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Legislative Report July 27, 2024
Prepared by: Kentucky League of Cities
Bill Information

AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.

The State/Executive Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; appropriate to General Government: 2021-2022: $925,391,000, 2022-2023: $2,450,394,100, 2023-2024: $1,945,550,500; appropriate to the Economic Development Cabinet: 2021-2022: $631,100, 2022-2023: $42,311,100, 2023-2024: $43,841,800; appropriate to the Department of Education: 2021-2022: $4,038,300, 2022-2023: $6,272,487,700, 2023-2024: $6,338,219,700; appropriate to the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet: 2021-2022: $4,302,200, 2022-2023: $226,803,000, 2023-2024: $228,602,800; appropriate to the Energy and Environment Cabinet: 2021-2022: $7,288,800, 2022-2023: $286,829,000, 2023-2024: $293,691,700; appropriate to the Finance and Administration Cabinet: 2021-2022: $144,212,800, 2022-2023: $973,840,400, 2023-2024: $983,730,600; appropriate to the Health and Family Services Cabinet: 2021-2022: $829,642,400, 2022-2023: $19,075,453,600, 2023-2024: $19,366,023,400; appropriate to the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet: 2021-2022: $29,301,600, 2022-2023: $1,404,716,500, 2023-2024: $1,426,598,900; appropriate to the Labor Cabinet: 2021-2022: $4,206,200, 2022-2023: $566,497,600, 2023-2024: $546,164,200; appropriate to the Personnel Cabinet: 2021-2022: $857,800, 2022-2023: $160,656,600, 2023-2024: $156,161,800; appropriate to Postsecondary Education: 2021-2022: $1,067,800, 2022-2023: $11,925,169,400, 2023-2024: $16,130,308,100; appropriate to the Public Protection Cabinet: 2021-2022: $4,857,700, 2022-2023: $134,773,200, 2023-2024: $136,708,300; appropriate to the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet: 2021-2022: $25,708,200, 2022-2023: $306,414,300, 2023-2024: $322,190,100; not included in the appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows: 2021-2022: $4,739,000, 2022-2023: $12,585,526,731, 2023-2024: $905,877,600; detail Part II, Capital Projects Budget; detail Part III, General Provisions; detail Part IV, State Salary/Compensation, Benefit, and Employment Policy; detail Part V, Funds Transfer; detail Part VI, General Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part VII, General Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part VIII, Road Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part IX, Road Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part X, Phase I Tobacco Settlement; and detail Part XI, Executive Branch Budget Summary; APPROPRIATION. House Committee Substitute (1) The State/Executive Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; appropriate to General Government: 2021-2022: $925,391,000, 2022-2023: $2,349,809,300, 2023-2024: $1,863,025,000; appropriate to the Economic Development Cabinet: 2021-2022: $631,100, 2022-2023: $132,311,100, 2023-2024: $33,841,800; appropriate to the Department of Education: 2021-2022: $4,038,300, 2022-2023: $6,313,758,800, 2023-2024: $6,379,490,800; appropriate to the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet: 2021-2022: $4,302,200, 2022-2023: $229,303,000, 2023-2024: $231,102,800; appropriate to the Energy and Environment Cabinet: 2021-2022: $7,288,800, 2022-2023: $286,829,000, 2023-2024: $293,691,700; appropriate to the Finance and Administration Cabinet: 2021-2022: $144,212,800, 2022-2023: $973,840,400, 2023-2024: $983,730,600; appropriate to the Health and Family Services Cabinet: 2021-2022: $836,882,400, 2022-2023: $19,089,934,000, 2023-2024: $19,380,503,800; appropriate to the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet: 2021-2022: $29,301,600, 2022-2023: $1,404,762,600, 2023-2024: $1,426,649,300; appropriate to the Labor Cabinet: 2021-2022: $4,206,200, 2022-2023: $878,497,600, 2023-2024: $546,164,200; appropriate to the Personnel Cabinet: 2021-2022: $857,800, 2022-2023: $160,656,600, 2023-2024: $156,161,800; appropriate to Postsecondary Education: 2021-2022: $1,067,800, 2022-2023: $11,067,225,800, 2023-2024: $13,538,315,700; appropriate to the Public Protection Cabinet: 2021-2022: $4,857,700, 2022-2023: $134,773,200, 2023-2024: $136,708,300; appropriate to the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet: 2021-2022: $25,708,200, 2022-2023: $306,414,300, 2023-2024: $322,190,100; not included in the appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows: 2021-2022: $4,739,000, 2022-2023: $12,777,860,000, 2023-2024: $1,685,034,000; detail Part II, Capital Projects Budget; detail Part III, General Provisions; detail Part IV, State Salary/Compensation, Benefit, and Employment Policy; detail Part V, Funds Transfer; detail Part VI, General Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part VII, General Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part VIII, Road Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part IX, Road Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part X, Phase I Tobacco Settlement; and detail Part XI, Executive Branch Budget Summary; APPROPRIATION. Senate Committee Substitute (1) The State/Executive Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; appropriate to General Government: 2021-2022: $239,977,500, 2022-2023: $2,445,494,600, 2023-2024: $2,274,819,000; appropriate to the Economic Development Cabinet: 2021-2022: $631,100, 2022-2023: $93,681,600, 2023-2024: $33,890,100; appropriate to the Department of Education: 2021-2022: $878,000, 2022-2023: $43,360,800, 2023-2024: $43,583,100; appropriate to the Education and Labor Cabinet: 2021-2022: $8,508,400, 2022-2023: $825,152,400, 2023-2024: $778,864,600; appropriate to the Energy and Environment Cabinet: 2021-2022: $7,288,800, 2022-2023: $393,499,400, 2023-2024: $420,896,200; appropriate to the Finance and Administration Cabinet: 2021-2022: $147,931,200, 2022-2023: $986,801,300, 2023-2024: $1,007,003,200; appropriate to the Health and Family Services Cabinet: 2021-2022: $763,745,400, 2022-2023: $19,087,141,300, 2023-2024: $19,324,720,000; appropriate to the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet: 2021-2022: $31,801,600, 2022-2023: $1,458,856,800, 2023-2024: $1,474,716,100; appropriate to the Personnel Cabinet: 2021-2022: $857,800, 2022-2023: $150,240,400, 2023-2024: $145,906,200; appropriate to Postsecondary Education: 2021-2022: $1,067,800, 2022-2023: $11,079,364,100, 2023-2024: $13,585,333,500; appropriate to the Public Protection Cabinet: 2021-2022: $4,857,700, 2022-2023: $317,164,500, 2023-2024: $141,803,700; appropriate to the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet: 2021-2022: $125,708,200, 2022-2023: $320,285,800, 2023-2024: $576,918,000; appropriate to the Budget Reserve Trust Fund: 2022-2023: $250,000,000; not included in the appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows: 2021-2022: $16,739,000, 2022-2023: $12,262,048,000, 2023-2024: $2,752,444,000; detail Part II, Capital Projects Budget; detail Part III, General Provisions; detail Part IV, State Salary/Compensation, Benefit, and Employment Policy; detail Part V, Funds Transfer; detail Part VI, General Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part VII, General Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part VIII, Road Fund Budget Reduction Plan; detail Part IX, Road Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; detail Part X, Phase I Tobacco Settlement; and detail Part XI, Executive Branch Budget Summary; APPROPRIATION.


