to requirement; mandate that collective bargaining agreements in effect at racing associations shall also be in effect at casinos established at racing association casino; require supplier license for persons manufacturing, designing, assembling, selling, leasing, distributing, installing, or otherwise furnishing gaming supplies and equipment; grant commission authority to issue, not issue, renew, suspend, or revoke a supplier license, or to issue a temporary license; establish requirements for all suppliers; require occupational licensure for select employees of gaming facility and specify requirements for occupational licensure; grant commission authority to issue, not issue, renew, suspend, or revoke an occupational license, or to issue a temporary license; limit the number of issued and effective licenses to 5 racing association casino licenses and 3 casino licenses at any one time; establish a competitive selection process for selection of applicants for casino licenses; establish initial casino and initial racing association casino license fees of fifty million dollars; establish fees for license application, license renewal, supplier's license fees and occupational license fees; provide for an appeal process; establish requirements for gaming licensees including purchase of games and supplies, personnel, security, and reporting requirements; require the commission to establish minimum standards for gaming licensees relating to fiscal protection and control, financial reporting, and auditing; permit exclusion or ejection of certain persons and establish conditions for exclusion or ejection; exempt casino games or supplies licensed under provisions of this Act from 15 U.S.C. sec. 1172; prohibit any person under the age of 21 from placing a wager at a casino or accessing a casino gaming facility; prohibit cheating and establish penalties for cheating; establish the Kentucky gaming account and direct all wagering taxes levied by this Act to be deposited within; direct disbursements from the fund to the Kentucky compulsive gamblers assistance account, early childhood, primary, secondary, and postsecondary education, the Kentucky public pension stabilization fund, host jurisdictions, the Kentucky municipal public safety account, the Kentucky county public safety account, and the prevention and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse; retain 25% for appropriation by the General Assembly; create the Kentucky municipal public safety account and specify the distribution of funds from the account; establish the Kentucky county public safety account and specify the uses of funds dedicated to it; stipulate that gaming facilities are permissible uses at racetracks and casino facilities not located at racetracks shall be permitted uses in all zones which allow sports, entertainment, recreation, or retail facilities of a similar size; establish a set-aside amount for racing association casino licensees and specify the distribution of the funds for horse industry-related topics; require an annual audit of each racing association casino licensee; create a new section of KRS Chapter 138 to establish a tax rate of 25% for the first three years of a racing association casino licensee, increasing to 30% thereafter; establish a tax rate of 39.5% for the first three years of a casino gaming facility, increasing to 44.5% thereafter; create a new section of KRS Chapter 222 to establish the Kentucky compulsive gamblers assistance fund and specify use of funds; create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to establish the Kentucky public pension stabilization fund and specify use of funds; amend KRS 243.500 and 243.505 to allow alcohol sales at a casino; amend KRS 525.090 to conform; amend KRS 528.010 to exempt licensed casino gaming from the definition of "advancing gambling activity," "gambling," "gambling device," and "profiting from gambling activity"; amend KRS 528.100 to conform; amend KRS 15.380, relating to training of officers, to include Kentucky gaming commission employees; amend KRS 12.020 to place the Kentucky gaming commission under the Public Protection Cabinet for administrative purposes; amend KRS 372.005 to conform; amend KRS 68.180, 68.197, 91.200, 92.281, and 93.300 to exempt gaming receipts from local licensing taxes; create a noncodified section to establish severability; effective upon certification of election results in November 2014 if a constitutional amendment is enacted by the General Assembly and approved by the voters permitting the General Assembly to authorize casino gaming.
 Current Status:   1/22/2014 - House Licensing and Occupations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB73INSURANCE COMPANIES (RICHARDS J) AN ACT relating to filing requirements for managed health care plan terms and conditions for provider participation.

Amend KRS 304.17A-527 to require a managed care plan to file copies of any terms and conditions required of a provider to participate in the network, on forms to be prescribed by administrative regulation promulgated by the commissioner.
 Current Status:   4/14/2014 - (S) recommitted to committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
HB75SUPERINTENDENTS (GRAHAM D) AN ACT relating to training and assessment of new superintendents and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 156.111 to expand the number of components within the superintendent's training program and assessment center; require a superintendent to complete the assessment center process within two years of taking office as superintendent; require the Kentucky Board of Education to adopt administrative regulations to govern the criteria for successful completion of the training requirements; amend KRS 160.350 to require a superintendent to complete the training program and assessment center process within two years of assuming the duties of superintendent; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB76FINANCIAL LITERACY (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to financial literacy.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require the Department of Education to develop the Kentucky Financial Literacy Program; require a high school student to complete a one-half credit bearing course in financial literacy prior to graduation.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB77FINANCIAL LITERACY (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to financial literacy.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require the Department of Education to develop a financial literacy program; require a high school student to complete a course in financial literacy that is integrated in the existing curriculum.
 Current Status:   2/12/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education
HB79SCHOOL ENROLLMENT (RICHARDS J) AN ACT relating to the enrollment of refugee or legal alien students in schools.

Amend KRS 158.100 to allow a local board of education to provide services to refugees and legal aliens who are between the ages of 21 and 23; amend KRS 157.360 to adjust SEEK base funding to include refugees or legal aliens between the ages of 21 and 23 who are enrolled in a high school program.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB83STATUS OFFENDERS (BRATCHER K) AN ACT relating to status offenders.

Amend KRS 630.030 to allow a peace officer to detain a truant child; amend KRS 630.040 to conform; amend KRS 610.200 to allow a peace officer to release a truant child to the child's school.
 Current Status:   2/5/2014 - (H) WITHDRAWN
HB85CHARTER SCHOOLS (MONTELL B) AN ACT relating to charter schools and making an appropriation therefor.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 160 to describe the intent of the General Assembly and the purposes of authorizing public charter schools; define terms; establish the Kentucky Public Charter School Commission and identify membership selection and responsibilities of members; outline the requirements and limitations on the establishment of charter schools including identification of charter school authorizers; describe responsibilities of authorizers; describe charter school application, renewal, and revocation processes; establish the Kentucky Public Charter School Commission trust fund and identify uses of the fund; create a new section of KRS Chapter 159 to identify student enrollment and withdrawal requirements to be followed by a charter school; create a new section of KRS Chapter 161 to identify employment conditions for charter school staff; create a new section of KRS Chapter 157 to require local, state, and federal funds to be distributed to charter schools using formulas and allocation processes used in public schools; amend KRS 161.220 to include a teacher employed by a board of directors of a public charter school as a member within the state retirement system; amend KRS 161.220 to include employees of boards of directors of public charter schools in the state-sponsored retirement system; amend KRS 78.510 to include noncertified employees of public charter schools in the state-sponsored retirement system.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB87EMPLOYMENT RATES AND EARNINGS (YONTS B) AN ACT relating to transparency in employment rates and earnings.

Amend KRS 151B.133 to require the Office for Education and Workforce Statistics to disseminate, in cooperation with the Council on Postsecondary Education and the Department of Education, information concerning the employment rates and earnings by degrees and academic majors of graduates from the public universities; require the information to be posted on the Web sites of the Office for Education and Workforce Statistics, the Council on Postsecondary Education, and each public university, published in public university catalogues, and made available to every high school guidance and career counselor; amend KRS 151B.134 to ensure that the Board of the Kentucky Center for Education and Workforce Statistics distributes information to appropriate personnel within the agencies represented on the board; amend KRS 164.020 to ensure that the Council on Postsecondary Education cooperates and the public universities participate in the creation of the information concerning the employment rates and earnings of graduates from the public universities for the purpose of comparison by level of degrees, academic majors, and public universities.
 Current Status:   4/7/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB95PUBLIC PENSION OVERSIGHT BOARD (COURSEY W) AN ACT relating to the Public Pension Oversight Board.

Amend KRS 7A.220 to increase the Public Pension Oversight Board membership from 13 to 17 members by adding one retiree of the Kentucky Retirement Systems appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one retiree of the Kentucky Retirement Systems appointed by the President of the Senate, one employee of an agency participating in the Kentucky Retirement Systems appointed by the Speaker of the House, and one employee of an agency participating in the Kentucky Retirement Systems appointed by the President of the Senate.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government
HB96PUBLIC PROCUREMENT (DONOHUE J) AN ACT relating to public procurement.

Create new section of KRS Chapter 45A making findings of the General Assembly and establishing policy of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to promote the Kentucky and United States economies by requiring a preference for iron, steel, and manufactured goods produced in Kentucky and the United States; create new section of KRS Chapter 45A defining "manufactured in Kentucky", "manufactured in the United States", "Kentucky", and "United States", require preference for iron, steel, and manufactured goods made in Kentucky in construction and maintenance contracts and subcontracts, provide for a waiver of the Kentucky preference requirement, require preference for iron, steel, and manufactured goods made in the United States if the Kentucky waiver is granted, and provide for a waiver of the United States preference requirement; create a new section of KRS Chapter 45A establishing a short title of "Kentucky Buy American Act"; amend KRS 45A.343, 45A.352, 65.027, 162.070, 164A.575, 176.080, and 424.260 to require compliance with the "Kentucky Buy American Act".
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government
HB97SALES AND USE TAX (CRIMM R) AN ACT relating to sales and use tax.

Amend KRS 139.010 to exempt from sales and use tax any charges by the retailer for any services necessary to complete the sale if the charges are separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale, or similar document given to the purchaser; EFFECTIVE August 1, 2014.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB100HEROIN (BANTA K) AN ACT relating to heroin.

Amend KRS 218A.1412 to establish a 50 percent time service requirement for offenders trafficking in two grams or more of heroin; establish a higher penalty structure for heroin trafficking resulting in an overdose death.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary
HB106PUBLIC EMPLOYEE HEALTH COVERAGE (BENVENUTI R) AN ACT relating to health insurance coverage for public employees.

Amend KRS 6.237 and 11.065 to prohibit General Assembly members, the Governor, and the Governor's Executive Cabinet from receiving health insurance coverage and benefits through the state health plan effective January 1, 2015; provide that General Assembly members, the Governor, and the Governor's Executive Cabinet may purchase health insurance coverage through a state or federally operated health insurance exchange and receive a premium reimbursement up to $175 per month; amend KRS 18A.225 and 18A.227 to conform.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government
HB111SCHOOL BASED COUNCILS (GRAHAM D) AN ACT relating to school-based decision making councils and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 160.345 to require at least one parent representative of the school council to reside within the boundaries of the local school district; prohibit non-tenured teachers from serving on school councils unless no tenured teachers are willing or are available to serve; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   1/7/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB136LIMITED LIABILITY ENTITY TAX (YONTS B) AN ACT relating to the limited liability entity tax and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 141.0401 to expand the definition of cost of goods sold to include any costs allowed by the Internal Revenue Code; effective for tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2007; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   1/8/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB145MEDICAL ORDER (WATKINS D) AN ACT relating to medical order for scope of treatment.

Amend KRS 311.621 to define "medical order for scope of treatment"; create a new section of KRS 311.621 to 311.643 to permit the completion of a medical order for scope of treatment directing medical interventions; require the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure to promulgate administrative regulations to develop a standardized medical order for scope of treatment form; list the required contents of the standardized medical order for scope of treatment; amend KRS 311.623, 311.633, and 311.637 to add the medical order for scope of treatment.
 Current Status:   3/11/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
HB148WAGE DISCRIMINATION (MARZIAN M) AN ACT relating to wage discrimination.

Amend KRS 337.420 to define "equivalent jobs" as those that are equal under the federal Equal Pay Act, or jobs that are dissimilar but equivalent in skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions; amend KRS 337.423 to prohibit wage discrimination on the basis of sex, race, or national origin by prohibiting wage differentials for employees who perform equivalent jobs; provide exceptions for wage differentials based on seniority or merit systems, systems that measure wages by quantity or quality of production, and factors other than sex, race, or national origin; amend KRS 337.425 to require the promulgation of administrative regulations to specify criteria for determining jobs that are dominated by employees of a particular sex, race, or national origin, and acceptable methodology for determining equivalent skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions; require that the promulgation occur on or before July 1, 2015; amendments to KRS 337.423 EFFECTIVE July 1, 2016.
 Current Status:   1/8/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Labor and Industry
HB149TUITION FEES (WATKINS D) AN ACT relating to tuition-free courses for employees of public postsecondary institutions and their dependents.

Amend KRS 164.020 to allow dependents of full-time employees of public postsecondary institutions to take up to six credit hours per term at any postsecondary institution with tuition waived; amend KRS 164.5807 to allow full-time employees of KCTCS and theirin dependents to take a maximum of six credit hours per term at any public postsecondary institution with tuition waived.
 Current Status:   1/8/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB153FIREFIGHTERS (BUTLER D) AN ACT relating to firefighters.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 95 to establish a rebuttable presumption that cancer, resulting in temporary or permanent disability or death, is an occupational disease for full-time paid firefighters; establish the guidelines for compensation; establish the types of carcinogens associated with specific types of cancers.
 Current Status:   1/28/2014 - (H) reassigned to committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB154SCHOOL FINANCE (DENHAM M) AN ACT relating to school finance.

Amend KRS 160.431 to require financial reports to be made by a school finance officer and the commissioner of education; require an annual review of school district financial reports; specify annual training requirements for school finance officers.
 Current Status:   4/25/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB160UNIFICATION OF COUNTIES (KOENIG A) AN ACT relating to voluntary unification of counties.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 67 to establish a new procedure for the optional consolidation of counties; exclude consolidated local governments, charter county governments, urban-county governments, and unified local governments from the procedures; permit two or more counties to consolidate with such action initiated by public petition or local ordinance; require signatures of 20% or more of the number of persons voting in last presidential election for initiation petition; provide for the contents and certification of petitions as prescribed; require the county judge/executive in the initiating county within 10 days to notify the other local governments and their citizens of the proposal as prescribed; require responding action in adjoining counties within 120 days or initial action becomes void; require a special election within 90 days if adjoining counties enter the process; require approval in each county for consolidation to become effective; prescribe the language for the ballot, other election procedures, and advertisement of the election by the sheriff; require a simple majority of those voting in each county for approval; require all election costs to be paid for by the state, and prohibit any organizational changes in a newly consolidated county for 10 years; prohibit any new county from becoming effective until the end of terms of current officeholders and require new officers to be elected in the same manner and at same time as other county officials; require the county judge/executive in each county to appoint 6 citizens to a transition committee as prescribed; require transition committee to divide county into 3-8 magisterial districts and to select 2-5 names for the new county to be decided by the voters; require final report of the transition committee as prescribed; provide for a gubernatorial appointee to break tie vote on questions relating to the name of the new county, the formation of magisterial districts, or other issues on the ballot; require all taxes from the immediate year to remain in effect until changed by the new county; require the creation of a special taxing district for repayment of prior financial obligations in previously existing counties as prescribed; require surplus funds to be spent in the areas where funds were raised as prescribed; permit voters to determine the location of new county seat from previously existing locations; require county seat to remain at that location for not less than 10 years; require other remaining county buildings to be maintained as branch offices for 10 years as prescribed; require the Department for Local Government to promulgate administrative regulations awarding preference points on community development block grant applications and provide technical and advisory assistance to consolidated counties; require, upon consolidation, all appointments to boards of special purpose governmental entities to remain in effect until the expiration of the term, at which point the appropriate appointing authority shall make new appointments; amend KRS 567.280 to provide for federal and state election districts as prescribed; repeal KRS 67.190, 67.200, 67.210, 67.220, 67.230, 67.240, 67.250, 67.260, 67.270, 67.290, and 67.310.
 Current Status:   1/9/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Local Government
HB167EMINENT DOMAIN (OSBORNE D) AN ACT relating to eminent domain.

Amend KRS 416.660, relating to eminent domain, to allow separately deeded tracts of land owned by the same person to be considered as a single parcel for valuation purposes; amend KRS 416.580, 416.600, and 416.610 to conform; provide that the changes apply to condemnation proceedings initiated on or after the effective date of the Act.
 Current Status:   3/7/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
HB171CIVIL RIGHTS (MARZIAN M) AN ACT relating to civil rights.

Amend KRS 344.010 to include definitions for "sexual orientation" and "gender identity"; amend KRS 344.020, relating to the purpose of the Kentucky's civil rights chapter, to include a prohibition against discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.025, 344.040, 344.050, 344.060, 344.070, and 344.080, relating to prohibited discrimination in various labor and employment practices, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.100 and 344.110 to conform; amend KRS 344.120 and 342.140, relating to prohibited discrimination in places of public accommodation and advertisements therefor, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.170, 344.180, 344.190, 344.300, and 344.310, relating to the state and local human rights commissions, to include prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the scope of their powers and duties; amend KRS 344.360, 344.370, 344.380, and 344.680, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain housing, real estate, and other financial transactions, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.367, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain insurance sales, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.400, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain credit transactions, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; make various technical amendments; amend KRS 18A.095 to conform.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - House Judiciary, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB173PUBLIC SMOKING (WESTROM S) AN ACT prohibiting smoking in public places and places of employment.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 438 to define terms; prohibit indoor smoking in businesses, places of employment, and other listed public places; exempt private residences, unless used for child care or adult day care; permit smoking in designated nonenclosed areas; require posting of "no smoking" signs at specified locations; permit local governments to adopt stricter regulations by ordinance; provide for enforcement by all peace officers and designated health department and local government employees; provide for the issuance of uniform citations for violations; require that employers and others not discriminate against persons reporting violations; provide for fines for violation; provide that fines go to the agency whose employee issued the citation; provide that no court costs or other fees be charged for violations; exempt certain research and manufacturing laboratories and agricultural buildings; amend KRS 344.040, relating to unlawful practices by an employer, to add reference to state law, local ordinance, or local board of health regulation relating to smoking; amend KRS 431.450, relating to uniform citations, to provide for issuing citation forms to health departments; authorize the Department of Kentucky State Police to create and issue uniform smoking violation citations; repeal various statutes permitting smoking in public buildings.
 Current Status:   4/15/2014 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day; w/HFA 1,2,3,4,5
HB190HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS (ADAMS J) AN ACT relating to health benefit plans.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 establishing mandated coverage of genetic testing for mutations of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes for insured who are at risk of breast cancer or ovarian cancer or who have been diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer under the age of forty.
 Current Status:   1/14/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Banking and Insurance
HB191MINIMUM WAGE (COURSEY W) AN ACT relating to minimum wage for tipped employees.