4/13/2022 - Delivered To Secretary Of State (Acts Ch. 199)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance.

Amend KRS 341.005 to define "enhanced federal benefits" and "state average unemployment rate"; amend KRS 341.100 to define "suitable work" under certain circumstances; amend KRS 341.270 and KRS 341.272 to reduce the minimum period of time for an employer to qualify for a lower contribution rate to four quarters; amend KRS 341.350 to require that eligible recipients engage in five work search activities per week during each week that he or she claims eligibility for benefits; amend KRS 341.380 to change the maximum benefit payable to a worker within a benefit year; create a new section of KRS Chapter 341 providing for a variable duration of unemployment insurance benefits, ranging from 12 weeks to 24 weeks, based upon the state average unemployment rate at the time of each individual's application for benefits except in certain situations; create a new section of KRS Chapter 341 to allow an employer to notify the secretary of the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet about each worker who has declined suitable work or has failed to attend a first interview; amend KRS 341.370 to change the conditions under which a worker must be disqualified from receiving benefits during unemployment; create a new section of KRS Chapter 341 to allow the General Assembly to end the Commonwealth's participation in any enhanced benefits program; create a new section of KRS Chapter 341 to require the General Assembly's approval, which it may withdraw at any time, to participate in any enhanced federal benefits program; amend KRS 341.096 to define terms; create new sections of KRS Chapter 341 to allow employers to submit a plan for a shared work program to the secretary of the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet for approval; make employees eligible for shared work benefits if they are employed as members of an affected group, under an approved plan, are able to work, and their normal weekly hours are reduced at least ten percent but not more than forty percent; create a new section of KRS Chapter 341 explaining that the weekly shared work benefit amount shall be the product of the regular weekly unemployment compensation amount calculated in KRS 341.380 multiplied by the percentage of reduction of at least ten percent in the individual's usual weekly hours of work, and although an individual may be eligible for shared work benefits or regular benefits as appropriate, no individual shall be eligible for combined benefits in any benefit year in an amount greater than his or her maximum benefit as calculated under KRS Chapter 341.380 and no individual shall receive shared work benefits for more than 26 weeks; amend KRS 341.530, 341.080, 341.127, and 341.710 to conform; declare the provisions of this Act severable; allow the Act to be cited as the Unemployment Insurance Sustainability Act of 2022. House Committee Substitute (1) Retains original provisions; add language to Section 5 to clarify that the cabinet is to submit a report regarding the work search requirements to the Governor and the Interim Joint Committee on Economic Development and Workforce Investment; remove reference to the most recent employer in Section 7(2); remove reference to Kentucky Career Center in Section 9 in favor of original statutory reference to employment office; create a new section of KRS Chapter 341 to allow the cabinet to combine any reports required by KRS 341.127 and KRS 341.350 and submit them as one to the Governor and the Interim Joint Committee on Economic Development and Workforce Investment; add a new section of noncodified language to provide that the provisions of this Act shall not be construed to limit access for eligible claimants to Disaster Unemployment Assistance benefits authorized under the Stafford Act; make technical changes. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; add language to Section 5 to clarify that claimants who are enrolled in an approved job training or certification program or have return or recall to work prospects within 16 weeks of filing a claim are exempt from work search requirements; add special effective date; technical changes.


3/22/2022 - Delivered To Secretary Of State (Acts Ch. 21)




AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Appropriate moneys to the West Kentucky State Aid Funding for Emergenies (SAFE) fund; create a new section of KRS Chapter 39A to create the West Kentucky SAFE fund; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.
House Committee Substitute 1: Retain original provisions; make a technical correction.


1/13/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 2)


AN ACT relating to revenue measures and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 141.020 to reduce the individual income tax rate to 4% for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2023, and provide a further rate reduction in future years if certain thresholds of total general fund receipts are exceeded, provide that the tax rate shall not exceed a reduction of more than one percentage point in a calendar year, and eliminate the tax credit for a fiduciary and an estate; amend KRS 139.010 to define terms; amend KRS 139.200 to impose sales tax on certain services; amend KRS 139.482 to remove the exemption of sales and use tax on charges for admission to historical sites; amend KRS 139.310 to impose the use tax on certain services; amend KRS 139.340 to conform; amend KRS 139.470 to only allow an exemption of residential utilities for the resident's place of domicile, lower the de minimis threshold to $3,000 for the selling of certain services; amend KRS 281.010 to define terms; amend KRS 281.630 to require a peer-to-peer car sharing certificate; create a new section of KRS Chapter 138 to impose an excise on the privilege of providing a motor vehicle for sharing or for rent within the Commonwealth; amend KRS 138.462 to conform; create a new section of KRS Chapter 139 to exclude the gross receipts from the additional taxable services imposed if derived from a contract executed on or before the date of introduction; create a new section of KRS Chapter 91A to define terms; amend various section of KRS Chapter 91A to conform; amend KRS 155.440 to define terms; amend KRS 153.450 to conform; amend KRS 142.400 to define terms; amend KRS 65.060 to conform; amend KRS 45A.077 to extend the time that a public-private partnership may be established without approval by the General Assembly; amend KRS 131.130 to prohibit the Department of Revenue from collecting any consumer debt owed for health care goods and services; create a new section of KRS Chapter 138 to impose a tax on electric vehicle power distributed in this state by an electric vehicle power dealer; amend KRS 186.050 to require the county clerk to collect the battery reclamation and mitigation fees; create a new section of KRS Chapter 138 to impose the battery reclamation and mitigation fees on an electric vehicle or a hybrid vehicle; provide various revenue measures for the operation of certain state agencies, the exemption of state and local tax on water withdrawal fees, and the deposit of certain taxes; provide if any provision is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect the other provisions. House Committee Amendment (1) Retain original provisions, except modify the thresholds for a further rate reduction for income tax purposes and make various technical corrections; amend KRS 131.400 to require the Department of Revenue and the Finance and Administration Cabinet to procure services for a tax amnesty program or to conduct the tax amnesty program; amend KRS 131.410, 131.420, 131.425, 131.435, 131.440, and 131.445 to conform; amend KRS 68.200 to make conforming changes related to the license fee imposed by certain local jurisdictions related to peer-to-peer car sharing; amend KRS 143.022 to extend the refund process for coal subject to tax, but exported outside of North America; amend KRS 141.010 to update the Internal Revenue Code reference date to December 31, 2021, with certain exceptions; amend KRS 139.730 to require coordinators of festivals or similar events to provide the Department of Revenue a list of vendors selling at the event; create a new section of KRS Chapter 136 to reinstate the requirement for declaration of estimated taxes related to insurance premiums tax; effective January 1, 2023; EMERGENCY. Senate Committee Substitute (1)