Amend KRS 337.275 to raise the state minimum wage for tipped employees to $3 per hour; provide that, beginning July 1, 2015, and each year thereafter, this minimum shall be increased by the lesser of $0.95 or the amount necessary to bring the wage to 70% of the hourly minimum wage for non tipped employees.
 Current Status:   2/12/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
HB195ENERGY (MARZIAN M) AN ACT relating to energy.

Create new sections of KRS Chapters 278 and 96 to require retail electric suppliers to use increasing amounts of renewable energy; require retail electric suppliers to take energy-efficiency measures and implement energy-efficiency programs that increase energy savings over a period of time; provide for alternative compliance plans for public utilities who fail to meet renewable energy or efficiency requirements; define renewable energy; specify reporting requirements to the Public Service Commission regarding progress in diversifying energy sources and energy savings; require the Public Service Commission to develop tariff guidelines for purchase of renewable power.
 Current Status:   3/4/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Tourism Development and Energy
HB196KENTUCKY EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP (LINDER B) AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 164.7881 to permit high school seniors, beginning with the 2014-2015 academic year, and high school juniors and seniors, beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year, to use their KEES awards to pay for dual credit courses; require that the funds they would have received as eligible postsecondary students be reduced proportionally over a four-, or in some cases, five-year period by an amount equal to the amount used for dual credit; amend KRS 164.7885 to conform; designate the expenditures as necessary governmental expenses if KEES funds appropriated for fiscal years 2015 and 2016 are not adequate.
 Current Status:   1/14/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB202TEACHERS (SMART R) AN ACT relating to nonteaching time for teachers.

Amend KRS 158.060 to require teachers to be provided a minimum of 150 minutes per week for nonteaching activities; specify types of teacher-directed activities to be completed during nonteaching time.
 Current Status:   2/26/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education
HB203OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DEVICES (BELL J) AN ACT relating to outdoor advertising devices.

Amend KRS 177.830 to define the terms "advertising device viewing zone," "view permit," and "trim or prune,"; amend KRS 177.863 to make technical corrections; create a new section of KRS 177.830 to 177.890 to allow the owner of a legally erected advertising device to apply to the Transportation Cabinet for a vegetation control permit; specify components of permit application, including the use of a cabinet certified contractor, proof of insurance, and right-of-way access plan; establish standards for approval of vegetation control permit; establish the procedures for applicants who were denied a permit or issued a restricted permit to submit an amended application for a vegetation control permit; allow applicant that was issued a restricted permit or denied a permit based on an amended application to petition for an administrative hearing under KRS Chapter 13B determine whether denial or restrictions were appropriate; create a new section of KRS 177.830 to 177.890 to allow a city, urban-county , or consolidated local government to endorse the application of an applicant for work on roads in their jurisdiction; create a new section of KRS 177.830 to 177.890 to require a billboard owner with a valid application in force to secure a view permit each time prior to trimming or pruning vegetation; set fee for each view permit at $250; require a performance bond sufficient to cover the amount of work prior to issuance of a view permit; make view permits valid until work is completed or for 180 days, whichever is shorter; require the Transportation Cabinet to monitor work done on a view permit; create a new section of KRS 177.830 to 177.890 to require trimming and pruning done under a view permit to be supervised by a certified arborist; prohibit cutting in a view permit area between April 15th and September 15th if the area is a potential habitat for the Indiana Bat; specify that all costs of work under a view permit, including costs for arborist services and replacement vegetation, be borne by the permit holder; amend KRS 177.860 to conform; create a new section of KRS 177.830 to 177.890 to establish a civil penalty of up to $5,000 for violations each violation of Sections 3 to 6 of this Act; waive the fine if corrected within 30 days; create a new section of KRS 177.830 to 177.890 to clarify that nothing in Sections 1 through 8 of the Act should be construed as to permit activity which is in conflict with the Federal Highway Beautification Act or any agreement entered into between the Federal Highway Administration and the Commonwealth.
 Current Status:   1/15/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Transportation
HB206LOAN MODIFICATION (GREER J) AN ACT providing that a loan modification resulting in a lower interest rate is secured by the original mortgage.

Amend KRS 382.520 to provide that a real estate mortgage secures payment for modifications of the loan resulting in a lower interest rate.
 Current Status:   4/7/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB211REORGANIZATION (ADKINS R) AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Confirm Executive Order 2013-518, which reorganizes various offices in the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet.
 Current Status:   3/31/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB212REORGANIZATION (ADKINS R) AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Confirm Executive Orders 2013-389 and 2013-853, which reorganize various offices in the Department of Education; amend various sections to conform; repeal KRS 156.017 to conform.
 Current Status:   4/14/2014 - floor amendments (1-title) and (2) filed
HB215SCHOOL STANDARDS (KERR T) AN ACT relating to public school standards.

Create a new section to KRS Chapter 158 to prohibit the Kentucky Board of Education and the Kentucky Department of Education from implementing the English language arts and mathematics academic content standards developed by the Common Core Standards Initiative and the science academic content standards developed by the Next Generation Science Standards Initiative; require the state board to recommend new content standards to school districts and schools after consultation with the Council on Postsecondary Education; require public involvement in standards development; clarify the authority of the local board of education to adopt standards which differ from or exceed the standards approved by the state board; clarify that the school-based decision making councils shall develop policies based upon the standards adopted by the local boards of education; prohibit state officials from ceding control of education content standards and assessments; prohibit withholding of state funds from school districts for adopting different academic content standards; amend KRS 156.070 to limit disclosure of personally identifiable information; direct the Kentucky Board of Education to require that the Department of Education and all school districts adhere to transparency and privacy standards when outsourcing data and Web-based tasks to vendors; clarify vendor contract requirements; amend KRS 158.6453 to permit a local board of education to supplement the state board-approved academic content standards with higher and more rigorous standards and require school councils to use them to fulfill curriculum policy requirements; amend KRS 160.345 to clarify school council curriculum policy authority.
 Current Status:   1/16/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB220TAXATION (WAYNE J) AN ACT relating to taxation.

Amend KRS 140.130 to decouple from changes to the federal estate tax since 2003; amend KRS 141.010 to provide for a reduction and phase-out of the pension exclusion, disallow the domestic production activities deduction, establish a cap for itemized deductions, update the Internal Revenue Code reference date, and define "taxpayer"; amend KRS 141.020 to provide for changes to income tax rates; amend KRS 141.0401 to lower the exclusion threshold; amend KRS 141.120 to change apportionment methods to use a "throwback" rule; amend KRS 141.200 to require "combined" reporting for corporations; amend KRS 136.310, 136.530, 141.040, 141.121, 141.205, 141.206, and 141.420 to conform; amend KRS 141.066 to provide for a refundable earned income credit; amend KRS 141.0205 to recognize changes in income tax credits; amend KRS 141.383, 148.544, and 148.546 to make the film industry tax credit nonrefundable and nontransferable; create a new section of KRS 6.900 to 6.935 to require review and sunset of all economic development tax credits; amend KRS 131.190 to allow LRC employees to review selected tax documents; amend KRS 138.210 to set the "floor" price at $2.616 per gallon; amend KRS 138.220 to reduce dealer compensation to 1%; amend KRS 132.020 to make the real property tax rate 12.2 cents per $100, remove the rate adjustment provision, and remove the recall provision; amend KRS 132.260 to clarify requirements for reporting of rental space for mobile/manufactured homes, private aircraft, and certain boats/vessels; amend KRS 132.730, 132.751, 132.810, and 132.815 to clarify property tax treatment of manufactured homes; amend KRS 140.300 to clarify the treatment of agricultural valuation on inherited property; amend KRS 279.200, 279.530, 279.220, and 139.530 to repeal rural electric and telephone co-op taxes; amend KRS 132.097 and 132.099 to amend the exemption for personal property shipped out of state; amend KRS 139.105, 139.200, 139.220, 139.270, 139.340 and 139.740 to impose sales tax on selected services; amend KRS 243.0305 and 243.990 to recognize changes in the distilled spirits case tax; amend KRS 138.130, 138.140, and 138.143 to change the tax on cigarette rolling papers, to raise the tobacco taxes, to impose a floor stock tax, and to tax e-cigarettes; amend KRS 65.125, 65.674, 67.862, 67.938, 67A.843, 68.245, 68.248, 82.095, 97.590, 132.0225, 132.023, 132.024, 132.027, 132.029, 157.440, 160.470, 160.473, 67C.147, 78.530, and 342.340 to remove the provisions of HB 44 that allow for recall of certain tax rates and make conforming and technical changes; create a new section of KRS 138.510 to 138.550 and amend KRS 138.511, 138.530, and 138.550 to provide for an excise tax on advance deposit wagering; repeal KRS 132.017, 132.018, 132.025, 132.720, 143A.035, and 243.710; provide that income tax provisions apply for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2015, estate tax provisions apply for deaths occurring on or after August 1, 2014, sales tax provisions are effective for periods beginning on or after October 1, 2014, motor fuels tax provisions are effective August 1, 2014, property tax provisions are for assessments on and after January 1, 2015, and advance deposit wagering provisions apply to licensees beginning August 1, 2014.
 Current Status:   1/21/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB223FINANCIAL LITERACY (GLENN J) AN ACT relating to financial literacy.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 41 to create and describe the Kentucky Financial Literacy Commission; provide for membership of its board of directors; attach the commission to the Department of the Treasury for administrative purposes; set forth the duties of the commission; and establish the financial literacy fund.
 Current Status:   2/12/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education
HB227TAXATION (CRIMM R) AN ACT relating to sales and use taxation.

Amend KRS 139.570 to increase the maximum amount of vendor compensation to $250 in any reporting period; EFFECTIVE August 1, 2014.
 Current Status:   1/21/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB230ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS (WUCHNER A) AN ACT relating to administrative regulations.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 13A to delay the effective date of ordinary administrative regulations with a major economic impact until the effective date of legislation ratifying the administrative regulation; amend KRS 13A.010 to define major economic impact as an overall annual economic impact from an administrative regulation of $500,000 or more on state and local government and regulated entities as determined by the promulgating administrative body; amend KRS 13A.250 to require the fiscal note to include a cost analysis of the administrative regulation's effect on regulated entities and a determination by the promulgating administrative body as to the overall economic impact of the administrative regulation; amend KRS 13A.330 and 13A.331 to conform; specify short title of the Act.
 Current Status:   1/21/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government
HB232SECURITY BREACH NOTIFICATIONS (RIGGS S) AN ACT relating to security breach notifications.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 365 to require consumer notification when a data breach reveals personally identifiable information.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB235EXECUTIVE BRANCH BUDGET (RAND R) AN ACT relating to appropriations and revenue measures providing financing and conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.

AN ACT relating to appropriations and revenue measures providing financing and conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.
 Current Status:   4/28/2014 - delivered to Secretary of State
HB236TRANSPORTATION CABINET APPROPRIATIONS (RAND R) AN ACT relating to appropriations providing financing and conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Transportation Cabinet of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

The Transportation Cabinet Budget: appropriate from the General Fund, Restricted Funds, and Road Fund $100,000,000 in fiscal year 2013-2014, $2,647,531,500 in fiscal year 2014-2015, and $2,488,769,700 in fiscal year 2015-2016, $21,233,000 in fiscal year 2014-2015 and $16,205,000 in fiscal year 2015-2016 for operating costs; appropriate from the Road Fund, Bond Funds, and Investment Income for various capital projects; require the Secretary of the Transportation Cabinet to produce a document detailing the 2014-2016 Biennial Highway Construction Program and the Highway Preconstruction Program; provide debt service to the General Administration and Support budget unit; allow reallocation of appropriations among budget units; allow the Transportation Cabinet to receive funds and services for the Adopt-A-Highway Litter Program; provide funds for Aviation's operational costs; provide debt service to the Aviation budget unit; provide Aviation Development debt service; provide funds for Economic Development Road lease-rental payments; provide that no portion of the revenues to the state Road Fund accrue to the Debt Payment Acceleration Fund account; provide debt service for Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle (GARVEE) Bonds; provide funds for the State-Supported Construction Program, Biennial Highway Construction Program, Highway Construction Contingency Account, and the Kentucky Pride Fund; authorize projects in the 2012-2014 Biennial Highway Construction Plan to continue into the 2014-2016 biennium; provide funds for the Kentucky Transportation Center and new highway equipment purchases; authorize the Transportation Cabinet to match federal highway moneys; prioritize projects should any additional federal highway moneys become available; authorize the Transportation Cabinet to continue the Cash Management Plan and to make programmatic adjustments; provide for carry forward of any unexpended Road Fund appropriations in the Highways budget unit for various programs; provide debt service for wetland restoration; provide for the transfer of Road Fund resources for judgments; authorize the Transportation Cabinet to maximize the use of Toll Credits; provide funds for the County Road Aid Program, the Rural Secondary Program, the Municipal Road Aid Program, and the Energy Recovery Road Fund; provide debt service to the Vehicle Regulation budget unit; provide for Capital Construction Fund appropriations and reauthorizations; provide for the expiration of existing line-item capital construction projects; detail bond proceeds investment income; provide for payments for wetland restoration; authorize various capital projects; specify funds transfers.
 Current Status:   4/25/2014 - delivered to Secretary of State
HB237ROAD PROJECTS (RAND R) AN ACT relating to road projects and declaring an emergency.

Set out the fiscal year 2014-2016 Biennial Highway Construction Plan; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   4/25/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB238JUDICIAL BRANCH APPROPRIATIONS (RAND R) AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities.

The Judicial Branch Budget: appropriate $250,800 in fiscal year 2013-2014, $412,381,100 in fiscal year 2014-2015, and $427,317,400 in fiscal year 2015-2016 from the General Fund, Restricted Funds, and Federal Funds; provide General Fund moneys to revise the Judicial Branch salary structure; provide General Fund moneys for the increase in employer cost of health and life insurance, and five percent annual increments for personnel; provide General Fund moneys to support the actuarially required retirement contribution; provide General Fund moneys to fund current position levels in the Court Operations and Administration appropriation unit; provide General Fund moneys to support the Judicial Branch's portion of the KHRIS debt service payment; provide that funds in the Court Operations and Administration appropriation unit carry forward; provide that if the Supreme Court retains the 2008 increase in civil filing fees, the additional income, not to exceed $5,000,000 in each fiscal year, shall be deposited in a trust and agency account for court operations; provide funds to compensate local units of government for providing court space and for costs incurred in the development of local court facilities; provide that funds in the Local Facilities Fund carry forward; provide that the use allowance for the Fayette County Courthouse is contingent upon Short Street in Lexington remaining open to traffic; provide that funds in the Local Facilities Use Allowance Contingency Fund carry forward; provide funds for actuarial-assessed judicial retirement benefits; reauthorize a docket management capital project; detail deferred funding; authorize leases; clarify that nothing in this Act shall reduce funding of court facility projects authorized by the General Assembly; provide that if a court facility project is occupied and use allowance funding is insufficient that use allowance payments must be approved from the Local Facilities Use Allowance Contingency Fund, or if funds are not available in the Local Facilities use Allowance Contingency Fund, the use allowance payments shall be deemed a necessary government expense; provide the Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts with expenditure authority; provide for severability of budget provisions and priority of individual appropriations; declare that KRS 48.312 controls duplicate appropriations; provide that any unexpended balance remaining in the Court's Restricted Funds or Federal Funds accounts carry forward; provide for the final budget document; provide for the transferability of funds; provide for appropriations revisions; include funds for trial commissioner salaries as provided for in the Judicial Branch Budget Recommendation; provide that issuance of paychecks scheduled for June 30, 2014, and June 30, 2015, shall not be issued prior to July 1, 2014, and July 1, 2015; provide for participation in any Budget Reduction Plan or Surplus Expenditure Plan.
 Current Status:   4/11/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB241COAL COMBUSTION WASTE (JENKINS J) AN ACT relating to the disposal of coal combustion wastes.

Create new sections of subtitle 50 of KRS Chapter 224 to define "CCR or coal combustion residual," "EAP," "encapsulated CCR," and "unencapsulated CCR"; express sentiment favoring a balanced approach to disposal of CCRs that protects the health and safety of the public and the environment and the need for beneficial reuse of CCRs; require disposal of CCRs as solid waste or in impoundments permitted by the Energy and Environment Cabinet and prohibit permit-by-rule or registered permit-by-rule for disposal of CCRs; require liners, groundwater monitoring, and toxic substance monitoring; require emergency action plans for surface CCR impoundments that are deemed as high hazard potential by the United States Environmental Protection Agency; require the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations for coal ash CCR emergency action plans within 180 days of the effective date of the Act; establish specific contents of the EAP; amend KRS 109.012 to include CCR as a solid waste; amend KRS 151.250 to prohibit exemption for surface CCR impoundments regardless of size or type and prohibit use of permit-by-rule or registered permit-by-rule for surface CCR impoundments; amend KRS 224.50-760 to delete utility wastes and wastes from coal gasification facilities approved by the cabinet from the definition of special wastes.
 Current Status:   1/23/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Natural Resources and Environment
HB242EMPLOYMENT (JENKINS J) AN ACT relating to employment.

Amend KRS 337.415, relating to court-ordered appearances by employees, to prohibit employers from discharging or retaliating against an employee who is a crime victim when the employee takes leave to attend proceedings associated with the crime; require employee to give employer reasonable notice to take leave when practicable; provide guidelines for use of paid leave time; require employer to maintain confidentiality of records and communications with employee crime victim; create a penalty for failing to maintain confidentiality; define terms.
 Current Status:   3/11/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Economic Development, Tourism, and Labor
HB243EDUCATOR INCOME TAX DEDUCTION (LINDER B) AN ACT relating to income tax deduction for educator expenses.