4/14/2022 - Delivered To Secretary Of State (Acts Ch. 212)


AN ACT relating to SARS-CoV-2 documentation.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to prohibit a governmental body from requiring persons to provide vaccine passports to enter or obtain service from the governmental body; create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to prohibit a school from requiring persons to provide vaccine passports to enter or obtain service from the school; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to prohibit a university board from requiring persons to provide vaccine passports to enter or obtain service from the university; create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to prohibit a business entity from requiring persons to provide vaccine passports to enter or obtain service from the business entity; create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to allow the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to impose of fine not to exceed $5,000 per violation of this Act.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)




AN ACT relating to prohibiting the enforcement of a federal ban or regulation of firearms and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to prohibit identified entities from enforcing federal firearm bans; prohibit identified entities from adopting rules, regulations, or ordinances that require enforcement of federal firearm bans; and prohibit identified entities from allocating public resources or moneys in the enforcement of federal firearm bans; EMERGENCY. House Floor Amendment (1) Retain original provisions; provide that a violation of Section 2 of this Act shall result in a Class B misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class A misdemeanor for each subsequent offense; establish a penalty of termination from employment for violation of Section 2 of this Act; EMERGENCY.


3/15/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to school facilities.

Amend KRS 157.455 deleting the Kentucky efficient school design trust fund; delete reporting requirement for efficient design; amend KRS 198B.060 to allow local plan review, inspection and enforcement of educational facilities; repeal KRS 162.062, which requires new public school buildings to provide sufficient water bottle fillings station and drinking fountains. House Floor Amendment (1) Amend to notwithstand the provisions of KRS 162.060 in regards to plan review of school buildings.


3/31/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 66)




AN ACT relating to resource recovery.

Amend KRS 224.1-010 to redefine "disposal," "municipal solid waste disposal facility," "waste site or facility," "waste," and "solid waste management facility"; define "advanced recycling," "advanced recycling facility," "depolymerization," "gasification," "post-use polymer," "pyrolysis," "recovered feedstock," and "solvolysis"; amend KRS 109.012 to redefine "solid waste," "solid waste management," and "solid waste management facility."
House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; change the definitions of "disposal," "solid waste management facility," "advanced recycling," "depolymerization," "post-use polymer," and "solvolysis"; provide that nothing in the Act shall be construed to create additional entities, equipment, or processes eligible to receive tax credits pursuant to KRS 141.390.


3/31/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 45)




AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 519.010 to add definition of "emergency response"; amend KRS 519.040 to increase the penalties for falsely reporting an incident that results in an emergency response; create a new section of KRS Chapter 41 to provide for a civil cause of action for damages arising from the false reporting of an incident; amend KRS 134.127 to conform. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; redefine "emergency response"; and remove enhanced penalties. Senate Floor Amendment (1) Amend the definition of "emergency response" to provide that the emergency is of such an emergent nature that the exemptions afforded under KRS 189.940 apply.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 148)




AN ACT relating to changes in pension payments due to overtime worked during a local emergency and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 61.598 to exempt from the anti-pension spiking provisions any overtime directly attributable to a local government emergency in which the Governor calls in the Kentucky National Guard; make amendments retroactive to May 30, 2020; EMERGENCY. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; exempt first 100 hours of mandatory overtime worked each fiscal year from pension spiking provisions; make technical changes; specify retroactive impact; RETROACTIVE; EMERGENCY.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 100)




AN ACT relating to death benefits for first responders, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 61.315 to create a presumption that first responders who die of COVID-19 do so while in the line of duty and thus qualify for death benefits; apply subsection retroactively; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.


2/14/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)




AN ACT relating to school security.

Amend KRS 158.4414 to require the assignment of school resource officers to schools by August 1, 2022. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; require local school boards to ensure at least one school resource officer works full-time on-site at each school campus; provide that if sufficient funds and personnel are not available, school districts shall fulfill the requirement on a per campus basis as approved by the state school security marshal; affirm that local government agencies are not required to fund school resource officer positions. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to allow local boards of education to establish a police department for local school districts; provide the general police powers each officer shall have in performing their duties if permitted by local board of education policy; provide the qualifications each officer shall have at the time of their employment; provide for the appointment or promotion to the ranks and grades of the department; amend KRS 158.441 to include an officer appointed under this Act within the term "school resource officer"; allow the board of education to regulate the traffic and parking on property owned, used, or occupied by the local school district; prohibit a person from impersonating a police officer hired by the board of education.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 189)




AN ACT relating to occupational exposure to COVID-19 and declaring an emergency.

Extend the provisions of paragraph 3 of 2020 Executive Order 2020-277, related to temporary disability from occupational exposure to COVID-19 from September 7, 2021, to January 31, 2023; EMERGENCY.


2/14/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Economic Development, Tourism, & Labor (S)




AN ACT relating to animal cruelty.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 525 to define terms; require peace officers and animal control officers to serve notice of seizure of an animal subjected to cruelty; create procedure for seizing agencies to petition a court to order payment of animal care costs by owner; establish penalties; prohibit the destruction of seized animals, except for humane reasons determined by veterinarian.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)




AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 21.440, 61.670, 78.784, and 161.400 to require the Legislators' Retirement Plan, the Judicial Retirement Plan, the Kentucky Retirement Systems, the County Employees Retirement System, and the Teachers' Retirement System to perform an actuarial investigation of economic assumptions once every two years rather than once every five years while retaining a review of demographic assumptions once every five years; amend KRS 78.784 to require the County Employees Retirement System to provide a projection/analysis over a 30-year period rather than a 20-year period regarding projections in the annual actuarial valuation and as it relates to experience studies, assumption changes, and other changes made by the boards of each system; require the first actuarial investigation of economic assumptions to occur prior to 2023 actuarial valuations. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 61.552 to provide that restrictions on the use of purchased service towards retirement eligibility and benefit determination that became effective August 1, 2004, shall not apply to those members who were bound by an educational contract as conditional employees of the state of Kentucky prior to December 31, 2003; amend KRS 61.510 to amend "membership date" to specify that members who were bound by an educational contract as conditional employees of the state of Kentucky prior to December 31, 2003, shall have a membership date based upon the earliest date in the contract.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 165)




AN ACT relating to mental health.

Amend KRS 15.518 to include telecommunicators as eligible participants in the Law Enforcement Professional Development and Wellness Program; amend KRS 15.550 to require the telecommunicator basic course training to include instruction on and provide resources for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and work-induced stress, require the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council to incorporate PTSD mental health treatment into the telecommunicator training program and provide treatment resources to telecommunicators and their supervisors; amend KRS 15.560 and 15.565 to require each in-service training to include a mental health component on PTSD and work-induced stress; amend KRS 15.590 to require the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council to include training and resources for post-traumatic stress disorder and work-induced stress during each telecommunicator in-service training, provide guidelines and a resource list to all telecommunicators and their supervisors, and allow telecommunicators to access the Law Enforcement Professional Development and Wellness Program; this Act shall be known as the Lifeliner's Act.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 128)




AN ACT relating to workforce and housing development.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 198A to establish the nonrefundable Kentucky affordable housing credit for taxable years or periods beginning on or after January 1, 2025, for a period of five years; allow the credit to be applied to the income and insurance taxes, in an amount equal to the amount of federal low-income housing tax credit; provide that the aggregate amount of tax credit for any year shall not exceed $12.5 million; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to allow the credit to be applied to income and limited liability entity taxes; amend KRS 141.0205 to order the income tax credit; create new sections of KRS Chapter 136 to allow the credit to be applied to insurance tax; order the insurance tax credits; amend KRS 131.190 to conform.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)




AN ACT relating to the opioid abatement trust fund and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 15.293 to provide that funds received from bankruptcy proceedings shall also be allocated to the Opioid abatement trust fund and local governments; specify that any named defendant in In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, MDL No. 2804, Case No. 1:17-md-02804, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio is to be included as well.




Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to the age requirement for serving alcoholic beverages.

Amend KRS 244.090 to lower the minimum alcohol server age of employees to 18 provided that the employee is supervised by someone aged 21 years or older.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to firearms.

Amend KRS 237.109 to lower the age requirement for carrying a concealed and deadly weapon from 21 to 18; amend KRS 237.110 to conform.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)




AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.

Repeal KRS 237.115, which interprets the application of the license to carry concealed deadly weapon statute as permitting postsecondary facilities, local governments, and units of state governement to limit concealed carry in governmental buildings, to ensure that those entities cannot prohibit the carrying of concealed deadly weapons; amend various sections to conform.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)


AN ACT relating to the ad valorem taxation of prefabricated home inventories.

Amend KRS 132.010 to define "manufactured home," "modular home," and "prefabricated home"; amend the definition of "mobile home"; amend KRS 132.200 to exempt prefabricated homes held in a manufacturer's or retailer's inventory from local property taxes; apply to property assessed on or after January 1, 2023.


3/14/2022 - (H) Returned to Committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to state holidays.

Amend KRS 2.110 to add the nineteenth of June as a state holiday commemorating Juneteenth National Freedom Day.


3/8/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State & Local Government (S)




AN ACT relating to retirement benefits for state and county employees in hazardous positions.

Create a new section of KRS 16.505 to 16.652 to change the retirement benefits for members participating in the State Police Retirement System (SPRS) or in a hazardous position in either the Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS) or County Employees Retirement System (CERS) who are hired after January 1, 2014, but before January 1, 2023, so that, in lieu of continued participation in the hybrid cash balance plan (Tier 3 benefits), these members receive the benefits provided to members in a hazardous position who began participating immediately prior to January 1, 2014 (Tier 2 benefits); for members participating in a hazardous position who are subject to a change from Tier 3 to Tier 2 benefits, presume that service credit in a hazardous duty position earned after January 1, 2014, is service credit earned immediately prior to January 1, 2014, and require that accumulated contributions remain in the member’s account, although any employer credit will be transferred to the retirement allowance account; allow a member participating in a hazardous position subject to a change from Tier 3 to Tier 2 benefits to make a one-time election to opt out of the change of benefits, to be made for an actively employed member, no later than January 31, 2023, or for a member returning to a qualified position, within 30 days of returning to employment; establish exclusions; amend KRS 16.576, 16.577, and 78.5514 to allow a new member who begins participating in SPRS or in a hazardous position in KERS or CERS on or after January 1, 2023, or a member who is eligible under Section 1 of the Act, to calculate retirement allowance using the same benefit factors and service credit as those members in a hazardous position who began participating immediately prior to January 1, 2014 (Tier 2 members); amend KRS 16.583 and 78.5516 to limit the hybrid cash balance plan (Tier 3 benefits) only to members participating in SPRS or in hazardous positions in KERS or CERS who make an election to opt out of Tier 2 benefits under Section 1 of the Act or who make an election, prior to the effective date of the Act, under KRS 61.5955; amend KRS 61.5955 to provide that only a member in a nonhazardous position who began participating in KERS or CERS as a Tier 2 member may elect to receive Tier 3 benefits in the hybrid cash balance plan in lieu of Tier 2 benefits; amend KRS 16.505, 61.510, and 78.510 to amend definitions of various terms to conform and make technical changes; amend KRS 16.560, 61.575, and 78.640 to allow interest credited on the accounts of members participating in SPRS or in a hazardous position in KERS or CERS to be adjusted to conform; amend KRS 16.578 to allow a beneficiary of a member participating in SPRS or in a hazardous position in KERS or CERS who begins participating on or after January 1, 2023, or who is eligible under Section 1 of the Act, to receive the same death benefits as a Tier 2 member; amend KRS 16.582 and 78.5524 to allow a member participating in SPRS or in a hazardous position in KERS or CERS who begins participating on or after January 1, 2023, or who is eligible under Section 1 of the Act to receive the same disability benefits as a Tier 2 member; amend KRS 61.546 and 78.616 to allow a member participating in SPRS or in a hazardous position in KERS who begins participating on or after January 1, 2023, or who is eligible under Section 1 of the Act, to receive the same service credit for unused sick leave as a Tier 2 member; amend KRS 61.552 to allow a member participating in SPRS or in a hazardous position in KERS or CERS, who begins participating on or after January 1, 2023, or who is eligible under Section 1 of the Act, who is also vested, to purchase service credit; amend KRS 61.597 and 78.5512 to permit early retirement from both the Tier 2 and Tier 3 plans for a member eligible for Tier 2 hazardous benefits under Section 1 of the Act, who also has nonhazardous service credit as a Tier 3 member of either KERS or CERS; amend KRS 61.615 and 78.5528 to allow, if a disability retirement allowance is reduced or discontinued, for a member participating in SPRS or in a hazardous position in KERS or CERS who begins participating on or after January 1, 2023, or who is eligible under Section 1 of the Act, to apply for early retirement benefits as provided for and subject to the same limitations as Tier 2 members; amend KRS 61.680 to require that a member who is eligible under Section 1 of the Act and who has nonhazardous service credit as a Tier 3 member of either KERS or CERS to have his or her nonhazardous and hazardous service consolidated to determine eligibility and benefits; amend KRS 78.545 to add Section 1 of this Act as one of the provisions that shall be administered for the CERS in the same manner as for the KERS.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)


AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis and making an appropriation therefor.