Amend KRS 141.010 to permit an additional deduction for certain educators for expenses paid that would qualify for deduction except for a federal limitation.
 Current Status:   1/23/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB244HUNTING AND FISHING (YONTS B) AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses.

Amend KRS 150.170 to exempt Kentucky residents who are 70 years of age or older from sport hunting and fishing licensing and permitting requirements; amend KRS 150.175 to conform.
 Current Status:   1/29/2014 - (H) WITHDRAWN
HB248SCHOLARSHIPS (MONTELL B) AN ACT relating to scholarships for at-risk children.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish a scholarships for at-risk children tax credit program; provide a nonrefundable credit against the income tax imposed under KRS 141.020 or 141.040, and the limited liability entity tax imposed under KRS 141.0401, for contributions made to a scholarship organization that is organized solely for the purpose of receiving and distributing cash contributions to provide educational scholarships to eligible students at qualified schools; amend KRS 141.010 to exclude from the definition of "adjusted gross income" the amount received by an eligible student or by an individual on behalf of an eligible student as an educational scholarship under the program; amend KRS 141.0205 to provide the order in which the credit may be claimed.
 Current Status:   1/27/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB249ENTREPRENEUR AND RESIDENCE PROGRAM (YONTS B) AN ACT relating to an entrepreneur-in-residence program.

Create new sections in Subchapter 1 of KRS Chapter 154 to establish a pilot program to accelerate entrepreneurship and innovation by partnering entrepreneurs with state agencies.
 Current Status:   3/11/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Economic Development, Tourism, and Labor
HB251FIREFIGHTERS (BUTLER D) AN ACT relating to firefighters.

Amend KRS 95A.262 requiring a portion of the funds allotted to fire departments by the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education to be used to purchase workers' compensation insurance for paid and volunteer firefighters; create a new section of KRS Chapter 95A establishing a rebuttable presumption that specific types of cancer, resulting in either temporary or permanent disability or death, are an occupational disease under KRS chapter 342 for paid or volunteer firefighters; specify that a recipients firefighters must have worked as a firefighter for 5 years or more and not used tobacco for ten years.
 Current Status:   1/31/2014 - (H) reassigned to committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB261CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR UNIVERSITIES (DAMRON R) AN ACT relating to postsecondary educational institution capital projects to be financed with university restricted funds.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164A to be numbered 164A.601 to authorize capital projects undertaken by institutions of higher education using a combination of cash restricted funds, federal funds, and private funds even though the projects are not specifically listed in a branch budget bill; establish conditions under which projects will be authorized.
 Current Status:   2/12/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
HB262TUITION PROGRAM TAX DEDUCTION (MONTELL B) AN ACT relating to income tax deduction for qualified tuition programs.

Amend KRS 141.010 to allow an exclusion from adjusted gross income for contributions to a qualified tuition program.
 Current Status:   1/28/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB265TAXATION (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to taxation and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 139.570 to allow increased compensation if the seller had annual gross receipt of five million dollars or less and is located in a county where the unemployment rate is 12 percent or higher; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish the high unemployment counties credit by allowing a credit on an individual's return when certain criteria are met; amend KRS 141.0205 to order the credit; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   1/28/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB267ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES (MONTELL B) AN ACT relating to electronic cigarettes.

Amend KRS 438.305 to define "e-cigarette"; amend KRS 438.310 to prohibit the retail sales of e-cigarettes to anyone under age 18; amend KRS 438.311 to prohibit anyone under 18 from buying e-cigarettes at retail; amend KRS 438.313 to prohibit the distribution free of charge of e-cigarettes to those under 18; amend KRS 438.315 to prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes by vending machine; amend KRS 438.320 to require reporting of e-cigarettes supplied to retail establishments; amend KRS 438.325 to require retailers to inform employees of e-cigarette prohibitions; amend KRS 438.330 to clarify agency retail inspections; amend KRS 438.350 to bar those under 18 from possessing e-cigarettes; amend sections of KRS Chapters 438, 600, 610, and 630 to conform.
 Current Status:   1/30/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Licensing and Occupations
HB272FISCAL MATTERS (RAND R) AN ACT relating to fiscal matters.

Amend KRS 132.380 to clarify that, in the event a second property valuation administrator exam within a county is necessary, notice shall be made by issuing a press release in that county and by posting an announcement on the Web site of the Department of Revenue; amend KRS 133.020 to allow for an authorized person other than the county judge/executive to swear in a new member of the local board of assessment appeals; amend KRS 133.120 to clarify that real estate appraisers may represent a property owner in assessment appeals; amend KRS 136.180 to clarify that common carrier water transportation companies are taxed as public service corporations under KRS 136.1801 to 136.1805; amend KRS 136.1877 to make conforming changes; amend KRS 136.310 to clarify that the total value of bank deposits maintained in Kentucky shall be determined by the same method used for filing the summary of deposits report with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for purposes of the foreign savings and loan tax; amend KRS 136.555 to correct the statutory reference related to the local government franchise tax on bank deposits; amend KRS 138.330 to clarify that a financial instrument is an acceptable form of surety for motor fuels taxes; amend KRS 138.460 to conform to finalized litigation related to the return of a motor vehicle to a dealer within 60 days; amend KRS 138.4603 to remove an incorrect formula for determining the retail price of a new vehicle; make conforming changes.
 Current Status:   4/14/2014 - received in House w/Letter
HB275MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING (MCKEE T) AN ACT relating to motor vehicle parking.

Amend KRS 189.450 to separate by weight class the current provisions prohibiting parking, stopping, or standing of a vehicle on the shoulder of a state maintained highway, including ramps; amend KRS 189.990 to establish a penalty of $100 to $200 for a violation by a person operating a vehicle with a gross weight of over 44,000 pounds; provide that Section 1 of this Act shall be known as "Todd's Law."
 Current Status:   3/6/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Transportation
HB276INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES (UPCHURCH K) AN ACT relating to incompatible offices.

Amend KRS 61.080 to prohibit a person from holding any two (2) offices that have the authority to levy taxes or to set rates or fees, except as otherwise authorized by statute.
 Current Status:   4/7/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB277PROTECTION OF ADULTS (LEE J) AN ACT relating to the protection of adults and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend and create various sections of KRS 216.785 to 216.793 to define terms; require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) to establish a National and State Background Check Program for prospective employees of long-term-care facilities and providers and representatives of the cabinet who perform inspections of long- term-care facilities or providers; require a registry check of the nurse aide abuse registry and any other registry identified in administrative regulations; permit queries of available information by certain licensing bodies; require the cabinet to implement the program in phases by provider category; require each nursing facility, nursing pool providing staff to a nursing facility, assisted-living community, long-term-care facility owned, managed, or operated by the CHFS, and personal services agency to continue to request conviction information; establish a fee to be charged for the background check, and state reasonable amounts to be charged by the cabinet and state or federal law enforcement agencies; require the cabinet to use grant moneys or other funding to cover long-term-care facilities or providers to the extent that funds are available until at least May 19, 2014; require the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations relating to the program, including requirements to check registries, a schedule of dates for compliance, processing of registry and background checks, and fees; require the CHFS to collaborate with the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet on continuous employment assessment following an initial background check; permit the Department of Kentucky State Police and the FBI to charge for the actual cost of processing criminal background checks and assessments; require the Kentucky State Police to promulgate administrative regulations relating to retaining of applicant fingerprints and to immediately inform the inspector general if an employee is arrested or convicted of a crime following his or her initial criminal background check; require applicants to submit to background and registry checks; prohibit long-term-care facilities or providers, or agencies within the cabinet responsible for conducting inspections, from employing individuals listed on the registry; permit a provisional period of employment; establish an informal review process; establish a formal review process; outline notification procedures for the cabinet and procedures to be followed by a long-term-care facility or provider if an employee has a disqualifying offense; establish independent review or appeal procedures; establish a fine for continuing to employ an individual with a disqualifying offense, direct the use of funds collected by fines; establish an independent review process to allow for rehabilitation of a disqualifying offense, with requirements to include a written explanation of each disqualifying offense and employment and character references; require a rehabilitation review committee to review evidence and mitigating circumstances and make a recommendation to the secretary; remove civil liability for actions taken in good faith by the cabinet, the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, a long-term-care facility or provider, or an individual acting on behalf of any of these entities; establish the National and State Background Check Program fund and provide for its operation; require prospective providers to establish an individual provider's responsibilities and rights in this process; prohibit agencies providing services to senior citizens from employing an applicant with a disqualifying offense; require agencies to request a registry check; prohibit a long-term-care facility or provider from hiring an applicant if an individual has a disqualifying offense; require a long-term-care facility or provider to request a registry and background check for each applicant; require application forms for initial employment by a long-term-care facility or provider to have certain information and statements; regulate employment of individuals with certain offenses in family-care and personal care homes; establish a trust and agency fund to administer fees and fines collected through the program; amend KRS 216.533 to require long-term-care facilities operated by the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities to require applicants to submit to registry and background checks; prohibit individuals from being hired if they have a previous disqualifying offense; permit the hiring of pardoned individuals; amend KRS 216.712 to require personal services agencies to request registry checks and criminal background checks; provide for notice of fingerprint retention; prohibit an individual from owning or working for a personal services agency if he or she has a disqualifying offense; require the secretary to promulgate administrative regulations; establish procedures for background and registry checks; APPROPRIATION.
 Current Status:   3/24/2014 - (S) Returned to Committee Senate Judiciary
HB278ALCOHOL IMPACT AREAS (OWENS D) AN ACT relating to alcohol impact areas.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 241 to define "alcohol impact area," and "local government"; permit an alcohol impact area to be designated by a local government by ordinance when established criteria are met; establish voluntary control options and require the local government to attempt to reach a voluntary agreement prior to enacting an ordinance; require local government to notify licensees, require the local government to petition the board to allow more stringent control over the sale of alcoholic beverages within established alcohol impact areas; grant the board 60 days to respond to the petition; allow licensees within an alcohol impact area adequate time to adjust to any limitations; require the local government to report on alcohol impact areas; designate recipients of the report, contents of report, and assign responsibility for the report to the local government administrator with jurisdiction over the alcohol impact area.
 Current Status:   4/15/2014 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day; w/HFA 1,2
HB279COMMONWEALTH POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION TRUST FUND (DENHAM M) AN ACT relating to the Commonwealth Postsecondary Education prepaid trust fund.

Amend KRS 164A.700 to add a utilization period definition for Kentucky's affordable prepaid tuition plan; amend KRS 164A.705 to limit the growth of a KAPT plan to two years after the plan's utilization period; amend KRS 164A.707 to prohibit extending the projected college entrance year of a KAPT contract; amend KRS 164A.709 to revise the refund provisions of a KAPT plan based on the utilization period end date; clarify provisions for transferring a KAPT account to another qualified tuition program; set June 30, 2028, as the closure date of the KAPT fund and office.
 Current Status:   4/7/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB282ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (PALUMBO R) AN ACT relating to economic development.

Amend KRS 154.31-010 to define "community development" as residential, retail, office, restaurant, hospitality, or mixed-use development occurring in low income areas or areas designated for urban renewal or revitalization; allow community development projects to qualify as economic development projects under the Kentucky Enterprise Initiative Act, making them eligible for sales tax incentives.
 Current Status:   2/7/2014 - (H) reassigned to committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB283GAMING (KAY II J) AN ACT relating to charitable gaming.

Amend KRS 238.505 to define "statewide charitable organization" and amend the definition of "charitable gaming facility" to allow them to be available to five or more licensed organizations instead of two; amend KRS 238.535 to specify requirements for licensure as a statewide charitable organization; amend KRS 238.545 to limit statewide charity fundraising event licensees to no more than two total charity fundraising events per week and no more than two special limited charity fundraising events per year.
 Current Status:   3/26/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Licensing, Occupations, and Administrative Regulations
HB284REORGANIZATION (CARNEY J) AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend KRS 12.023 to remove the Agricultural Development Board and the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation from the Office of the Governor; amend KRS 12.020 to attach the Agricultural Development Board and the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation to the Department of Agriculture; repeal, reenact as a new section of KRS Chapter 248, and amend KRS 11.170 to attach the Kentucky Agriculture Resources Development Authority (KARDA) to the Department of Agriculture; allow KARDA to advise the Commissioner of Agriculture; allow KARDA to use staff of the Department of Agriculture to carry out the duties of the board; amend KRS 247.944 to attach the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation to the Department of Agriculture; allow staff services for the board to be provided by the Department of Agriculture; authorize the Commissioner of Agriculture or his or her designee to serve as executive director of the Agricultural Finance Corporation board; amend KRS 248.707 to authorize the Commissioner of Agriculture to serve as chair of the Agricultural Development Board; authorize the Governor to serve as vice chair of the Agricultural Development Board; attach the Agricultural Development Board to the Department of Agriculture; allow staff services for the board to be provided by the Department of Agriculture; amend KRS 248.709 to provide that the Commissioner of Agriculture or his or her designee shall serve as director of the Agricultural Development Board; amend KRS 260.857 to conform; repeal KRS 248.480, relating to the Kentucky Tobacco Settlement Trust Corporation; transfer affairs associated with the Governor's Office of Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Development Board, KARDA, and the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation to the Department of Agriculture.
 Current Status:   1/30/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government
HB285COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION (HOOVER J) AN ACT relating to selection of Commissioner of Education.

Amend KRS 156.148 to require Senate confirmation for the commissioner of education.
 Current Status:   1/30/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB288SURFACE MINING (WAYNE J) AN ACT relating to surface mining.

Amend KRS 350.450 to require coal mine permittees for all types of mining practices to dispose of remaining overburden in the mined area, areas under the abandoned mine land program, or areas approved by the cabinet; require use of lifts and compacted fills; prohibit disposal of overburden in streams; amend KRS 350.440 to prohibit disposal of spoil or overburden in intermittent, perennial, and ephemeral streams or any other waters of the Commonwealth; prescribe areas where spoil may be disposed; amend KRS 350.410 to make internal reference corrections and specify that restoration to approximate original contour includes configuration and elevation of the area prior to mining and require disposal of remaining overburden in the mined area, areas under the abandoned mine land program, or areas approved by the cabinet and the use of lifts and compacted fills; prohibit deposition of overburden in streams.
 Current Status:   1/30/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Natural Resources and Environment
HB291ELECTRIC GENERATION FACILITIES (DENHAM M) AN ACT relating to construction of unregulated electric generation facilities and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to require an unregulated utility which is considering the siting of a generation facility to hold a public meeting in each county where the facility will be located if requested by a local government; specify how notice of the meeting shall be given; require notification of state government entities; provide penalty for violations; create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to allow a local government to require a code of conduct between it and utility; allow Public Service Commission to create a model code; direct Public Service Commission to study effects of wind farms; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB302HEALTH CARE COVERAGE (HEAVRIN S) AN ACT relating to health care coverage.

Create new sections of Subtitle 17 of KRS Chapter 304 to establish definitions for "direct purchase," "health care system," and "penalty or fine"; prohibit the General Assembly from requiring any individual to participate in any health care system or plan, or imposing a penalty or fine regarding participation; permit an individual or an employer to pay directly for health care services and a health care provider to accept direct payment without penalties or fines; direct the Attorney General of Kentucky to undertake and initiate all necessary legal proceedings to protect and defend Kentuckians' rights as set forth; prohibit the Governor, the Personnel Cabinet, and state agencies from participating in or complying with any federal law, regulation, or policy that would compromise the freedom of choice in the health care decisions of any resident of Kentucky.
 Current Status:   2/3/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Banking and Insurance
HB304CIVIL LIABILITY (HEAVRIN S) AN ACT relating to civil liability for emergency care.

Amend KRS 411.148, relating to the "Good Samaritan" law and nonliability for emergency care, to apply the law to all persons rendering care without remuneration, rather than to named persons; repeal KRS 311A.150 to conform.
 Current Status:   2/3/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary
HB306HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS (HEAVRIN S) AN ACT relating to the negotiation of health benefit plans.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to authorize the purchase of health benefit plans across state lines; allow negotiation of terms based on the purchaser's, needs without regard to state-mandated health insurance benefits; provide individuals and groups the ability to form pools to seek greater advantage in negotiations for health benefit plans.
 Current Status:   2/3/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Banking and Insurance
HB307SHOPPING CENTERS (MONTELL B) AN ACT relating to regional outlet shopping centers.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 139 to provide a sales tax rebate to an owner of a regional outlet shopping center to offset a portion of the regional advertising and marketing expenses incurred by the owner.
 Current Status:   2/3/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB312FOOD TAXATION (RIGGS S) AN ACT relating to the taxation of food sold through vending machines or self-service vending systems.

Amend KRS 139.485 to exempt from sales and use tax food and food ingredients sold through a vending machines or self-service vending systems; EFFECTIVE August 1, 2014.
 Current Status:   2/3/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB315INSURANCE PREMIUM TAXES (ROWLAND B) AN ACT relating to local government insurance premium taxes on bank-owned life insurance.

Amend KRS 91A.080 to authorize imposition of a local government premium tax, not to exceed one-half of one percent, on single premium bank-owned life insurance that meets the Internal Revenue Code definition of a "modified endowment contract."
 Current Status:   2/6/2014 - (H) reassigned to committee House Banking and Insurance
HB316PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE (DAMRON R) AN ACT relating to insurance for tangible personal property to secure a loan by a consumer loan company.

Amend KRS 286.4-560 to establish the requirements for a consumer loan company to offer borrowers insurance on tangible personal property, except household goods, as security on a loan exceeding $300 if sold by a licensed insurance agent or by the consumer loan licensee if permissible under Kentucky law, and if the insurance may be excluded from the amount of the finance charge if the insurer waives its right to subrogation against the borrower; require a disclosure to the borrower of the coverages and costs of the insurance.
 Current Status:   4/8/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB332EARLY CHILDHOOD (GRAHAM D) AN ACT relating to early childhood.