Create various new sections of KRS 218A to define terms and establish a medicinal cannabis program; create a new section of KRS Chapter 138 to establish an excise tax on certain transfers of medicinal cannabis; amend KRS 139.470 to exempt the sale of medical cannabis from the state sales tax; amend KRS 138.870 to exempt medicinal cannabis from the excise tax on controlled substances; amend KRS 216B.402 to require hospital emergency departments to report cases of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome to the Department for Public Health; amend KRS 218A.010, 218A.1421, 218A.1422, and 218A.1423 to conform; amend KRS 218A.202 to require the Department for Public Health to utilize the electronic system for monitoring controlled substances to monitor medicinal cannabis; amend 218A.500 to conform; amend KRS 342.815 to establish that the Employer’s Mutual Insurance Authority shall not be required to provide coverage to an employer if doing so would subject the authority to a violation of state or federal law; some sections EFFECTIVE July 1, 2023; APPROPRIATION. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; permit certain physician assistants to apply for authorization to provide written certifications for the use of medicinal cannabis; define "cannabis consultation agreement"; permit state licensing boards to intervene in the event that a physician becomes impaired by the use of medicinal cannabis; permit state licensing boards and the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy to enforce administrative regulations promulgated pursuant to this Act; revise the membership of the Board of Physicians and Advisors; revise language related to fees for authorization to provide written certifications for the use of medicinal cannabis, to provide medicinal cannabis consultation services to cardholders, and to enter into cannabis consultation agreements; EFFECTIVE, IN PART, July 1, 2023; APPROPRIATION. House Floor Amendment (2) Retain original provisions; add post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of approved medical conditions for which a medicinal cannabis practitioner may provide a written certification for the use of medicinal cannabis; APPROPRIATION. House Floor Amendment (5) Retain original provisions; amend immunity provisions related to the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy and pharmacists; replace nausea and vomiting with chronic nausea and cyclical vomiting on the list of approved medical conditions; make technical correction; effective January 1, 2023; APPROPRIATION. House Floor Amendment (10) Retain original provisions; require General Assembly approval of the list of medical conditions for which a medicinal cannabis practitioner may provide a patient with a written certification for the use of medicinal cannabis, effective January 1, 2023; APPROPRIATION.


3/29/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Health & Welfare (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to supplemental payments to police officers.

Amend KRS 15.420 to include certain local and Commonwealth employees within the definition "police officer"; amend KRS 15.440 to include certain task forces, departments and agencies within the definition of eligible unit of government; ensure that the eligible units will be reimbursed for administrative costs and retirement contributions. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; except delete Section 2, relating to FICA contributions; make a technical correction.


4/20/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 231)




AN ACT relating to an exclusion from income tax for police officers.

Amend KRS 141.019 to exclude the income earned by an individual while on active duty as a police officer.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)




AN ACT relating to controlled substances.

Amend KRS 218A.010 to define "kratom"; amend KRS 218A.1412 to include kratom to the list of controlled substances that are unlawful to traffic; amend KRS 218A.1415 to include kratom in the list of controlled substances that are unlawful for a person to possess.


3/14/2022 - (H) Returned to Committee House Health & Family Services (H)




AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 341.030 to suspend any increase in the taxable wage base for calendar year 2022 and utilize the taxable wage base in effect for the 2020 year; amend KRS 341.270 to indicate that employer contribution rates in 2022 shall be determined using the rates listed in Schedule A of Table A; amend KRS 341.614 to provide there will be no surcharge assessment for 2022; retroactively to January 1, 2022; EMERGENCY. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; appropriate Federal Fund moneys to the unemployment trust fund to restore the fund balance to pre-pandemic levels; suspend taxable wage base increase; RETROACTIVE; APPROPRIATION.


3/24/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 29)




AN ACT relating to emergency services.

Amend KRS 205.590 to establish a new technical advisory committee on emergency medical services consisting of members representing the air medical industry, the Kentucky Board of Emergency Services, emergency medical services billing industry, and ground ambulance providers.


2/2/2022 - (H) Referred to Committee House Health & Family Services (H)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to driving under the influence and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 189A.010 to remove the penalty enhancement for refusal of a blood test; amend KRS 189A.104 to remove blood tests from the list of alcohol or substance tests that are subject to enhancement of penalties; amend KRS 189A.105 to remove the limitations for obtaining a search warrant for a blood test and provide that a refusal of a blood test will not result in the enhancement of any criminal penalty; amend KRS 189A.107 to describe that the refusal of a blood, breath, or urine test will subject a person to license suspension; amend KRS 189A.110 to include an alcohol concentration reading of 0.15 percent as a qualifying result for the minimum four hour detention requirement; EMERGENCY. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions, except remove KRS 189A.010 and references to enhancement of criminal penalties for refusing to take a blood test; further amend KRS 189A.085 to provide that the court may order impoundment of a license plate or plates; provide that the court may order law enforcement to seize a license plate from a person who has been convicted of driving under the influence; amend KRS 189A.103 to provide that instructions for a breath analysis instrument may be adopted by the Department of Criminal Justice Training and approved by the manufacturer of the instrument; EMERGENCY. House Floor Amendment (1) Make technical corrections; provide that copies of instructions for a breath test shall be provided upon request and without charge.






AN ACT relating to constables.

Create a new section of KRS Ch. 70 detailing legislative findings in regards to constables; create a new section of KRS Ch. 70 providing definitions; create a new section of KRS Ch. 70 establishing the Constable Certification Program, course components and length, operating procedures; require promulgation of administrative regulations, frequency of program, funding to be provided from KLEPF fund, establish in-service training requirements for certified graduates; require county board of elections to notify Constable's Association of any elected or appointed constable within 60 days, require the Department of Criminal Justice Training to maintain records of training, designate any constable who does not complete the program as "non-certified;" require Kentucky Constable's Association to maintain a list of certified and non-certified members; amend KRS 17.190 to include "certified constable or deputy constable; amend KRS 61.315 to include constable or deputy constables; include constables and deputy constables within certain benefits programs for line of duty incidents; amend KRS 61.362 to include constables; amend KRS 64.190 allow constables the same fees for services as sheriffs; amend KRS 64.250 removing provisions relating to officials in counties over 250,000; amend KRS 70.310 establish bond requirements for constables at $10,000; amend KRS 70.320 establish formula for constables in counties greater than 50,000 to appoint deputy constables; define salary for deputy constables; require that deputy constables be and remain certified; amend KRS 189.910 to include certified constable's or deputy constable's vehicles within definition of "emergency vehicle;" amend KRS 189.920 to require that these vehicles be equipped with blue lights, allow non-certified constables to have blue lights if authorized; amend KRS 189.450 to replace "police" with "peace;" include constables and deputy constables within the exemptions of the section; amend KRS 189.950 to remove certain requirements for blue lights; amend KRS 431.005 to include certified constables or deputy constables; amend KRS 431.007 to include certified constables or deputy constables, and exclude non-certified constables or deputy constables; repeal KRS 64.200 and 70.430; short title.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)


AN ACT relating to public funds.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 48 to prohibit all federal, state, and local tax dollars from being used for lobbying purposes; define "lobbying," "public agency," and "public agent"; create a new section of KRS 6.601 to 6.849 to permit a person to file a complaint with the Legislative Ethics Commission if a person or entity is using federal, state, or local dollars for lobbying purposes; amend KRS 6.611 to include in the definition of "legislative agent" any public agent who lobbies for a public agency; amend KRS 6.691 to allow the Legislative Ethics Commission to issue a fine of no less than $2,000 but no more than $10,000 to any public agency or public agency that uses federal, state, or local dollars for lobbying purposes; amend KRS 6.945 to exempt these lobbying restrictions from the requirements of KRS 6.945.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)


AN ACT relating to a tax credit for volunteer firefighters.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish a refundable income tax credit for certain volunteer firefighters; declare the purpose of the credit; require annual reporting to the Legislative Research Commission to evaluate the impact of the credit; amend KRS 141.0205 to provide the ordering of the credit; amend KRS 131.190 to allow confidential tax return information to be shared with the Legislative Research Commission.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)




AN ACT relating to paramedic education and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS 164.740 to 164.7891 to establish a coal-county paramedic scholarship to be administered by KHEAA; establish a fund in the State Treasury to be administered by KHEAA for providing coal-county paramedic scholarships; APPROPRIATION.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)




AN ACT relating to retiree health benefits for hazardous duty members.

Amend KRS 61.702 and 78.5536 to increase the hazardous duty under age 65 retiree health subsidy to $40 per month for each year of hazardous duty service for those career hazardous members of the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, County Employees Retirement System, and the State Police Retirement System who began participating in the system on or after July 1, 2003, who are eligible for a fixed-dollar retiree health subsidy not tied to the premium; define "career hazardous employee"; provide that the change shall apply to hazardous service earned prior to the effective date of this Act by eligible members, including retirees and shall continue to be adjusted annually by the 1.5% increase currently provided by statute; specify that changes to subsidies payable to impacted retirees shall begin on or after January 1, 2023, to coincide with the next health plan year; RETROACTIVE.


1/4/2022 - Introduced (Pre-Filed)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to elections and declaring an emergency.

Effective for the 2022 primary and for no other election, extend the filing deadline for all candidates to January 25, 2022; permit the Secretary of State or the county clerk, as appropriate, to determine when the drawing for ballot positions and certifications will be held; permit the Secretary of State or the county clerk, as appropriate, to establish any other necessary elections deadlines for the 2022 primary, excluding the date of the primary; EMERGENCY.


1/6/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 1)




AN ACT relating to driving under the influence and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 189A.085 to allow the court to order a peace officer to seize a license plate from a person who is convicted of KRS 189A.010. House Committee Substitute (1) Delete original provisions; amend KRS 189A.010 to provide that for a first offense of driving under the influence a person shall be fined and shall be imprisoned in the county jail; provide that a third or subsequent offense of driving under the influence within a 10-year period is a Class D felony; provide that if a person is convicted of a third or subsequent offense of driving under the influence the minimum term of imprisonment shall be 120 days; amend KRS 189A.040, 189A.200, 189A.240, and 281A.2102 to conform; provide the Act may be cited as Lily's Law; EMERGENCY. House Floor Amendment (2) Retain original provisions; remove requirement for a judge to sentence a person to a period of imprisonment following a conviction of a first offense of driving under the influence; amend KRS 189A.110 to require a person arrested for a violation of driving under the influence to remain in custody for 8 hours prior to release.


3/25/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary (S)




AN ACT relating to electrical work.

Amend KRS 227.460 to allow the electrical contractor to choose an inspection conducted by a Transportation Cabinet inspector or a local inspector for electrical work on highway projects not related to buildings for human occupancy performed beyond the service disconnect within the public right of way. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; clarify the conditions under which an electrical contractor can choose to have his or her electrical inspections performed by an electrical inspector. Senate Floor Amendment (2) Create a new section of KRS Chapter 322 and of KRS Chapter 198B to require the use of a licensed electrical engineer to exceed the maximum voltage of 1000 volts for yard and pier distribution systems.


3/31/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 69)




AN ACT relating to pipeline location notification.

Create a new section of KRS 100.273 to 100.292 to define "natural gas transmission pipeline," "operator", and "person"; limit the application of the section to cities and counties that have adopted the provisions of KRS Chapter 100 and to preliminary development plans filed on or after the effective date of the Act; establish notification requirements for developers that are locating developments within 660 feet of natural gas transmission pipelines; require a notified pipeline operator to provide pipeline location information to the developer; require the developer to include language on the final plat filed with the planning commission stating that the developer has utilized reasonable means to notify the pipeline operator and verify the pipeline location; require planning commissions to gather raw National Pipeline Mapping System geospatial data within 60 days of the effective date of the Act; exempt planning commissions from liability for development approval if it is based on the geospatial information they obtain; require pipeline operators to file the names of their registered agents with planning commissions of jurisdiction no later than August 15, 2022; prohibit planning commissions from issuing final approval for developments until the requirements of the Act have been satisfied; exempt planning commissions from liability for development approval if it is based on the information required to be submitted under the Act; provide that the Act shall not exempt developers or operators from the requirements of the Underground Facility Damage Protection Act of 1994, KRS 367.4901 to 367.4917. House Floor Amendment (1) Add definition for "interstate hazardous liquid pipeline facility"; make interstate hazardous liquid pipeline facilities subject to the notification requirements of the Act; require pipeline operators to file the contact information for their points of contact instead of the names of their registered agents with planning commissions of jurisdiction; require pipeline operators to update the name and contact information for their points of contact with the planning commission if they change; specify that nothing in the section changes the application of KRS 65.2001 to 65.2006 to local governments.


3/31/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 70)




AN ACT relating to peace officer certification.

Amend KRS 15.382 to prohibit anyone who has been convicted of various misdemeanor offenses and inchoate offenses under KRS Chapter 510 from being certified as a peace officer; amend KRS 15.386 to prohibit peace officers who have been convicted of various misdemeanor offenses and inchoate offenses under KRS Chapter 510 from returing to active certification from inactive status; amend KRS 15.391 to provide that a peace officer's certification shall be revoked if he or she pleads guilty to, is convicted of, or enters an Alford plea to various misdemeanor offenses and inchoate offenses under KRS Chaper 510.


4/20/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 232)




AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 218A.1410, 218A.1412, and 218A.142 to enhance the penalty for importing or trafficking carfentanil, fentanyl, or fentanyl derivatives from a minimum of 50 percent of the sentence served to a minimum of 85 percent of the sentence served and establish prohibition against the use of pretrial diversion for those criminal offenses. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 218A.1412 to establish trafficking in one gram or more of fentanyl, carfentanil, or fentanyl derivatives as a Class C felony; establish the name of the Act as Dalton's Law. House Floor Amendment (1) Remove the section that amends KRS 218A.1412 to restore existing language.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 130)




AN ACT relating to First Responder, Doctor, Nurse, and Health Care Professional Recognition Day.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate the first Saturday of October of each year as "First Responder, Doctor, Nurse, and Health Care Professional Recognition Day"; require the Governor to proclaim the date each year and require state flags to be lowered to half-mast on state public buildings from sunrise to sunset on that day.