Amend KRS 199.8943 to clarify participating agencies and schedule for implementing early child care and education provider rating system.
 Current Status:   3/31/2014 - Conference Committee Appointed in House Derrick Graham - CHR; Jimmie Lee; Regina Bunch
HB333TEACHERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM (GRAHAM D) AN ACT relating to Kentucky teacher's retirement system and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS 161.220 to 161.716 to permit the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System (KTRS) to use and accept electronic signatures as deemed appropriate; amend KRS 161.290 to require public employers other than school districts to provide paid leave to teacher trustees serving on the KTRS board; amend KRS 161.310 to clarify the types of remuneration included in retirement incentives; amend KRS 161.340 to allow KTRS to contract for insurance; amend KRS 161.430 to allow the KTRS board to contract with one or more general investment consultants; remove references to the book value of assets in regard to limitations on funds managed internally by system's investment staff; remove the requirement that the board investment committee consist of the executive secretary of the system and two trustees; require system's staff to be subject to fiduciary requirements applicable to board members and investment consultants and managers; make technical amendments; amend KRS 161.470 to make technical corrections; amend KRS 161.480 to automatically designate a KTRS member's spouse as beneficiary for an active member's account balance upon employment until changed by the member; declare the member's spouse as beneficiary of the active member's account balance in the event all named beneficiaries predecease the active member or the member fails to designate a beneficiary; amend KRS 161.545 to provide that full-time sabbatical leave by university staff participating in the KTRS shall be deemed full-time employment for retirement purposes; require employee and employer contributions to be paid during the period of sabbatical leave; amend KRS 161.553 to adjust the cost schedules of providing statutory benefit improvements for annuitants; amend KRS 161.560 to authorize the KTRS to promulgate administrative regulations to require more frequent submission of annual reports by participating employers; amend KRS 161.605 to make technical changes, provide that breaks-in-service are required before returning to work for the employer even if in a position not covered by KTRS if the member is under age 60; begin running of breaks-in-service from date of retirement; prohibit prearranged agreements between a retiring member and employer for member to return to work after retirement and require certification thereof; allow the commissioner of education to pay reemployed retirees in excess of statutory maximums if the commissioner deems that the employees have the necessary experience to provide services and support to persistently low-achieving schools as provided by KRS 160.346; require retired members under age sixty (60) returning to work for certain state universities and state community colleges to comply with the separation-from-service requirements, effective July 1, 2014; amend KRS 160.612 to reduce the $500 minimum monthly disability benefit by benefit payments from all state-administered retirement systems for part-time employees and substitute teachers participating in the KTRS who apply for disability benefits on or after July 1, 2014; provide that part-time employees and substitute teachers are not eligible to apply for a disability retirement allowance if they are eligible for a nondiscounted service retirement allowance; amend KRS 161.614 to include mediation awards; amend KRS 161.620 to clarify the option for seeking inflation adjustments; amend KRS 161.630 to make technical change; amend KRS 161.643 to authorize KTRS to require more frequent submission of annual reports on reemployed employees by participating employers; amend KRS 161.650 to automatically designate a KTRS member's spouse as beneficiary for a retired member's account remaining account balance at the time of death unless changed by the member; declare the member's spouse as beneficiary of the retired member's remaining account balance in the event all named beneficiaries predecease the retired member or the member fails to name a beneficiary for the account balance; amend KRS 161.655 to automatically designate a KTRS member's spouse as beneficiary for the life insurance benefit available to active and retired members unless changed by the member; declare the member's spouse as beneficiary of the life insurance benefit available to active and retired members if, upon the death of the member, all named beneficiaries predecease the member or the member fails to name a beneficiary; amend KRS 161.661 to provide that members who begin participating on or after July 1, 2014, shall not be eligible for a disability benefit if they are eligible for any unreduced benefit and that they shall have their $500 minimum monthly disability benefit reduced by benefit payments from all state-administered retirement systems; amend KRS 161.680 to clarify, authority to collect overpayments; amend KRS 161.550 to conform; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   4/14/2014 - floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
HB335FALSE CLAIMS ACT (STUMBO G) AN ACT relating to the Kentucky False Claims Act.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 15 to establish a False Claims Act with provisions that establish enhanced civil liability and penalties for committing fraud against the state; allow the Attorney General or private citizens to sue on behalf of the state to recover those amounts, with some of the proceeds of the action being distributed to the person successfully bringing the action; grant the Attorney General enhanced investigatory authority; provide an administrative sanctioning system for fraudulent Medicaid providers; provide civil protections for fraud whistleblowers; provide uniformity for allowable civil penalties and recovery mechanisms among other similar statutes.
 Current Status:   2/7/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Judiciary
HB342DRONE SURVEILLANCE (BANTA K) AN ACT relating to drone surveillance.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 500 to define "drone," "law enforcement agency," and "prohibited agency"; prohibit a law enforcement agency from using a drone to gather evidence or other information; provide exceptions; prohibit use of evidence obtained in violation; provide that the Act may be cited as the "Citizens' Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act."
 Current Status:   2/6/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary
HB345INTEREST RATES (DAMRON R) AN ACT relating to interest rates for over payment and under payment of tax.

Amend KRS 131.183 to apply the calculated interest rate to both overpayments and underpayments; apply retroactively to all outstanding refund claims and notices of tax due.
 Current Status:   2/6/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB346INCOME TAX PENALTIES (DAMRON R) AN ACT relating to estimated income tax penalties.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 141 and amend various sections of KRS Chapters 131, 141, and 154 to amend the calculation of the estimated tax penalty; clarify that no interest is due on estimated tax payments; allow for annualized income for taxpayers whose income fluctuates during the year; mimic the federal estimated tax penalty calculation as nearly as practicable; apply to taxable years beginning January 1, 2014.
 Current Status:   2/6/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB349WORKERS COMPENSATION REPORTING (WAIDE B) AN ACT relating to workers compensation reporting requirements.

Amend KRS 342.012 to require partnerships and limited liability companies to provide documents to the commissioner if requested; delete the provision for annual filing of partnership agreements, articles of organization, and tax returns with the Department of Workers' Claims.
 Current Status:   4/2/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB356CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (MARZIAN M) AN ACT relating to recycling of construction materials.

Create a new section of subchapter 40 of KRS Chapter 224 to require the Energy and Environment Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations establishing the Commonwealth Conservation Builder voluntary certification program; define terms; require the administrative regulations to set forth the application and certification process; require the cabinet to establish minimum certification requirements, including: compliance with relevant federal, state, and local recycling and waste disposal requirements, compliance with minimum debris diversion requirements to be determined by the cabinet, and submission of a plan from the builder detailing how the builder will comply with the diversion requirements; require the cabinet to publicize and promote participation in the program; require re-examination of the minimum debris diversion requirements once every 5 years; amend KRS 198B.050 to require the Uniform State Building Code, to the extent practicable, to include minimum debris diversion requirements; amend KRS 224.40-120 to require applicants for off-site disposal permits of 1 acre or less to comply with the minimum debris diversion requirements included in the Uniform State Building Code.
 Current Status:   2/26/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Natural Resources and Environment
HB361MEDICAID (STUMBO G) AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care organization provider payments.

Amend KRS 205.522 to define terms; permit an enrollee of a medicaid managed care organization (MCO) to assign rights to appeal an action by an MCO relating to care received by an enrollee; establish an enrollee's right to a state fair hearing when an enrollee or assignee appeals an MCO's action relating to care received or proposed to be given to an enrollee; require an action by an MCO to state the reason for an action with specificity; state that the MCO shall pay for services rendered while an appeal was pending if a hearing officer reverses a decision to deny, reduce, or terminate health care services.
 Current Status:   3/6/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Health and Welfare
HB362HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS (STONE W) AN ACT relating to health benefit plans with out of network benefits.

Amend KRS 304.17A-550 to prohibit health benefit plans from limiting out-of-network providers and covered services to those performed within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
 Current Status:   3/27/2014 - (S) SECOND READING, to Rules
HB366CANDIDATE FUNDING (STUMBO G) AN ACT relating to self-funding of candidates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 121 to increase spending limits in relation to self-funded candidates; amend KRS 121.150, 121.015, and 121.056 to conform.
 Current Status:   3/26/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
HB369WRITTEN CONTRACTS (YONTS B) AN ACT relating to the statute of limitations relating to written contracts.

Amend KRS 413.160 to reset the statute of limitations for actions on a written contract at ten years instead of the current 15-year period; amend KRS 413.090 to conform.
 Current Status:   4/25/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB375INSURERS (DAMRON R) AN ACT authorizing associations and member underwriters authorized to transact insurance in this state to also qualify as eligible surplus lines insurers.

Amend KRS 304.3-070 to authorize an association, including incorporated and individual unincorporated underwriters, to transact insurance in this state subject to minimum capital and surplus requirements, subject to a restriction on association members to solely conduct the business of underwriting, provide an exemption from the definition of a Lloyd's plan insurer and the requirements of Subtitle 28 of KRS Chapter 304 relating to Lloyd's insurers, and allow qualification as eligible surplus lines brokers; amend KRS 304.3-120 to exempt associations and underwriters authorized to transact insurance in this state pursuant to Section 1 of this Act from the requirements of this section; amend KRS 304.10-070 to authorize associations, including incorporated or individual unincorporated underwriters, authorized to transact insurance in this state to place surplus lines coverage if the syndicates within the association are listed on the quarterly list of alien insurers maintained by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
 Current Status:   4/7/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB387NATURAL GAS PIPELINE (MILLS T) AN ACT relating to natural gas liquids pipeline.

Amend KRS 278.700 to include a definition for natural gas liquids transmission pipeline; amend KRS 278.714 to require anyone constructing a natural gas liquids transmission pipeline apply for a construction certificate from the Kentucky State Board on Electric Generation and Transmission.
 Current Status:   2/18/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Natural Resources and Environment
HB388EMISSION REDUCTION (GOOCH JR. J) AN ACT relating to best system emission reduction for existing electric generating units.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 224 to establish criteria by which the Energy and Environment Cabinet can establish performance standards for the regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired electric generating units; establish different criteria for coal-fired electric generating units and natural gas-fired electric generating units; allow performance standards to be adjusted on a case-by-case basis; require that any state plan to regulate carbon dioxide emissions be issued under Section 111(d) of the federal Clean Air Act; direct the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to establish standards in a state plan; prohibit development or proposing of a state plan to the United States Environmental Protection Agency unless the plan is consistent with Sections 1 to 7 of this Act and is prepared in consultation with the Kentucky PSC; declare that any plan or performance standard has no legal effect if the United States Environmental Protection Agency does not issue federal rules or guidelines for regulating carbon dioxide emissions from existing electric generating units or if the rules are withdrawn or invalidated by a court of competent jurisdiction.
 Current Status:   4/2/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB389PUBLIC PENSION (YONTS B) AN ACT relating to public pension actuarial reports.

Amend KRS 21.440, 61.670, and 161.400 to provide that all state-administered retirement systems shall conduct an actuarial experience study at least once every 5 years and to require the actuary certifying the results of the annual actuarial valuation and the 5 year experience study to be a fellow of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries or a member of the American Academy of Actuaries; make technical amendments.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
HB393WORKERS COMPENSATION (DENHAM M) AN ACT relating to workers compensation coverage.

Amend KRS 342.260 to require the commissioner to develop and implement in coordination with the One-Stop Business Portal Advisory Committee an e-mail notification system where a person may enter his or her e-mail address into a data base and be notified if a specific business has cancelled workers' compensation coverage.
 Current Status:   2/14/2014 - (H) WITHDRAWN
HB394OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DEVICES (IMES K) AN ACT relating to outdoor advertising devices.

Create a new section of KRS 177.830 to 177.890 to allow the erection of electronic multiple message signs in areas where billboards are permitted; set conditions for minimum length of message and time for message change; prohibit moving or flashing text or pictures, with certain exceptions; require sign owners to correct concerns regarding an electronic multiple message sign raised by the cabinet within 48 hours; set out procedures for dealing with signs that are deemed in violation of the statute; amend KRS 177.863 to conform; amend KRS 177.860 to require the Transportation Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to set standards for electronic multiple message signs; prohibit the promulgation of administrative regulations that require the forfeiture or destruction of billboards as a requirement for erecting an electronic multiple messaging signs, unless compensation is paid in accordance with KRS 177.867..
 Current Status:   2/18/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Transportation
HB396ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (CLARK L) AN ACT relating to economic development.

Amend KRS 154.25-010 to expand eligibility for jobs retention projects under the Kentucky Jobs Retention Act program to include certain household appliance and appliance parts or supplies manufacturers.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB399CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT (THOMPSON T) AN ACT proposing to amend sections 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to Levies of sale and use taxes.

Propose to amend Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky to authorize the General Assembly to confer upon the proper authority of any city or county the power to levy a local option sales and use tax, subject to specifically enumerated conditions and limitations; submit to the voters for approval or disapproval; supply ballot language.
 Current Status:   4/15/2014 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day; w/HFA 1,2,3,4,5,6T,7
HB400PRESCHOOL FUNDING (FLOYD D) AN ACT relating to preschool funding and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to provide a $1,000 maximum tax credit for qualified preschool expenses; amend KRS 141.0205 to include the tax credit in the ordering of credits; create a new section of KRS Chapter 200 to direct the Early Childhood Advisory Council to determine the qualifications for, certify, and report on qualified preschools for purposes of the tax credit; amend KRS 154A.130 to direct net lottery revenues be used for the cost of the tax credit and the cost of public preschool education programs; make appropriation.
 Current Status:   2/19/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB401TRANSIENT ROOM TAXES (OWENS D) AN ACT relating to transient room taxes imposed by consolidated local governments.

Amend KRS 91A.390 to allow a consolidated local government to impose a transient room tax for the purpose of financing the renovation or expansion of a government-owned convention center located in the central business district; EFFECTIVE August 1, 2014.
 Current Status:   4/7/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB407PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS (COMBS L) AN ACT relating to financing of public-private partnerships.

Amend KRS 45A.030 and 45A.075 and create a new section of KRS Chapter 45A to define "public-private partnership" and "private partner"; allow the use of a public-private partnership as an alternative method to finance a project; provide for evaluation and oversight, and ratification by the General Assembly; amend KRS 65.025 and create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to allow the use of a public-private partnership by local governments; provide for evaluation and oversight; provide for a model system for the use of a public-private partnership to be developed; require use of the model and approval by the Finance and Administration Cabinet before a local government can utilize a public-private partnership; create a new section of KRS Chapter 175B and amend KRS 175B.005, 175B.010, 175B.020, 175B.030, 175B.035, 175B.040 and 175B.095 to define "public-private partnership"; and "private partner"; allow the use of a public-private partnership by an authority to provide an alternative structure for developing and financing a major transportation project.
 Current Status:   4/11/2014 - VETOED BY GOVERNOR
HB410SCHOOL CALENDAR (STACY J) AN ACT relating to school calendars and declaring an emergency.

Provide a waiver of up to 10 instructional days for schools who have missed days during the 2013-2014 school year; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   3/24/2014 - (S) Returned to Committee Senate Education
HB419PREVAILING WAGE (HOOVER J) AN ACT relating to prevailing wage.

Amend KRS 337.010 to exclude all educational buildings and facilities from meeting the requirements of the prevailing wage law.
 Current Status:   3/6/2014 - House Labor and Industry, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB422TAXATION (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to taxation.

Amend KRS 139.570 to allow increased compensation if the seller had annual gross receipts of five million dollars or less in the preceding year and is located in a county where the unemployment rate is 12 percent or higher; amend KRS 141.0401 to exempt certain small business entities operating solely in defined high unemployment counties from the limited liability entity tax.
 Current Status:   2/24/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB423PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TAXES (KAY II J) AN ACT relating to taxes on pari-mutuel wagering and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 138.510 to lower the pari-mutuel wagering tax to 1.5% for all tracks; allocate proceeds from the tax to support the Equine Industry Program at the University of Kentucky; allocate proceeds from the tax to be used for the construction, expansion, or renovation of facilities or the purchase of equipment for equine programs at state universities; allocate proceeds from the tax to be distributed to the commission to support equine drug testing; APPROPRIATION; DELAYED EFFECTIVE DATE.
 Current Status:   2/24/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB424DISTRICTS OF INNOVATION (CLARK L) AN ACT relating to districts of innovation.

Amend KRS 160.107 to allow a waiver or modification of the statewide assessment system for schools participating in a district of innovation plan, under specific conditions; allow a district of innovation to use student assessments other than those required by the state board, under specific conditions.
 Current Status:   3/27/2014 - (S) Returned to Committee Senate Education
HB438TAX FRAUD PROGRAMS (COMBS L) AN ACT relating to a tax fraud whistleblower program.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 131 to allow the Department of Revenue to establish a tax fraud whistleblower program, and to set forth the parameters for the program.
 Current Status:   3/21/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
HB445REVENUE AND TAXATION (RAND R) AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation.

Amend KRS 131.175 to make technical corrections.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB455SCHOOL FUNDS (GRAHAM D) ACT relating to distribution of school funds.

Amend KRS 157.410 to require the chief state school officer to prepare estimates for school district fund allotment and establish an incremental schedule for fund disbursement, allotment revisions, and equalization.
 Current Status:   3/26/2014 - (S) SECOND READING, to Rules
HB460HEALTH FACILITIES (BURCH T) AN ACT relating to health-facility-acquired infections.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 216B to define terms; require health facilities to implement infection prevention program for high-risk areas and, throughout the facility, by January 1, 2015; require implementation of effective infection prevention programs; require health facilities to report data on health-facility-acquired infections and multidrug-resistant organisms; require the secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to serve as the chief administrative officer for data collection; exempt cabinet employees from liability; require the use of an approved method of data collection and reporting; require the secretary to implement a method for patients to report by July 1, 2014; require a report to the Governor and the Legislative Research Commission by January 30 of each year; establish penalties for violations; state legislative findings in noncodified section.
 Current Status:   3/13/2014 - House Health and Welfare, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB462CIGARETTE TAX (STONE W) AN ACT relating to cigarette tax.