3/30/2022 - (S) SECOND READING, to Rules as a consent bill




AN ACT relating to sewer charges imposed by sanitation districts.

Amend KRS 220.510 to prohibit a sanitation district from imposing any fee, tax, surcharge, or other charge for the provision of service to a property unless the property is connected to a sanitary sewer owned or maintained by the sanitation district, there is an approved plan to connect the property to a sanitary sewer owned or maintained by the sanitation district within five years, the property discharges storm water to a storm sewer or storm water improvement owned or operated by the sanitation district, the sanitation district's storm sewer controls storm water that flows to the property, or the person responsible for the charge has contracted with the sanitation district to provide the service; amend KRS 220.515 to conform; allow the Act to be cited as the Ensuring Fair Sewer Charges Act.


1/6/2022 - Introduced




AN ACT relating to local government and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 70 to prohibit any constable elected for the first time after January 1, 2023, from exercising general police powers unless certified, leaving all other constables unchanged; amend various KRS sections as they relate to constable powers and duties, especially those with police powers; allow constables to apply for training at any KLEC-approved basic training course, cost allocation determined; require the Department of Criminal Justice Training to accept one qualified constable per training class for training; APPROPRIATION.






AN ACT relating to appropriations providing financing and conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Transportation Cabinet of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

The Transportation Cabinet Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; appropriate to General Administration and Support: 2021-2022: $1,119,600, 2022-2023: $83,373,900, 2023-2024: $84,567,900; appropriate to Aviation: 2021-2022: $108,100, 2022-2023: $34,947,000, 2023-2024: $31,502,600; appropriate to Debt Service: 2022-2023: $134,925,100, 2023-2024: $136,700,700; appropriate to Highways: 2021-2022: $220,806,300, 2022-2023: $2,468,155,300, 2023-2024: $2,287,084,700; appropriate to Public Transportation: 2021-2022: $117,000, 2022-2023: $46,986,500, 2023-2024: $42,970,600; appropriate to Revenue Sharing: 2021-2022: $214,500, 2022-2023: $422,570,900, 2023-2024: $414,668,100; appropriate to Vehicle Regulation: 2021-2022: $683,200, 2022-2023: $66,976,600, 2023-2024: $68,987,900; not included in the appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows: 2021-2022: $3,000,000, 2022-2023: $43,643,000, 2023-2024: $16,850,000; detail Part II, Capital Projects Budget; detail Part III, Transportation Cabinet Budget Summary; APPROPRIATION. Senate Committee Substitute (1)


4/14/2022 - Delivered To Secretary Of State (Acts Ch. 214)




AN ACT relating to property assessments.

Amend KRS 132.191 to expand the requirements for using the income approach and sales comparison approach in the valuation of property; establish additional requirements for the appraisal of real property; amend KRS 133.120 to change the qualifications of taxpayer representatives who receive compensation for appealing property assessments. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 132.191 to remove the provisions requiring the valuation under the income approach to specifically include the terms of the lease and rental income; define "vacant property"; remove the provision that the appraisal of real property reflect the reasonable, probable, and most profitable use of the property that is legally permissible, physically possible, and financially feasible; remove the provision that the appraisal of real property take into consideration any value that is added to a property from a lease that encumbers; amend KRS 132.450 to prohibit a property valuation administrator from using the asking price of a property actively listed for sale in the determination of the fair cash value of property unless other evidence demonstrates that the asking price is the price the property would bring at a fair voluntary sale; require the property valuation administrator to use the purchase price of real property in an arm's length real estate transaction; amend KRS 133.120 to remove the requirement that taxpayer representatives who receive compensation for appealing property assessments possess knowledge of valuing property specific to the geographical area of the property in dispute. House Floor Amendment (1) Remove the term "appraisal" and require that the valuation of real property meet the minimum applicable assessment standards of the International Association of Assessing Officers or Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.


3/22/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Transportation (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to recontribution of a refund in the retirement systems.

Amend KRS 61.552 to provide that recontributions of a refund to the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, County Employees Retirement System, and the State Police Retirement System, made on or before January 1, 2023, shall be used to determine a member's participation date in the systems; make retroactive back to January 1, 2014, and provide that recontributions of a refund made on or after January 1, 2014, and prior to the effective date of this Act, shall be used to determine a member's participation date in the system unless the member instructs the systems by January 1, 2023, to not use the service to determine their participation date in the systems; RETROACTIVE.


1/10/2022 - Introduced




AN ACT relating to transportation improvement districts.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 184 to establish transportation improvement districts (TIDs) organized by county governments; define terms; allow TIDs to be established by a city with a population of greater than 20,000, a single county, or up to three contiguous counties; establish board makeup and membership requirements for each type of TID; set forth TID duties and powers; set forth public meeting requirements for potential projects; require approval of the establishing body of a TID before any project can be started; allow TIDs to receive revenue from increment bonds as part of a local development area under KRS 65.7041 to 65.7083; set forth powers and procedures for TIDs to issue bonds for projects; allow the Transportation Cabinet to assist a TID in a demonstration project; amend KRS 65.7045 to include TIDs under the definition of "agency" for the purposes of establishing a local development area; amend KRS 416.670 to exempt property acquired for a TID project from the provisions of that statute.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 180)




AN ACT relating to road projects and declaring an emergency.

Set out the 2022-2024 Biennial Highway Construction Plan; EMERGENCY.


1/18/2022 - Introduced


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to criminal histories of job applicants.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 344 to prohibit employers from considering or requiring disclosure of prior criminal history as part of the initial job application; title the Act "Ban the Box - The Criminal Record Employment Discrimination Act."


1/13/2022 - Introduced




AN ACT relating to broadband service.

Amend KRS 154.15-010 to add definitions for "broadband service," "eligible entity," "unserved area," and "wholesale network access"; amend KRS 154.15-020 to require the Kentucky Communications Network Authority to offer eligible entities wholesale network access to the excess capacity on KentuckyWired only in unserved areas.


3/29/2022 - (H) recommitted to committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)