Create a new section of KRS 138.130 to 138.205 to allow the Department of Revenue to authorize wholesale sales of untax-paid cigarettes.
 Current Status:   2/27/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB466NATURAL GAS (HALL K) AN ACT relating to the development of the market for natural gas as an alternative transportation fuel.

Amend KRS 154.20-410 to direct the deposit of the petroleum environmental assurance fees, also referred to as underground storage tank fees, imposed on liquefied and compressed natural gas used as alternative transportation fuel into the Kentucky alternative fuel and renewable energy fund; amend KRS 154.20-415 to specifically provide that the fund may be used to provide funding to Kentucky-based companies that undertake activities to develop and expand the market for using liquefied and compressed natural gas as alternative transportation fuel in Kentucky including development of fueling station infrastructure; amend KRS 224.60-140 and 224.60-145 to conform.
 Current Status:   3/17/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
HB467DEPARTMENT OF WORKERS CLAIMS (DENHAM M) AN ACT relating to notifications by the Department of Workers Claims.

Amend KRS 342.260 to direct the commissioner to promulgate administrative regulations no later than December 31, 2015 to establish the information necessary to create an e-mail notification system where a person may enter his or her e-mail address into the Insurance Converge Look-up database to be notified of any cancellation of a specific business' workers' compensation coverage; amend 342.340 to conform.
 Current Status:   3/17/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Banking and Insurance
HB469PUBLIC ASSISTANCE (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to public assistance.

Amend KRS 205.200 to require persons born after January 1, 1995, to have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent to be eligible for public assistance payments beginning January 1, 2015.
 Current Status:   2/27/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health and Welfare
HB470BUDGET REDUCTIONS (BELL J) AN ACT relating to budget reductions impacting state personnel.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 18A, and amend KRS 7.090 and 27A.050, to direct how furloughs, salary reductions, or other personnel-related actions taken to implement a budget reduction plan, or to implement expenditure reductions directed in an enacted budget, shall be applied.
 Current Status:   2/27/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government
HB474ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES (ADKINS R) AN ACT relating to economic development incentives for the coal industry.

Amend KRS 154.31-010 to allow coal mining or processing companies to potentially qualify for sales and use tax incentives offered through the Kentucky Enterprise Initiative Act (KEIA) and to define terms; create a new section of KRS Chapter 154.31 to define terms; amend KRS 154.32-010 to allow coal mining or processing companies to potentially qualify for income tax incentives offered through the Kentucky Business Investment Act (KBI) and to define terms; create a new section of KRS Chapter 154.32 to define terms; amend KRS 154.32-020, 154.32-030, and 154.32-060 to conform; direct the Cabinet for Economic Development to work with various foreign trade partners and the Kentucky coal industry to promote increased exports of Kentucky coal.
 Current Status:   3/25/2014 - floor amendments (1-title) and (2) filed
HB475LOCAL ELECTIONS (CLARK L) AN ACT relating to local option elections.

Amend KRS 241.010 to define a state park; add state park local option elections to the list of moist elections; create a new section of KRS Chapter 242 to allow a local option election for the sale of alcoholic beverages by the drink at state parks; hold the election in the precinct where the state park's qualifying lodge or golf course is located; establish the petition question and the form of the proposition for the election; make the entire state park moist if the majority of voters in the precinct favor establishing moist territory; amend KRS 243.082 to allow an authorized state park to acquire an NQ1 retail drink license; set the limitations and privileges of a state park NQ1 license; amend KRS 243.100 to add governmental agencies to the types of corporate entities eligible to receive an alcoholic beverage license.
 Current Status:   4/2/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB479TEACHER TRIBUNALS (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to teacher tribunals.

Amend KRS 161.790 to increase the membership of a teacher tribunal to include a lay person who resides in the district.
 Current Status:   3/4/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB480SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCES (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to school district finances.

Amend KRS 134.191 to require the sheriff to report the amount of taxes collected for each equivalent tax rate of five cents levied by a school district to support education facilities; amend KRS 157.440 to require the chief state school officer to notify the applicable county clerk of each equivalent tax rate of five cents and make publicly available information related to each tax rate; and amend KRS 160.500 to require the county clerk to separately state each equivalent tax rate of five cents on the tax bills of the affected property owners.
 Current Status:   3/4/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB482HEALTH CARE PROVIDER (GREER J) AN ACT relating to the definition of "health care provider."

Amend KRS 304.17A-005 to amend the definition of "health care provider" to include psychologists and psychological practitioners, occupational therapists, behavior analysts, physical therapists, speech-language pathologists or audiologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and professional counselors licensed pursuant to state law.
 Current Status:   3/20/2014 - floor amendment (1) filed
HB488SALES AND USE TAX (MILLS T) AN ACT relating to sales and use tax.

Amend KRS 139.497 to exempt from sales and use tax sales of tangible personal property by a federally chartered corporation if the sales occur at the corporation's annual national convention held the Commonwealth; provide that the exemption applies to sales between October 1, 2014, and December 31, 2021.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB489ENERGY (RIGGS S) AN ACT relating to energy.

Amend KRS 45A.345 to expand definition of "qualified provider" and add definitions of other terms; amend KRS 45A.352 to limit bidders for guaranteed energy savings performance contracts to qualified providers; add total outstanding obligations under other such contracts to evaluation criteria; add a measurement and verification protocol to those acceptable; set penalties for failure to provide annual reconciliation statement; local agency may waive measurement and verification for lighting projects after two years; amend KRS 45A.353 to direct that exempted debt service obligations shall be added back into agency debt limits in the event of a guarantee termination; new section of KRS 45A created to set requirements for qualified provider status, renewal requirements and regulatory authority; amend KRS 103.200, 210, 220, 240, and 286, pertaining to city and county private activity revenue bonds, and create a new section of KRS Chapter 103 to reserve 10% of the state private activity bond cap for small or medium manufacturing facility energy efficiency bond projects during the first half of the bond cap allocation period after which unused cap shall revert to the single allocation pool; set requirements for issuance of manufacturing energy efficiency bonds; create new section of KRS 147A to allow DLG to establish an information clearinghouse to educate on issuance and uses of industrial revenue bonds; amend KRS 154.34-010, 070, 080, and 110 of the Kentucky Reinvestment Act to create a separate tax incentive tier for industries that invest a minimum of $300,000, applicable only to energy efficiency investments for small and medium sized industries previously ineligible.
 Current Status:   3/20/2014 - House Tourism Development and Energy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB492FINANCIAL AID (KAY II J) AN ACT relating to postsecondary financial aid and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 164.7881 to permit high school seniors, beginning with the 2014-2015 academic year, and high school juniors and seniors, beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year, to use their KEES awards to pay for dual credit courses; require that the funds they would have received as eligible postsecondary students be reduced proportionally over a four-, or in some cases, five-year period by an amount equal to the amount used for dual credit; amend KRS 164.7885 to conform; amend KRS 164A.055 to allow the Asset Resolution Corporation to adopt bylaws and rules for its business; designate the expenditures as necessary governmental expenses if KEES funds appropriated for fiscal years 2015 and 2016 are not adequate; specify that the use of KEES funds for dual credit shall not impact SEEK allocations; APPROPRIATION.
 Current Status:   3/13/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Education
HB504WORKERS COMPENSATION (GREER J) AN ACT relating to workers compensation.

Amend KRS 342.120 to require the Division of Workers' Compensation Funds to aggressively resolve outstanding liabilities through lump-sum settlements and if an injured worker chooses to receive a lump-sum payment, the worker may hire an attorney and his or her fees shall be paid from the special fund in an amount not to exceed 1% of the lump sum payment; amend KRS 342.122 to include funding the Division of Workers' Compensation Funds and the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission to entities funded by the assessment on workers compensation carriers' insurance premiums and cap the funding at the amount budgeted for the 2015-2016 fiscal biennium, to be reduced by 5% annually for fiscal years beginning on July 1, 2016; amend KRS 342.1223 to require the Workers' Compensation Funding Commission to make a quarterly report to the Interim Joint Committee on Labor and Industry on claims closure, current claims, claims received, assessment income, transfer of funds, and use of transferred funds; amend KRS 342.1224 to increase the commission from 7 to 9 members by adding a member nominated by the Kentucky Association of Manufacturers and the Kentucky League of Cities and appointed by the Governor.
 Current Status:   3/11/2014 - (H) WITHDRAWN
HB505REORGANIZATION (BURCH T) AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to define terms; establish the Office of the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange to administer the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; establish the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange Advisory Board; repeal, reenact as new sections of KRS Chapter 194A, and amend KRS 304.17B-001, 304-17B-003, 304-17B-005, 304.17B-007, 304-17B-009, 304-17B-021, 307.17B-023, 304,17B-025, 304.17B-027, 304-17B-029 and 304,17B-031 to transfer the Kentucky Access Program to the Office of the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange from the Department of Insurance; amend various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to conform; repeal KRS 304.17B-011, 304.17B-013, 304.17B-015, 304.17B-017, 304.17B-019, 304.17B-033, 304.17B-035, and 204.17B-037; confirm Executive Order 2013-418.
 Current Status:   3/4/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health and Welfare
HB507WORKERS COMPENSATION (SINNETTE K) AN ACT relating to workers compensation.

Amend several provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act in KRS Chapter 342 to define and recognize temporary partial disability benefits and amend other statutes to comply; define medical provider; limit medical benefits to age 70 or five years after date of injury, whichever is later except for permanent total awards or awards involving prosthetic devices which continue for as long as the employee is disabled; allow attorney's fees or increased payments for medical fee disputes that are decided in favor of the claimant; amend the reopening statutes to allow for reopening for additional temporary total or partial benefits; permit claimants who have awards of $60 or less per week to elect a lump sum and receive a one point higher discount rate than that set by the commissioner; require settlements for future medicals to be approved by the federal Medicare Secondary Payer Act; permit claimants to recover damages from an insurance carrier who commits an unfair claims settlement practice; increase attorneys' fees to a total of $24,000; specify that administrative law judges do not approve attorney's fees; enumerate changes to the manner that income benefits are determined; increase the maximum for temporary total or partial income benefits from 100% of the state average weekly wage to 120% of the state average weekly wage; increase the maximum of permanent partial income benefits from 75% to 85% of the state average weekly wage; increase and clarify multiplier language factors; provide that the time limit for permanent partial income benefits is determined by the impairment ratings; make other amendments to conform.
 Current Status:   3/7/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Labor and Industry
HB511LOCAL SCHOOL BOARDS (MEEKS R) AN ACT relating to local school boards.

Amend KRS 160.210 to require minority representation on a local school board in districts containing 10% or more minority student population; under specified conditions, require the commissioner of education to appoint two members, including a minority member to a local board of education.
 Current Status:   3/4/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB516SALES AND USE TAX (PULLIN T) AN ACT relating to sales and use tax.

Amend KRS 139.350 to allow a retailer or lender to claim a deduction for bad debts or claim a refund of the sales or use tax previously reported by the retailer on the unpaid balance due on a private label credit card; allows the bad debt to be determined by various methods if approved by the Department of Revenue; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2016.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB520ENERGY EFFICIENCY (STEELE F) AN ACT relating to energy efficiency.

Amend KRS 57.770 to delete definitions for Green Globes Rating System and LEED; amend KRS 56.777 to increase membership on the High-Performance Buildings Advisory Committee from 15 to 16 by appointing a member of the Kentucky Association of Manufacturers; delete reference to use of Energy Star, Green Globes and LEED in building performance standards and require standards and benchmarks to be developed to achieve 10 percent above the standard set by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers; require standards or codes for construction projects for energy performance to recognize certain forest industry programs; amend KRS 56.782 to replace LEED and Green Globe with building rating systems or codes; amend KRS 157.455 to delete reference to LEED design and update the standard for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers energy standard.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Tourism Development and Energy
HB522TAXATION (CLARK L) AN ACT relating to the taxation of advance deposit wagering licenses and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 138.511 to define "advance deposit account wagering," "advance deposit account wagering licensee," "commission," "handle," "Kentucky resident," and "takeout"; create a new section of KRS 138.510 to 138.550 to impose a tax of one-half of one percent on amounts wagered through advance deposit wagering account licensees by Kentucky residents, effective August 1, 2014; amend KRS 138.530 to require the tax to be remitted weekly and to specify distribution of tax revenue; amend KRS 138.550 to specify penalty for failure to remit tax.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB528TOURISM DEVELOPMENT (BUTLER D) AN ACT relating to tourism development.

Create a new section of KRS 148.850 to 148.860 to establish a tourism promotion incentive program for companies that previously received incentives under the Tourism Development Act for an entertainment destination center project; amend KRS 139.536 to conform.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB529DISTILLED SPIRITS TAXATION (BUTLER D) AN ACT relating to taxation of the distilled spirits industry.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to allow a distilled spirits income tax credit equal to the amount of distilled spirits ad valorem tax timely paid and used for capital improvements at the premises of the distiller; provide for recapture of the tax credit if the capital improvement is sold or otherwise disposed of prior to the useful life of the asset being exhausted; apply to taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2015; amend KRS 141.0205 to order the credit.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB536SCHOOL CALENDARS (LINDER B) AN ACT relating to school calendars and declaring an emergency.

Provide a waiver of the minimum required instructional days for the 2013-2014 school year for school districts that accumulate 1,062 instructional hours and meet other requirements; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB543INCOME TAX (COURSEY W) AN ACT relating to income tax.

Amend KRS 141.010 and create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to provide a deduction for charitable health care services provided by health care providers.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB546RETIREMENT (WAYNE J) AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 21.540 to require the Legislators' Retirement Plan and Judicial Retirement Plan to follow the provisions of KRS Chapters 45A, 56, and 57 regarding procurement of services, goods, and property; provide that no funds of the Legislators' Retirement Plan or Judicial Retirement Plan shall be used to pay placement agents; amend KRS 61.645 to modify the minimum requirements for Gubernatorial appointees to the Kentucky Retirement Systems board of trustees with investment expertise; require the Kentucky Retirement Systems to follow the provisions of KRS Chapters 45, 45A, 56, and 57 regarding budgeting and the procurement of services, goods, and property; require Kentucky Retirement Systems to disclose on their Web site and upon request investment fees in addition to investment holdings and commissions; require Kentucky Retirement Systems to disclose on their Web site and upon request all contracts and offering documents for services, goods, or property purchased or utilized by the systems; provide that no funds of the Kentucky Retirement Systems shall be used to pay placement agents; amend KRS 161.250 to require Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System to disclose on their Web site and upon request investment fees in addition to investment holdings and commissions; require Kentucky Teachers' Retirement Systems to disclose on their Web site and upon request all contracts and offering documents for services, goods, or property purchased or utilized by the systems; amend KRS 161.340 to require the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System to follow the provisions of KRS Chapters 45, 45A, 56, and 57 regarding budgeting and the procurement of services, goods, and property; amend KRS 161.430 to provide that Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System board, staff, and investment advisors shall adhere to the CFA Institute codes of conduct; provide that no funds of the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System shall be used to pay placement agents; establish a noncodified section to require the Public Pension Oversight Board to study and provide a report by December 1, 2014, as to whether or not legislative action should be taken to separate the administration of the County Employees Retirement System from the Kentucky Retirement Systems; establish a noncodified section to require the Public Pension Oversight Board to study and provide a report by December 1, 2014, as to whether or not legislative action should be taken to transfer administration of the Judicial Retirement Plan and the Legislators' Retirement Plan to the Kentucky Retirement Systems; provide that the amendments of this Act requiring the state-administered retirement systems to be subject to state procurement laws and banning the use of system assets to pay placement agents shall apply to contracts established or renewed on or after August 1, 2014; provide that amendments of this Act modifying the requirements for gubernatorial appointments to the KRS board with investment expertise shall apply to appointments or reappointments made on or after the effective date of this Act.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House State Government
HB547EDUCATION RIGHTS (GRAHAM D) AN ACT relating to education rights and privacy.

Amend KRS 160.705 to direct the Kentucky Board of Education to require the Department of Education and all school district to adhere to transparency and privacy standards for outsourcing Web-based tasks to vendors; describe required contractual agreement requirements; amend KRS 160.710 and KRS 160.720 to conform.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) posted in committee House Education
HB549LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES (GRAHAM D) AN ACT relating to minimum staffing requirements for long-term-care facilities.

Create new sections of KRS 216B to require staff-to-resident ratios in long-term care facilities as a condition of licensure or relicensure; establish minimum staffing requirements; prohibit long-term care facilities from admitting new residents if the facility fails to comply with the minimum staffing requirements, beginning on the second day of noncompliance and continuing until six days after the required staffing is achieved, with exceptions allowed for weather emergencies and other similar events; require additional staffing based on the needs of the residents; exempt intermediate-care facilities for the mentally retarded, institutions for the treatment of mental illnesses, personal care homes, and family care homes from the minimum staffing requirements; create a 17-member board to review staffing requirements on an annual basis; establish a civil fine of no more than $1,000 for each day that the staffing requirements are not maintained.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health and Welfare
HB551LOCAL OPTION SALES AND USE TAX (THOMPSON T) AN ACT relating to local option sales and use tax.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 65 to establish the parameters and requirements for the levy of local option sales and use taxes, if a proposed constitutional amendment allowing such a levy is approved; create a new section of KRS Chapter 139 to establish tax administration provisions; provide that the provisions of the Act will be effective on January 1 2015, only if the proposed constitutional amendment is approved by the voters of the Commonwealth at the November 2014 general election; if the proposed amendment is not approved, the Act is void.
 Current Status:   4/15/2014 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day; w/HCS 1, HFA 1,2T
HB554WELFARE TO WORK (SHELL J) AN ACT relating to welfare to work.

Amend KRS 205.200 to establish a graduated earnings disregard program to incentivize public assistance recipients to seek employment.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health and Welfare
HB555WELFARE RECIPIENT IDENTIFICATION (SHELL J) AN ACT relating to photographic identification for welfare recipients.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require photo IDs on all welfare benefit cards; require that an existing recipient be issued a new card at renewal; establish a procedure by which an individual may be designated to purchase qualifying items temporarily.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health and Welfare
HB556PUBLIC ASSISTANCE ELIGIBILITY (SHELL J) AN ACT relating to eligibility for public assistance.

Amend KRS 205.200 to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to implement a substance abuse screening program for applicants and recipients of public assistance who have a felony or misdemeanor history of substance abuse; permit the cabinet to design the program and utilize testing of blood or urine or other reliable methods of substance abuse detection; state conditions under which an adult person is ineligible for public assistance; require testing as a requirement before the receipt of public assistance and once each subsequent year; require the cabinet to promulgate regulations governing the program and testing, including requirements that applicants pay for all substance abuse screening costs and receive a reimbursement if the test is passed; grant the right to additional screenings for applicants who fail a test; require both parents in two-parent families to comply with screening requirements if both parents have a felony or misdemeanor history of substance abuse; require that an individual who fails a test receive a list of licensed substance abuse treatment providers in his or her area; require passage of a drug test before receiving benefits; permit parents or guardians who fail a test to designate another individual to receive benefits for the parent's minor children; require designated individuals to pass substance abuse screenings; create a 60-day grace period to enter a treatment program after the initial positive test; require individuals to pay for a test at the end of the 60-day grace period; provide that if they pass that test, they must pass two additional randomized testings during the next 24 months, or if an individual tests positive after the 60-day grace period, they must show evidence of having entered a substance abuse treatment program within 14 days, during which time, benefits may be suspended and only be payable for the benefit of any children in that recipient's home.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health and Welfare
HB557WORKERS COMPENSATION FUNDING COMMISSION (MONTELL B) AN ACT relating to workers compensation funding commission and special fund.

Amend KRS 342.120 to require the Division of Workers' Compensation Funds to engage in an aggressive attempt to settle special fund claims; amend KRS 342.122 to eliminate all funding provided to the Labor Cabinet from special fund assessments; amend KRS 342.1224 to increase the number of board members and require appointees from the Kentucky League of Cities and Kentucky Association of Manufacturers.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Labor and Industry
HB559LIMITED LIABILITY ENTITY TAX (NELSON R) AN ACT relating to limited liability entity tax.

Amend KRS 141.0402 to remove the $175 minimum tax liability for the limited liability entity tax (LLET), and to provide that for any corporation or limited liability pass-through entity with gross receipts or gross profits of less than $6,000,000 the LLET liability shall be reduced to zero for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2015.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB560UTILITY COST RECOVERY (HALL K) AN ACT relating to utility cost recovery.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to establish a mechanism whereby a natural gas utility may recover in rates part of the cost of building out infrastructure to fueling stations so that the station may offer natural gas as a vehicle fuel.
 Current Status:   3/27/2014 - House Tourism Development and Energy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB563PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FRAUD PREVENTION (LEE S) AN ACT relating to public assistance fraud prevention.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 205 to limit purchases with public assistance benefits; to the extent allowed by federal law, require persons in violation to reimburse the cabinet and be subject to sanctions; require public assistance recipients to be notified of prohibited purchases and provided an opportunity for a hearing; require the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; prohibit retail establishments from accepting payment for certain purchases with public assistance benefits; set fines for violations.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health and Welfare
HB573PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (ADKINS R) AN ACT relating to the Public Service Commission.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to require the Public Service Commission to reconsider previously issued orders that involve multistate transactions if the order involves a multistate transaction that requires approval from another state public utility commission and the out-of-state public utility commission fails to approve the transaction or utility plan; require the Public Service Commission to review its previous order and determine whether the order is still in the public interest of Kentucky ratepayers; provide that the provisions of this Act shall apply retroactively to all Public Service Commission orders issued on or after July 1, 2013.
 Current Status:   3/27/2014 - floor amendment (2) filed
HCR86BALANCED FEDERAL BUDGET (DECESARE J) A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging Congress to call a convention for the sole purpose of proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States requiring a balanced federal budget.

Urge Congress to call an Article V convention for the purpose of proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States requiring a balanced federal budget.
 Current Status:   1/30/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Elections, Constitutional Amendments, and Intergovernmental Affairs
HCR179TEACHERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM TASKFORCE (HOOVER J) A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Kentucky Teacher's Retirement System Taskforce.

Establish the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System Task Force; provide that the purpose of the task force is to study issues regarding the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System and to develop consensus recommendations concerning the benefits, investments, and funding of the system; name the membership of the task force; require the task force to meet at least monthly before submitting its findings and recommendations; require its findings and recommendations to be submitted to the Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2014; and provide that the Legislative Research Commission has authority to alternatively assign the issues identified in the Resolution to interim joint committees or subcommittees thereof.
 Current Status:   3/4/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HJR62ROAD PLAN (RAND R) A JOINT RESOLUTION providing that the General Assembly shall adopt the last four years of the six year road plan as a joint resolution.

Provide that the General Assembly shall adopt the last four years of the six year road plan as a joint resolution.
 Current Status:   4/25/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HJR78KENTUCKY SCHOOLS ACTIVITY FUNDS (FISCHER J) A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Kentucky Board of Education to amend regulations pertaining to the accounting procedures for Kentucky schools activities fund.

Direct the Kentucky Board of Education to amend 702 KAR 3:130, pertaining to the procedures for the accounting of school activity funds by high school alumni associations.
 Current Status:   1/29/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HJR170TUITION AND FEE POLICIES (KAY II J) A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Council on Postsecondary Education to study issues related to institutional tuition and fee policies and alternative policies in other states that mitigate financial strain on in-state students.

Direct the Council on Postsecondary Education to study issues related to institutional tuition and fee policies and alternative policies in other states that mitigate financial strain on in-state students.
 Current Status:   3/4/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HJR185PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS (TILLEY J) A JOINT RESOLUTION urging Kentucky State Parks to conduct internal review of processes necessary for public/private partnerships.

Urge Kentucky State Parks to conduct internal review of processes necessary for public/private partnerships.
 Current Status:   3/27/2014 - (S) Reported Favorably to Rules
HR29EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION RATE (KAY II J) Support legislative action to pay the full actuarially required employer contribution rate to the systems administered by Kentucky Retirement Systems.

Support legislative action to pay the full actuarially required employer contribution rate to the systems administered by Kentucky Retirement Systems.
 Current Status:   2/10/2014 - (H) THIRD READING, adopted 91-0
HR30RETIREMENT SYSTEMS (KAY II J) Support legislative action to provide a dedicated revenue source to fund actuarially required contribution rates for the Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS) and the State Police Retirement System (SPRS).

Support legislative action to provide a dedicated revenue source to fund actuarially required contribution rates for the Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS) and the State Police Retirement System (SPRS).
 Current Status:   2/12/2014 - (H) THIRD READING, adopted 97-0
HR126OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DEVICES (IMES K) A RESOLUTION urging the Transportation Cabinet to withdraw recently filed administrative regulations covering outdoor advertising devices and work with the Interim Joint Committee on Transportation and Economic Development and Tourism to craft regulations with public input prior to the drafting of regulations.

Urge the Transportation Cabinet to withdraw recently filed administrative regulations covering outdoor advertising devices and work with the Interim Joint Committee on Transportation and Economic Development and Tourism to craft regulations with public input prior to the drafting of regulations.
 Current Status:   2/18/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Transportation
SB1CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT (BOWEN J) AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to administrative regulations.

Create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to permit the General Assembly by general law to prohibit the adoption of administrative regulations that it has found to be deficient.
 Current Status:   2/11/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Elections, Constitutional Amendments, and Intergovernmental Affairs
SB2DEBT (STIVERS R) AN ACT relating to debt.

Amend KRS 48.010 to define terms; create a new section of KRS Chapter 48 to establish limitations on the issuance of general fund supported debt; amend KRS 56.063 to conform; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2015.
 Current Status:   1/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB4LEGISLATORS' RETIREMENT PLAN (MCDANIEL C) AN ACT relating to the Legislators' Retirement Plan.

Amend KRS 6.525 to allow members contributing to the Legislators' Retirement Plan prior to January 1, 2014, to make a one-time election to have their benefits from the Legislators' Retirement Plan based solely on their legislative salary and any salary, earned in another state-administered retirement system prior to January 1, 2014.
 Current Status:   4/15/2014 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day
SB5CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES (STINE K) AN ACT relating to controlled substances.

Amend KRS 72.026 to increase the scope of mandatory coroner and medical examiner reporting in deaths involving Schedule I deaths; amend KRS 196.286 and 196.288 to direct that a portion of recaptured savings from criminal justice reforms be directed to funding of KY-ASAP; create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to specify the controlled substance treatment services to be offered under Medicaid; amend KRS 217.186 to increase the availability of Naloxone for use as a rescue drug for narcotic overdose situations; create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to provide immunity for persons seeking emergency help in drug overdose situations; amend KRS 218A.040 to specify that death by overdose is a foreseeable result of the consumption or use of a Schedule I controlled substance; amend KRS 218A.1412 to establish a 50% minimum time service requirement for higher-level traffickers in heroin or methamphetamine, with the ability to deviate from that requirement in cases where the defendant provides assistance to the prosecution; amend KRS 439.3401 to require a minimum 50% time service requirement for homicide and fetal homicide offenders in situations where the decedent died due to a Schedule I drug overdose; amend KRS 501.060 to provide that it is not a defense to the establishment of causation in a Schedule I overdose case that the decedent voluntarily ingested the drug or that there was no direct contact between the decedent and the defendant; direct the Department of Criminal Justice Training to conduct regionalized heroin-specific in-service training for law enforcement officers by December 31, 2015.
 Current Status:   4/15/2014 - floor amendments (19) to HFA 18, (20) to HFA 16, (21-title) (22) to HFA 18, and (23-title) filed
SB6PUBLIC RETIREMENT (MCDANIEL C) AN ACT relating to the disclosure of public retirement information.

Amend KRS 61.661, 161.585, and 21.540 to require the Kentucky Retirement Systems, Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, and the Judicial Form Retirement System, to disclose upon request the names, status, projected or actual benefit payments, and other retirement information of each member or recipient of a retirement allowance of the systems.
 Current Status:   1/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB7NURSES (HORNBACK P) AN ACT relating to nurses.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 314 to establish a Collaborative Prescribing Agreement Joint Advisory Committee; set membership of the committee at 3 advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who prescribe nonscheduled legend drugs and 3 physicians who currently or previously signed a collaborative agreement with an APRN for prescribing nonscheduled legend drugs (CAPA-NS); authorize the committee to recommend items to the nursing and medical boards, including a common CAPA-NS form; establish methods to assist APRNs who need a physician to sign a CAPA-NS in emergency and non-emergency situations; require the committee to forward complaints to the appropriate licensing board without discussing or reviewing any complaint or actions by the practitioner; declare that each board retains jurisdiction over its licensees and committee members; attach the committee to the nursing board, while each board is responsible for the expenses of its members; alternate committee meetings between the facilities of the two boards; amend KRS 314.042 to set out specific requirements for a CAPA-NS agreement similar to those already established for controlled substance collaborative agreements; allow an APRN to discontinue or be exempt from the CAPA-NS requirement in limited circumstances after the APRN has prescribed under a CAPA-NS for 4 years in a certified population focus; clarify that an APRN cannot be required to maintain a CAPA-NS after the 4 years, but may choose to continue a CAPA-NS indefinitely; direct an APRN to notify the nursing board if the APRN will be prescribing without a CAPA-NS; permit an APRN from another state seeking licensure by endorsement to prescribe without a CAPA-NS if that APRN either had a collaborative prescribing agreement with a physician or prescribed independently for at least 4 years; require an APRN who has prescribed for less than 4 years when the new requirements take effect to complete the 4 years before being eligible to prescribe without a CAPA-NS.
 Current Status:   2/13/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB9BENEFIT CORPORATIONS (BOWEN J) AN ACT relating to benefit corporations.

Create KRS Chapter 271C to establish public benefit corporations.
 Current Status:   1/17/2014 - (S) WITHDRAWN
SB11DRUG TRAFFICKING (SCHICKEL J) AN ACT relating to trafficking in heroin.

Amend KRS 218A.1412 to require that persons who violate that section by trafficking in heroin be charged as Class C felons for the first offense and to require that those persons serve at least 50% of the sentence imposed for the violation before being released on probation or parole.
 Current Status:   3/6/2014 - Senate Judiciary, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
SB13SCHOOL FUNDING (SCHICKEL J) AN ACT relating to school funding.

Amend KRS 157.310 to clarify the intention of the General Assembly that no mandate be placed on the public schools without program funding to carry out the mandate; require legislation relating to the public schools that includes a fiscal note pursuant to KRS 6.955 or a state mandate pursuant to KRS 6.965 to include provision for funding that is adequate for compliance with the mandate; clarify that no school district shall be compelled to comply with mandated enactments of the General Assembly that do not provide adequate funding; specify that this amendment does not relieve a school district from the obligation to comply with state or federal laws relating to health, safety, or civil rights.
 Current Status:   1/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education
SB14EMINENT DOMAIN (HIGDON J) AN ACT relating to eminent domain.

Amend KRS 278.502 to allow eminent domain to be used only in cases where the condemnor is a utility regulated by the Public Service Commission.
 Current Status:   1/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB16COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (GIVENS D) AN ACT relating to computer programming languages in public schools.

AN ACT relating to computer programming languages in public schools.
 Current Status:   3/24/2014 - (H) Returned to Committee House Education
SB21EMINENT DOMAIN (HIGDON J) AN ACT relating to eminent domain and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 278.502 to limit the scope of the eminent domain authority created by that section; declare amendments retroactive to October 1, 2013; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   1/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB26THOROUGHBRED DEVELOPMENT FUND (SCHICKEL J) AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Thoroughbred development fund.

Amend KRS 230.400 to extend payments from the Kentucky thoroughbred development fund to nonclaiming maiden races and allowance optional claiming races and require the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission to establish requirements, conditions, and procedures for awarding payments.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB33CASINO GAMING (SEUM D) AN ACT proposing a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to casino gambling.

Propose creating a new section to the Kentucky Constitution to allow casino gambling at no more than seven locations and dedicate ten percent of the revenue to promote equine interests, dedicate the Commonwealth's revenue from gaming to job creation, education, human services, health care, veterans' bonuses, local governments, and public safety.
 Current Status:   1/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB35PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (JONES R) AN ACT relating to the Public Service Commission.

Amend KRS 278.050 to increase membership of the Public Service Commission (PSC) from three to seven commissioners; require an election of the commissioners in accordance with KRS Chapter 118; provide that initial election of PSC commissioners shall be at the regular election in November 2016; provide that each member of the commission shall be eligible for membership in the Kentucky Employees Retirement System as set forth in KRS 61.515 to 61.705; amend KRS 278.060 to change qualifications of the commissioners; amend KRS 278.120, 278.702, 11A.010, 11A.040, and 11A.050 to conform; repeal KRS 278.070.
 Current Status:   1/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Natural Resources and Energy
SB36REDEMPTION (BUFORD T) AN ACT relating to the right of redemption.

Amend KRS 426.530 to reduce from one year to six months the time period for the right of redemption of real property sold in pursuance of a judgment or order of a court, other than an execution, if the sale did not bring two-thirds of its appraised value.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB41PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS (BUFORD T) AN ACT relating to physician assistants.

Amend KRS 311.856 to require a supervising physician to review and countersign at least 10% of the medical notes written by a physician assistant every 30 days; allow a physician assistant to execute an order without the countersignature of the supervising physician.
 Current Status:   4/7/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB43MEDICAL CANNABIS (CLARK P) AN ACT relating to medical cannabis.

Create various new sections of KRS Chapter 218A to establish a comprehensive system for medical cannabis in Kentucky, including provisions for medical verification of need, persons allowed to cultivate, use, and possess the drug, organizations allowed to assist in providing the drug, regulation by the state Department for Public Health, interaction with state and local governments, including law enforcement, with persons and entities coming within the purview of the Act, and the establishment of required reporting and review procedures; amend KRS 218A.040 to conform; name the Act the Cannabis Compassion Act.
 Current Status:   1/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Licensing, Occupations, and Administrative Regulations
SB52MEDICAID PATIENTS (DENTON J) AN ACT relating to a missed appointment fee pilot program for Medicaid patients.

Require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to apply for a Medicaid waiver within 90 days for a pilot program permitting health professionals to charge a $25 missed appointment fee; require implementation within 60 days after approval in Jefferson and Lawrence Counties.
 Current Status:   3/24/2014 - (H) Returned to Committee House Health and Welfare
SB55FUNDS TO SUPPORT EDUCATION (GIVENS D) AN ACT relating to funds to support education excellence in Kentucky.

Amend KRS 157.350 to prohibit the withholding of support education excellence in Kentucky funds as a punitive measure.
 Current Status:   3/24/2014 - (H) Returned to Committee House Education
SB63WORKERS' COMPENSATION (MCDANIEL C) AN ACT relating to the workers' compensation special fund and Funding Commission.

Amend KRS 342.120 require the Division of Workers' Compensation Funds to engage in an aggressive attempt to settle special fund claims; amend KRS 342.122 and eliminate all funding provided to the Labor Cabinet from special fund assessments.
 Current Status:   3/25/2014 - (H) Returned to Committee House Labor and Industry
SB67NUCLEAR POWER (LEEPER R) AN ACT relating to nuclear power.

Amend KRS 278.600 to define "storage" and amend a definition to require that nuclear power facilities have a plan for the storage of nuclear waste rather than a means of permanent disposal; amend KRS 278.610 to delete the requirement that the Public Service Commission certify the facility as having a means for disposal of high-level nuclear waste; change all references to disposal of nuclear waste to storage of nuclear waste; prohibit construction of low-level waste disposal sites in the Commonwealth except as provided in KRS 211.852; require the Public Service Commission to determine whether the construction or operation of a nuclear power facility, including one constructed by an entity regulated under KRS Chapter 96, would create low-level nuclear waste or mixed wastes that would be required to be disposed of in low-level waste disposal sites in the Commonwealth; repeal KRS 278.605, relating to construction of nuclear power facilities.
 Current Status:   3/25/2014 - (H) Returned to Committee House Natural Resources and Environment
SB73NON-FORMULARY PRESCRIPTIONS (BUFORD T) AN ACT relating to requirements for preauthorization of non-formulary prescriptions.

Amend KRS 304.17A-161 to define "preauthorization"; and create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS chapter 304 to establish requirements for pharmacy benefit managers to expedite the process of preauthorization of a non-formulary drug product.
 Current Status:   3/31/2014 - received in Senate w/Letter
SB78DOGS (GIRDLER C) AN ACT relating to dogs.

Amend KRS 258.095 to amend the definition of who qualifies as the owner of a dog to include persons permitting the dog to remain on or about premises owned and occupied by the person.
 Current Status:   2/13/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary
SB81EMPLOYEE MISCLASSIFICATION (SCHICKEL J) AN ACT relating to employee misclassification.

Amend KRS 336.010 to define "contractor," "person," "prime contractor," "secretary," and 'subcontractor"; amend KRS 336.040 to require the Labor Cabinet to be the determining authority in issues related to employee misclassification; create a new section of KRS Chapter 336 to establish criteria for determining whether a person is an independent contractor, exempting a prime contractor for a subcontractor's misclassification of an employee, and exempting independent contractors from certain benefits; amend KRS 336.050 to require the secretary to develop a training program on classification of employees; amend KRS 336.990 to establish a penalty for misclassification of employees; amend KRS 342.640 to delete provisions relating to newspaper delivery persons.
 Current Status:   3/27/2014 - received in Senate w/Letter
SB83ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES (SCHICKEL J) AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages.

Amend KRS 241.010 to define "commercial airport," "cider," "malt beverage," and "weak cider"; amend KRS 242.123 to delineate a reference to a special local option election in a city of the second class; amend KRS 243.030 to split the distiller's license into Class A and Class B licenses; amend KRS 243.033 to clarify that caterer's licenses may be used in limited restaurant moist territory and in the manner of an NQ4 drink license; amend KRS 243.042 to allow a qualified historic site to serve alcoholic beverages by the drink on a riverboat moored at its licensed premises; amend KRS 243.050 to add the holder of a license located in a commercial airport among those licensees who may be granted an extended hours supplemental license; amend KRS 243.072 and 243.075 to include county alcohol license fees and permit local regulatory license fees for limited restaurant territory or for a city of the third or fourth class under KRS Chapter 242; amend KRS 243.082 to clarify the duties and privileges of an NQ1 license; amend KRS 243.084 to authorize NQ2 retail drink licenses for hotel and restaurant dining facilities that seat at least 50 people and that derive at least 50% of their food and alcoholic beverage receipts from the sale of food; amend KRS 243.120 to assign a distiller's Class A license to distillers that produce more than 50,000 gallons of distilled spirits per year, and a distiller's Class B license to those that produce 50,000 gallons or less per year; amend KRS 243.200 to add the duties and privileges of a transporter's license; amend KRS 243.250, 244.125, and 244.295 to set the restaurant food threshold at 50% of food and beverage receipts rather than food and beverage income; amend KRS 243.320 to allow a nonbeverage alcohol licensee to produce, possess, and use alcohol in the manufacture of nonbeverage fuel ethanol; amend KRS 243.353 to make technical changes; amend KRS 243.360 to exempt an applicant for a micro out-of-state distilled spirits and wine supplier's license from the requirement to advertise the intention to apply for a license; amend KRS 244.290 and 244.480 to replace outdated terms; amend KRS 244.585 to compel a malt beverage distributor to file its territorial agreements only upon request of the department; amend KRS 243.034, 243.170, and 243.230 to conform; repeal KRS 243.083 and 243.205.
 Current Status:   4/2/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB84MOTOR VEHICLES (MCDANIEL C) AN ACT relating to motor vehicles.

Amend KRS 186A.295 to require an auto recycler or salvage yard to ascertain that a vehicle does not have any liens or delinquent taxes owed upon it before surrendering the title on the vehicle.
 Current Status:   3/25/2014 - (H) Returned to Committee House Transportation
SB86ASSET RESOLUTION CORPORATION (GREGORY S) AN ACT relating to Asset Resolution Corporation.

Amend KRS 164A.055 to allow the Asset Resolution Corporation to adopt bylaws and rules for its business.
 Current Status:   4/7/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB87SCHOLARSHIP (HUMPHRIES S) AN ACT relating to Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship and making an appropriation therefore.

Amend KRS 164.7881 to permit high school seniors, beginning with the 2014-2015 academic year, and high school juniors and seniors, beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year, to use their KEES awards to pay for dual credit courses; require that the funds they would have received as eligible postsecondary students be reduced proportionally over a four-, or in some cases, five-year period by an amount equal to the amount used for dual credit; amend KRS 164.7885 to conform; designate the expenditures as necessary governmental expenses if KEES funds appropriated for fiscal years 2015 and 2016 are not adequate.
 Current Status:   2/11/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
SB88BOARDS OF HEALTH (SEUM D) AN ACT relating to boards of health.

Amend KRS 212.230 to remove the board of health's ability to adopt administrative regulations by transferring the authority to the local legislative body; prohibit a board of health from regulating any part of firearms or ammunition.
 Current Status:   1/23/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection
SB89PUBLIC SCHOOLS (HIGDON J) AN ACT relating to public school standards.

Amend KRS 156.070 to direct the Kentucky Board of Education to require that the Department of Education and all school districts adhere to transparency and privacy standards when outsourcing Web-based tasks to vendors; clarify vendor contract requirements; amend KRS 158.6453 to permit a local board of education or a school council to supplement the state board-approved academic content standards with higher and more rigorous standards and use them for curricular and instructional purposes; amend KRS 160.345 to clarify school council authority.
 Current Status:   3/31/2014 - received in Senate w/Letter
SB90REORGANIZATION (MCGARVEY M) AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Abolish the Division of Administration and the Division of Business Filings in the Office of the Secretary of State; create the Office of Administration, Office of Business, and Office of Elections, and describe duties of the offices; confirm Secretary of State Executive Order 2013-01.
 Current Status:   1/24/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB91PUBLIC UTILITIES (CARPENTER J) AN ACT relating to public utilities.

Amend KRS 278.380 to allow the Public Service Commission to deliver its orders by electronic transmission unless a party objects in writing; clarify the form of electronic transmissions by the commission.
 Current Status:   4/7/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB93RETIREMENT BENEFITS (MCDANIEL C) AN ACT relating to forfeiture of retirement benefits.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 21 to provide that any current or former judge or justice with an account in the Judicial Retirement Plan, who is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor relating to his or her duties as a judge or justice, or who enters into a plea agreement in order to avoid felony or misdemeanor charges related to his or her duties as a judge or justice, or who is convicted of a Class A felony not related to his or duties as a judge or justice, shall cease membership in the Judicial Retirement Plan and forfeit all rights and benefits earned in the Judicial Retirement Plan except for a return of his or her individual contributions less interest and restitutions or fines required to be paid by a court order; provide that the forfeiture of benefits shall apply to any judge or justice regardless of his or her participation date in a state-administered retirement system; require the Administrative Office of the Courts to notify the Judicial Retirement Plan when a current or former judge or justice is convicted or enters into a plea agreement to avoid conviction, of a crime subject to the provisions of this section; amend KRS 6.696, 61.535, and 161.470 to provide that any member or retired member of the Legislators' Retirement Plan, the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, the County Employees Retirement System, the State Police Retirement System, or the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, who is convicted or a felony or misdemeanor relating to his or her duties as a public servant, or who enters into a plea agreement in order to avoid felony or misdemeanor charges related to his or her duties as a public servant, or who is convicted of a Class A felony not related to his or duties as a public servant, shall cease membership in their respective retirement system or plan and forfeit all rights and benefits earned in those systems and plans except for a return of his or her individual contributions less interest and restitutions or fines required to be paid by a court order; provide that the forfeiture of benefits shall apply to any current or former public servant regardless of their participation date in a state-administered retirement system; require the employer to notify the respective retirement system or plan when a current or former public servant is convicted or enters into a plea agreement to avoid conviction, of a crime subject to the provisions of this section; amend KRS 6.505,16.652, 21.360, 21.470, 21.480, 61.625, 61.690, 61.692, 78.852, 161.530, 161.700, 161.714 to conform; create a noncodified section to create severability; create a noncodified section to only apply provisions of this Act to felonies, misdemeanors, and plea agreements entered into on or after the effective date of this Act.
 Current Status:   1/28/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB97AIRPORT NOISE OVERLAYS (MCGARVEY M) AN ACT relating to airport noise overlays.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 100 to allow a planning unit to incorporate airport noise overlay districts within its zoning texts and maps; allow the planning unit to incorporate guidelines on building techniques and materials that are designed to provide acoustical insulation benefits to structures within the zone; affirm that nothing in the bill is to be construed to allow a planning unit to have authority to restrict, permit, prohibit, approve, or control uses or building standards on airport lands, or airport lands that are leased.
 Current Status:   1/28/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB99TELECOMMUNICATIONS (HORNBACK P) AN ACT relating to telecommunications.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to modify the telecommunications deregulation plan in KRS 278.541 et.seq.; end most Public Service Commission authority over exchanges with 15,000 or more housing units; for less populous exchanges, PSC jurisdiction reduced and obligation to provide basic local exchange (wireline) service is reduced; utility would have option to substitute internet protocol or wireless service in some situations; customers in some situations would have the right to reject IP or wireless service and have their wireline restored; remove PSC jurisdiction over transfer of ownership or control of telecoms who adopt these modifications; eliminate PSC control and city control over consolidation of telecom operations within a city; federal jurisdiction, especially over carrier to carrier issues unaffected; end PSC jurisdiction over consumer cellphone complaints; end PSC jurisdiction over consumer broadband complaints; amend KRS 278.54611 to conform.
 Current Status:   4/15/2014 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day; w/HCS 1, HFA 1,2P,3P,4T,5,6
SB101LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS (MCDANIEL C) AN ACT relating to the publication of local government legal advertisements.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 424 giving local governments the option to post required advertisements online on a notice Web site operated by local government in lieu of newspaper publication, so long as one-time advertisement is published in actual newspaper; specify requirements for advertisements published on Internet Web site and in actual newspaper; specify rights of public and duties of local government; set out consequences of local government's failure to publish as required by law; provide penalty.
 Current Status:   1/28/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB104REORGANIZATION (THAYER D) AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend KRS 12.023 to remove the Agricultural Development Board and the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation from the Office of the Governor; amend KRS 12.020 to attach the Agricultural Development Board and the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation to the Department of Agriculture; repeal, reenact as a new section of KRS Chapter 248, and amend KRS 11.170 to attach the Kentucky Agriculture Resources Development Authority (KARDA) to the Department of Agriculture; allow KARDA to advise the Commissioner of Agriculture; allow KARDA to use staff of the Department of Agriculture to carry out the duties of the board; amend KRS 247.944 to attach the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation to the Department of Agriculture; allow staff services for the board to be provided by the Department of Agriculture; authorize the Commissioner of Agriculture or his or her designee to serve as executive director of the Agricultural Finance Corporation board; amend KRS 248.707 to authorize the Commissioner of Agriculture to serve as chair of the Agricultural Development Board; authorize the Governor to serve as vice chair of the Agricultural Development Board; attach the Agricultural Development Board to the Department of Agriculture; allow staff services for the board to be provided by the Department of Agriculture; amend KRS 248.709 to provide that the Commissioner of Agriculture or his or her designee shall serve as director of the Agricultural Development Board; amend KRS 260.857 to conform; repeal KRS 248.480, relating to the Kentucky Tobacco Settlement Trust Corporation; transfer affairs associated with the Governor's Office of Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Development Board, KARDA, and the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation to the Department of Agriculture.
 Current Status:   2/4/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Agriculture
SB105NEWSPAPERS (BUFORD T) AN ACT relating to newspaper carriers.

Amend KRS 342.640 to delete newspaper carriers from being considered employees of independent news agencies for workers' compensation purposes.
 Current Status:   4/2/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB109SALE OF TOBACCO RELATED PRODUCTS TO MINORS (HORNBACK P) AN ACT relating to the sale of tobacco related products to minors and declaring an emergency.

Amend various sections of KRS 438.305 to 438.340 to define "alternative nicotine product", "tobacco product", and "vapor product"; prohibit the sale to minors of tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, and vapor products; prohibit minors from purchasing tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, and vapor products; set out distribution prohibitions for wholesalers, retailers, and manufacturers; stipulate prohibitions on sale of tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, and vapor products from vending machines; establish retail notification requirements for tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, and vapor products; set out Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and Department of Agriculture inspection requirements; direct Department of Agriculture education duties; amend KRS 438.350 to prohibit possession by minors of tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, and vapor products, and define terms in KRS 438.350; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   4/10/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB110EXPUNGEMENT (DENTON J) AN ACT relating to expungement.

Amend KRS 341.078 to allow expungement of multiple unrelated misdemeanors or violations; allow expungement of felony arrests or charges on which no indictment has issued after 24 months.
 Current Status:   2/4/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB112SALE OF E-CIGARETTES TO MINORS (HARPER ANGEL D) AN ACT relating to the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors.

Amend KRS 438.305 to define "e-cigarette" and "sample"; amend KRS 438.310 to prohibit the retail sales of e-cigarettes to anyone under age 18; amend KRS 438.311 to prohibit anyone under 18 from buying e-cigarettes at retail; amend KRS 438.313 to prohibit the distribution free of charge of e-cigarettes to those under 18; amend KRS 438.315 to prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes by vending machine; amend KRS 438.320 to require reporting of e-cigarettes supplied to retail establishments; amend KRS 438.325 to require retailers to inform employees of e-cigarette prohibitions; amend KRS 438.330 to clarify agency retail inspections; amend KRS 438.350 to bar those under 18 from possessing e-cigarettes.
 Current Status:   2/4/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB119MEDICAL REVIEW PANELS (DENTON J) AN ACT relating to medical review panels.

Establish KRS Chapter 216C; create within that chapter various new sections establishing a medical review panel system for use in civil litigation relating to health care providers, including sections setting out definitions, delineating covered health care facilities and providers, panel membership and formation, functions and deliberations of the panel, and utilization of panel results in civil actions.
 Current Status:   3/28/2014 - (H) discharge petition filed
SB132DEBTOR CREDITOR RELATIONS (CARROLL J) AN ACT relating to debtor creditor relations.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 413 to establish a 6 year period of limitation in which an action may be brought against a consumer defaulting on a revolving credit plan and make a limited exception thereto; amend KRS 427.010, 427.030, 427.040, and 427.060 to increase the exemption value of specific property subject to execution or attachment.
 Current Status:   2/12/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB134MEDICAL PRACTICE (WESTERFIELD W) AN ACT relating to medical practice.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 311 to require the Board Medical Licensure to design a program to ensure that a physician offers testimony in accord with his or her professional knowledge of skills; create an expert witness certificate program for individuals who submit certain documents; require that individuals testifying as expert medical witnesses be certified by this program before their testimony may be admitted as expert testimony; clarify that the certificate shall only permit an individual to testify and not practice medicine; state 16 subjects to which an individual, under penalty of perjury, shall attest before he or she may receive an expert witness certificate; state circumstances under which the board may pursue disciplinary action, issue fines of up to $10,000, and revoke an expert witness certificate; create a new section of KRS Chapter 454 to establish standards for medical expert witness testimony.
 Current Status:   2/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB135CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT (HORNBACK P) AN ACT proposing to amend Section 181 of the Kentucky Constitution related to local levees of state and used taxes.

Propose to amend Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky to authorize the General Assembly to confer upon the proper authority of any city or county the power to levy a local option sales and use tax, subject to specifically enumerated conditions and limitations; submit to the voters for approval or disapproval; supply ballot language.
 Current Status:   2/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
SB136WORKERS COMPENSATION (BUFORD T) AN ACT relating to workers compensation.

Amend several provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act in KRS Chapter 342 to define and recognize temporary partial disability benefits and amend other statutes to comply; define medical provider; limit medical benefits to age 70 or five years after date of injury, whichever is later except for permanent total awards or awards involving prosthetic devices which continue for as long as the employee is disabled; allow attorney's fees or increased payments for medical fee disputes that are decided in favor of the claimant; amend the reopening statutes to allow for reopening for additional temporary total or partial benefits; permit claimants who have awards of $60 or less per week to elect a lump sum and receive a one point higher discount rate than that set by the commissioner; require settlements for future medicals to be approved by the federal Medicare Secondary Payer Act; permit claimants to recover damages from an insurance carrier who commits an unfair claims settlement practice; increase attorneys' fees to a total of $24,000; specify that administrative law judges do not approve attorney's fees; enumerate changes to the manner that income benefits are determined; increase the maximum for temporary total or partial income benefits from 100% of the state average weekly wage to 120% of the state average weekly wage; increase the maximum of permanent partial income benefits from 75% to 85% of the state average weekly wage; increase and clarify multiplier language factors; provide that the time limit for permanent partial income benefits is determined by the impairment ratings; make other amendments to conform.
 Current Status:   2/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB137WORKERS' COMPENSATION (CARROLL J) AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.

Amend KRS 342.320 to double the maximum amount of attorney fees in original and reopened worker's compensation claims and add potential fees for post-award income benefits; amend KRS 342.730 to require worker's compensation income benefits to be paid until age 70 or 5 years after the injury whichever is later.
 Current Status:   3/17/2014 - (S) reassigned to committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
SB142RETIREMENT BENEFITS (MCDANIEL C) AN ACT relating to retirement benefits spiking.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 21 to provide that members of the Legislators' Retirement Plan or Judicial Retirement Plan who retire on or after January 1, 2015, shall be limited to a 10% growth in the creditable compensation earned during their last five years of employment if that compensation is used to calculate their retirement benefits; provide that only creditable compensation earned on or after July 1, 2014, shall be subject to the creditable compensation growth limitations; exempt lump-sum payments for compensatory time from the compensation growth limitation; exempt from the compensation growth limitation those years of compensation where in the immediately preceding fiscal year the member had 5 weeks of paid worker's compensation benefits or 5 weeks of unpaid maternity, FMLA, or approved sick leave; exempt bona fide promotions or salary advancements from the compensation growth limitation; define "bona fide promotion or salary advancements" as a professional advancement in substantially the same line of work held by the member in the 4 years immediately prior to the 5-year period or a change in employment position based upon training, education or expertise; provide that a bona fide promotion or salary advancement does not include situations where a legislator or judge takes a position of employment with a different employer participating in any of the state-administered retirement systems; provide that the Judicial Form Retirement System shall refund contributions and interest on contributions, for any reductions in creditable compensation provided by this section; provide that the Judicial Form Retirement System shall determine what constitutes a bona fide promotion or salary advancement and allow the member to appeal a decision of the system to the full board of trustees; amend KRS 61.598 to provide that members of the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, the County Employees Retirement System, and the State Police Retirement System, who retire on or after January 1, 2015, shall be limited to a 10% growth in the creditable compensation earned during their last five years of employment if that compensation is used to calculate their retirement benefits; provide that only creditable compensation earned on or after July 1, 2014, shall be subject to the creditable compensation growth limitations; exempt lump-sum payments for compensatory time from the compensation growth limitation; exempt from the compensation growth limitation those years of compensation where in the immediately preceding fiscal year the member had 5 weeks of paid worker's compensation benefits or 5 weeks of unpaid maternity, FMLA, or approved sick leave; exempt bona fide promotions or salary advancements from the compensation growth limitation; provide that the Kentucky Retirement Systems shall refund contributions and interest on contributions, for any reductions in creditable compensation provided by this section; provide that the Kentucky Retirement Systems shall determine what constitutes a bona fide promotion or salary advancement and allow the member to appeal a decision of the system to the board; remove provisions charging employers for creditable compensation growth greater than 10% during the employee's last five years of employment; amend KRS 6.525, 16.645, 61.645, and 78.545 to conform.
 Current Status:   4/15/2014 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day
SB145EXPUNGEMENT (JONES R) AN ACT relating to expungement.

Amend KRS 431.078 to allow a Class D felony record to be expunged under specified circumstances; create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to require the Administrative Office of the Courts to keep a confidential index of expungement orders for the preparation of presentence investigations; amend KRS 527.040, relating to possession of a firearm by a felon, to exempt individuals who have had their felony records expunged.
 Current Status:   2/20/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB146STATE EMPLOEE HIRING PREFERENCE (JONES R) AN ACT relating to state employee hiring preference for coal miners.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 18A to require that a person with five years of surface or underground coal mining experience be given preference in state employment.
 Current Status:   2/20/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB152WATER OR SEWER UTILITIES (GIRDLER C) AN ACT relating to the acquisition of water or sewer utilities.

Create a new section of KRS 278.010 to 278.450 to set forth procedures for the valuation of assets and rate base calculations relating to the acquisition of existing water or sewer utilities by investor-owned water or sewer utilities; define terms; require the Public Service Commission to include in the acquiring utility's next base rate case the entire value of all assets acquired as measure by the fair market value on the date of acquisition or purchase price paid, whichever is less; require the acquiring utility to pay for three appraisals, the average of which shall determine the fair market value; require one appraiser to be chosen by the acquiring utility, one to be chosen by the utility to be acquired, and one to be chosen by mutual agreement of the first two appraisers; require the appraisers to separately determine the fair market value of the assets in compliance with the latest version of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice; require that the acquisition agreement provide for the repayment of any debt owed on the acquired assets by the utility being acquired to any state government entity.
 Current Status:   3/12/2014 - Senate Natural Resources and Energy, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
SB164CORPORATIONS (GREGORY S) AN ACT relating to corporations.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 271B to provide for the status of or transition to the status of “public benefit corporation” by corporations operating within Kentucky; amend various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to conform; Establish KRS Chapter 273A.1 and create subchapters and sections thereof to enact Kentucky Nonprofit Corporation Act; provide for the creation, modification, termination and administration of nonprofit corporations; address definitions, general provisions, provide for the powers of the corporation; establish steps for incorporation and adoption of bylaws; provide for liability of persons acting on behalf of a nonprofit corporation; enumerate that attorney general can bring suit on behalf of against the corporation; filing articles of incorporation with the office of the Secretary of State; requirement of fees for filing various documents with the Secretary of State; notice to members, directors and proxies; ballot voting for members; removal of directors; the number of directors; members and other party involvement in election of the directors, indemnification; conveyance of real, tangible or personal property by corporation; mergers, sales of assets and dissolutions; right to inspect corporate records; provide for indemnification; conform to federal requirements related to electronic signatures and records; amend and repeal various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to conform; EFFECTIVE DATE JANUARY 18, 2015; Establish KRS Chapter 273B and create subchapters and sections therefore to enact the Kentucky Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act; provide for the powers of unincorporated nonprofit associations; address definitions, general provisions regarding the creation, modification, termination, and duties of members and managers; conveyance of interest in real, personal or intangible property; establish requirements of association’s statement of authority; procedure for revocation of authority; establish procedure for filing certification of association with the Secretary of State; payment of dividends to members or managers; winding up and termination of association; amend and repeal various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to conform; amend various provisions of KRS Chapter 275 “Kentucky LLC Act” to provide for the creation of nonprofit LLC’s.
 Current Status:   3/4/2014 - (S) WITHDRAWN
SB165FINANCIAL LITERACY (PARRETT D) AN ACT relating to financial literacy.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require the Department of Education to develop and implement the Kentucky Financial Literacy Program; require a high school student to complete instruction in financial literacy, included within the existing curriculum, prior to graduation.
 Current Status:   2/27/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education
SB166MEDICAID MANAGED CARE ORGANIZATIONS (LEEPER R) AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care organization provider payments.

Amend KRS 205.522 to define terms; permit an enrollee of a medicaid managed care organization (MCO) to assign rights to appeal an action by an MCO relating to care received by an enrollee; establish an enrollee's right to a state fair hearing when an enrollee or assignee appeals an MCO's action relating to care received or proposed to be given to an enrollee; require an action by an MCO to state the reason for an action with specificity; state that the MCO shall pay for services rendered while an appeal was pending if a hearing officer reverses a decision to deny, reduce, or terminate health care services.
 Current Status:   3/18/2014 - floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
SB168TEACHER TENURE (WILSON M) AN ACT relating to teacher tenure.

Amend KRS 161.720 to include failure to successfully meet the requirements of a corrective action plan as a reason for termination or suspension of a continuing service contract; amend KRS 161.740 to establish a new process for teachers who are first hired after July 1, 2015, to achieve continuing service contract status; amend KRS 156.844 and KRS 156.844 to conform.
 Current Status:   3/19/2014 - (S) SECOND READING, to Rules
SB169DUE PROCESS FOR TEACHERS (WILSON M) AN ACT relating to due process for teachers.

Amend KRS 161.790 to clarify the causes for which a contract of a teacher may be terminated; require the commissioner of education to initiate the appropriate due process procedures in response to a teacher's appeal of a superintendent's termination charge; establish hearing procedures and appointment of hearing officers for the appeal of a termination case; amend KRS 161.765 and 163.032 to conform.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education
SB171LOBBYING (JONES R) AN ACT relating to lobbying.

Amend KRS 6.611 to change the definition of "employer" to include persons hiring anyone who has any contact with the legislative branch of state government relating to a legislative matter and "legislative matter" to include administrative regulations; amend KRS 6.821 to require legislative agents to disclose all amounts paid to legislative agents for specific legislative or executive matters; require legislative employers to disclose all amounts paid by the employer to the legislative agents for specific legislative or executive matters; delete the requirement that legislative employers disclose prorated cumulative compensation paid to legislative agents; amend KRS 11A.110 to require statements filed with the Executive Branch Ethics Commission to be on the commission's Web site; amend KRS 11A.216 to include the issues for which expenditures were made in the reporting requirements for executive agency lobbyists.
 Current Status:   3/5/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Licensing, Occupations, and Administrative Regulations
SB178CORPORATIONS (GREGORY S) AN ACT relating to corporations.

Establish KRS Chapter 273A and create subchapters and sections thereof to enact the "Kentucky Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act 2014"; provide for the creation, modification, termination, and administration of nonprofit corporations; enumerate steps of incorporation; provide procedures related to the adoption of bylaws; establish fee for filing documents with and allow for electronic transmission of documents to the office of the Secretary of State; address definitions, general provisions, and enumerated powers of a nonprofit corporation under this chapter; provide procedure for determining whether a nonprofit corporation has members; establish parliamentary procedure for meetings of a board including conference calls or other electronic means; establish standing requirements required for lawsuits against nonprofit corporation or directors; provide requirements related when third parties can bring suit against the corporation under certain circumstances; establish circumstances as to when the Attorney General can bring suit against a corporation or in relation to dissolution; provide notice procedure regarding members, directors, and other individuals; establish parliamentary procedures for voting; establish procedure for determining quorum requirements; provide procedure for the election; establish procedures related to indemnification; establish provisions related to the conveyance of property by a corporation, sale of assets, and payments to members or directors by the corporation; provide procedures related to distribution; establish provisions regarding dissolution; establish right and procedure to inspect corporation records; require conformity with the National Electronic Signature and Agreement Act; amend and repeal various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to conform; establish KRS Chapter 273B and create sections thereof to enact the “Kentucky Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act”; establish powers of unincorporated nonprofit association; address definitions, general provisions regarding the creation, modification, termination, and duties of members and managers; establish requirements of an association’s statement of authority; specify procedures for revocation of authority; establish procedures for filing certification of association with the Secretary of State; specify procedures related to management and control of association; provide and establish procedure for conveyance of interest in real, personal, or intangible property; provide for payment of dividends to members or managers; specify procedures for winding up and termination of association; amend and repeal various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to conform; amend various provisions of KRS Chapter 275's “Kentucky LLC Act” to provide for the creation of nonprofit limited liability companies.
 Current Status:   3/6/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB180COURT OF JUSTICE (WESTERFIELD W) AN ACT relating to the Court of Justice.

Amend KRS 21A.070 to require that opinions of the Supreme Court be made available to the public without cost online.
 Current Status:   3/6/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB188ELECTRICIANS (WESTERFIELD W) AN ACT relating to electricians.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 227A to establish an alternative examination for licensure as an electrician; direct the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction to conduct the examination at KCTCS locations; forbid the department from authorizing an outside entity to develop, update, or administer the examination; require applicants to attend an electrical education class to be offered on the same day prior to the examination; open the class to individuals who are not sitting for the examination; set a fee of $50 for the class and $50 for the examination; direct the department to promulgate an administrative regulation to administer and regulate the class and the examination; amend KRS 227A.060 to require the department to accept the alternative examination toward electrician licensure.
 Current Status:   3/7/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Licensing, Occupations, and Administrative Regulations
SB189GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS (WESTERFIELD W) AN ACT relating to government contracts.

Create a new section of KRS 45A.690 to 45A.725 that establishes standards and rules for contingency fee personal service contracts for legal services; require the Attorney General to make written findings of the need for a contingency fee contract; set limits on the amount of the contingency fee, require the Finance and Administration Cabinet to post information regarding the contract on its Web site; require the contractor to maintain certain records; require the Finance and Administration Cabinet and the Attorney General to submit a report on all contingency fee contracts to the Government Contract Review Committee by September 1 of each year; amend KRS 45A.695 to require the Attorney General to participate in discussions with contingency fee offerors to determine their qualifications; require the Attorney General to of contingency fee personal service contract for legal services before the contract may be awarded.
 Current Status:   3/25/2014 - (H) Returned to Committee House State Government
SB195GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSIONS (STIVERS R) AN ACT proposing amendments of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to sessions of the General Assembly.

Propose amendments to Section 36 of the Constitution of Kentucky to limit General Assembly sessions to five days in odd-numbered years and 45 days in even-numbered years, and to allow the General Assembly to call itself back into session for no more than ten additional days during a particular biennium; propose amendments to Section 42 of the Constitution of Kentucky to establish limits on the numbers of days of legislative sessions, and to require the General Assembly to enact general laws relating to compensation of members during periods of recess and between sessions; submit to voters.
 Current Status:   3/25/2014 - (H) Returned to Committee House Elections, Constitutional Amendments, and Intergovernmental Affairs
SB200JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM (WESTERFIELD W) AN ACT relating to the juvenile justice system and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 610.110 to require risk and needs assessment and make language gender neutral.
 Current Status:   4/25/2014 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB209REVENUE AND TAXATION (STIVERS R) AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation.

Amend KRS 131.061 to make technical corrections.
 Current Status:   3/11/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
SB211LOW ACHIEVING SCHOOLS (WILSON M) AN ACT relating to persistently low-achieving schools.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 160 to permit a local board of education to designate a persistently low-achieving school as a charter school and solicit applications for a governing board; permit a persistently low-achieving school to petition for conversion to a charter school; establish definitions and requirements for a charter school; establish charter school application process; create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations for charter school appeals, implementation, and reporting; create a new section of KRS Chapter 161 to clarify charter school employee benefits; amend KRS 160.346 to add a "charter school option" as a school intervention for persistently low achieving schools.
 Current Status:   3/27/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
SB214JUDGMENT INTEREST RATE (GIRDLER C) AN ACT relating to the judgment interest rate.

Amend KRS 360.040 relating to the judgment interest rate to provide an alternative method of calculation based upon the federal reserve prime rate and to limit the applicability of interest as to those portions of a judgment relating to non-economic damages.
 Current Status:   3/14/2014 - (S) Returned to Committee Senate Judiciary
SB215MINIMUM WAGES (RHOADS J) AN ACT relating to minimum wages.

Amend KRS 337.275 to increase the minimum wage to $8.20 on the effective date of the bill, then to $9.15 on July 1, 2015, then to $10.10 on July 1, 2016; amend KRS 337.275 to increase tipped employees' minimum wage to $3 per hour on the effective date of the bill, and adding $.95 per year to the minimum until the minimum wage for tipped employees is 70% of the minimum wage; amend KRS 337.010 to raise the exemption for certain businesses from $95,000 to $500,000.
 Current Status:   3/11/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
SB223RECOVERED FUNDS (WEBB R) AN ACT relating to funds recovered by constitutional officers through legal actions.

Amend KRS 48.005 to direct that any funds of any kind that are recovered through judgment or settlement in any legal action filed by the Attorney General or other statewide constitutional officer shall be deposited into the general fund surplus account following any direct consumer restitution ordered by the court; require constitutional officers to notify the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, and the State Treasurer when the officer is contemplating settlement or is entering into settlement negotiations in any legal action which may result in the recovery of any funds or assets; prohibit any constitutional officer from executing any agreement that infringes on the appropriation power properly belonging to the General Assembly pursuant to Section 230 of the Constitution of Kentucky; amend KRS 61.878 to exempt written notifications relating to legal actions that are submitted pursuant to this Act from the open records laws.
 Current Status:   3/21/2014 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
SB224PUBLIC SCHOOL STANDARDS (SCHICKEL J) AN ACT relating to public school standards.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to prohibit the Kentucky Board of Education and the Kentucky Department of Education from implementing the English language arts and mathematics academic content standards developed by the Common Core Standards Initiative and the science academic content standards developed by the Next Generation Science Standards Initiative; require the state board to recommend new content standards to school districts and schools after consultation with the Council on Postsecondary Education; require public involvement in standards development; clarify the authority of the local board of education to adopt standards which differ from or exceed the standards approved by the state board; clarify that the school-based decision making councils shall develop policies based upon the standards adopted by the local boards of education; prohibit state officials from ceding control of education content standards and assessments; amend KRS 156.070 to limit disclosure of personally identifiable information; direct the Kentucky Board of Education to require that the Department of Education and all school districts adhere to privacy standards when outsourcing data and Web-based tasks to vendors; clarify vendor contract requirements; amend KRS 158.6453 to permit a local board of education to supplement the state board-approved academic content standards with higher and more rigorous standards and require school councils to use them to fulfill curriculum policy requirements; amend KRS 160.345 to clarify school council curriculum policy authority.
 Current Status:   3/13/2014 - Senate Education, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
SB237CIVIL ACTIONS (WESTERFIELD W) AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Amend KRS 411.165 to provide for gender parity and to clarify when an attorney is liable for receiving a fee but failing to perform a service.
 Current Status:   3/11/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary
SCR18ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS (BUFORD T) A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the staff of the Legislative Research Commission to study the potential use of an electronic health records system by the state to allow medical professionals instant access to medical histories of state employees, retirees, and Medicaid recipients. Direct the staff of the Legislative Research Commission to study the potential use of an electronic health records system by the state to allow medical professionals instant access to medical histories of state employees, retirees, and Medicaid recipients.

A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the staff of the Legislative Research Commission to study the potential use of an electronic health records system by the state to allow medical professionals instant access to medical histories of state employees, retirees, and Medicaid recipients.
Direct the staff of the Legislative Research Commission to study the potential use of an electronic health records system by the state to allow medical professionals instant access to medical histories of state employees, retirees, and Medicaid recipients.
 Current Status:   1/13/2014 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Health and Welfare
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