AN ACT relating to retirement and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 16.582 to clarify that standards for "total and permanent disability" relate to hazardous disability only and make technical changes; amend KRS 61.505 to expand the administrative actions that the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority (KPPA) may take on behalf of the Kentucky Retirement Systems (KRS) and the County Employees Retirement System (CERS), authorize the KPPA to employ no more than 8 unclassified employees to the Office of Investments whose positions are exempt from the personnel system's classified service and related salary limitations, and make technical changes; amend KRS 61.510 to define "instructional staff" for state colleges and universities and define "objective medical evidence" to exclude the testimonial evidence of a person applying for disability benefits; amend KRS 61.520 to reference definition of "instructional staff"; amend KRS 61.565 to add an effective date of July 1, 2022, for shifting to the executive branch the employer's share of the Kentucky Employees Retirement System nonhazardous plan's unfunded liability for contract employees at mental health facilities; amend KRS 61.590, 61.610, 61.615, and 61.665 to allow KPPA the option to send notices and other forms to members on disability retirement using electronic mail or other electronic means; amend KRS 61.610 to allow KPPA to hire or contract for the services of more than one disability fraud investigator; amend KRS 61.615 to allow members in hybrid cash balance plan who are discontinued from disability to apply for reinstatement; amend KRS 61.635 to make technical change; amend KRS 61.637 to specify the circumstances under which an elected official who is reelected but takes office after retirement is deemed as having a prearranged agreement that would void his or her retirement; amend KRS 61.645 to exempt invalid addresses from ballot distribution for trustee elections, specify single certified public accountant to audit KRS and CERS financial reports, and make technical changes; amend KRS 61.661 to make technical changes; amend KRS 61.665 to permit the KPPA to contract for the services of medical examiners, eliminate the requirement that a person applying for disability retirement produce evidence of a request for reasonable accommodation, delete language permitting KRS to order a disabled employee to enroll in vocational rehabilitation, and conform to legislative changes made in 2021; amend KRS 61.702 and 78.5536 to require KRS and CERS to provide health insurance coverage for reemployed retirees over the age of 65 who are not Medicare-eligible due to the federal Medicare Secondary Payer Act and who are employed by either a participating agency that offers the Kentucky Employees Health Plan (KEHP) or a participating agency that is statutorily prevented from offering the KEHP; amend KRS 61.703 to make technical change; amend KRS 78.510 to define "objective medical evidence" to exclude the testimonial evidence of a person applying for disability benefits and make the definitions of "act in line of duty" and "dependent child" conform with other provisions as the result of legislative changes made in 2021; amend KRS 78.5524 to clarify that standards for "total and permanent disability" relate to hazardous disability only and to conform to other provisions as the result of legislative changes made in 2021; amend KRS 78.5526 and 78.5530 to conform with other provisions as the result of legislative changes made in 2021; amend KRS 78.5540 to specify the circumstances under which an elected official who is reelected but takes office after retirement is deemed as having a prearranged agreement that would void his or her retirement; and amend KRS 78.782 to exempt invalid addresses from ballot distribution for trustee elections, specify single certified public accountant to audit KRS and CERS financial reports, and make technical changes; and make technical changes and conforming amendments as a result of legislative changes made in 2021. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions, and amend KRS 61.505 to require the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority (KPPA) to conduct an annual performance evaluation of the executive director, pre-approve future unclassified positions, and approve an annual personnel report before submission to the Public Pension Oversight Board; authorize the KPPA to appoint no more than six unclassified employees of the Office of Investments whose positions shall be exempt from the personnel system's classified service and related salary limitations, but subject to a written salary and classification plan fixing a range of compensation and written terms of employment adopted by the KPPA; and require the KPPA to approve the biennial budget unit request before submission by the Authority; amend KRS 61.510, 61.520, 61.702, and 78.510 to make technical changes; EMERGENCY. House Floor Amendment (3) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 61.505 to provide that payment of the initial setup costs and annual costs attributable to establishing a separate CERS board and the KPPA shall sunset on June 30, 2024, and beginning on and after July 1, 2024, any annual administrative and investment costs shall be allocated to each retirement system as determined by the KPPA without attribution to the establishment of a separate CERS board and the KPPA. House Floor Amendment (4) Amend KRS 61.510 and 78.510 to refine the definition of "objective medical evidence" to exclude the testimonial statements of the person applying for disability retirement; amend KRS 61.510 to make technical correction; amend KRS 61.702 and 78.5536 to permit the Personnel Cabinet to rate those retirees over 65 impacted by the Medicare Secondary Payer Act who are added to the Kentucky Employees Health Plan (KEHP) separately from other employees and retirees in the KEHP for the purpose of determining medical insurance premiums; and amend KRS 18A.225 to make conforming changes. House Floor Amendment (5) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 61.510 and 78.510 to amend the definition of a "regular full-time position" to add that exempted emergency positions shall also include a position utilized by the employer during a federal or state emergency declared by the President or Governor to address needs during and as a result of the emergency; make amended definition RETROACTIVE to March 1, 2020 and provide that individuals employed by health departments in emergency positions due to the COVID-19 pandemic shall be exempt through December 31, 2022; RETROACTIVE. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 61.505 to require the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority (KPPA) to report by November 15, 2022, and by November 15 of each fiscal year, the annual administrative and investment expenses of the Kentucky Retirement Systems (KRS) and County Employees Retirement System (CERS) as prorated between the systems, including the process used to divide the costs, the amount assigned to each system itemized by category, and any efforts by the systems or the Authority to reduce administrative costs and staffing needs; amend KRS 61.515 and 78.520 to direct that pension trust fund assets attributable to hazardous/nonhazardous members are not expended to pay the benefits of members of the other position type/plan (hazardous/nonhazardous); amend KRS 61.701 to direct that health insurance trust fund assets attributable to members of one system (KERS, CERS, or SPRS) or position type/plan (hazardous/nonhazardous) are not expended to pay the benefits of members of another system or position type; amend KRS 61.702 and 78.5536 to make technical and conforming changes relating to prior legislation. Senate Floor Amendment (1) Retain original provisions; except remove new language in KRS 61.510 and 78.510 changing the definition of "objective medical evidence." Senate Floor Amendment (2). Senate Floor Amendment (4)


4/14/2022 - Delivered To Secretary Of State (Acts Ch. 216)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to liability and workers' compensation self-insurance group investments.

Amend KRS 304.48-090 and 304.50-055 to define "nationally recognized statistical rating organization" and establish permissible investments for liability self-insurance groups and workers' compensation self-insurance groups.


3/30/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 62)




AN ACT relating to peer-to-peer car sharing.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 365 to establish definitions relating to peer-to-peer car sharing; establish insurance, disclosure, recordkeeping, verification, and equipment liability requirements for peer-to-peer car sharing programs; establish requirements for shared vehicle owners that receive an actual notice of safety recall on a shared vehicle; establish an exemption for peer-to-peer car sharing programs and shared vehicle owners from vicarious liability; create a new section of Subtitle 39 of KRS Chapter 304 to establish certain rights of insurers relating to accidents involving shared vehicles; establish certain requirements for insurers that issue policies covering shared vehicles; create a new section of Subtitle 14 of KRS Chapter 304 to provide peer-to-peer car sharing programs with an insurable interest in shared vehicles during the car sharing period; amend KRS 138.462 and 186.630 to conform; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2023. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions, except establish the order of priority of insurance coverage in certain circumstances, effective January 1, 2023.


3/29/2022 - (H) recommitted to committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)




AN ACT relating to consolidated local governments.

Amend KRS 67C.103 to remove outdated language regarding apportionment of legislative council seats, designate that the oversight committee to approve settlements or consent decrees, and to interview former officials or employees; amend KRS 67C.105 to limit mayor to two consecutive terms, post January 1, 2023; amend KRS 67C.111 to allow for the formation of new cities within a consolidated local government, prohibit formation in certain areas, establish criteria for approval of the new cities, allow annexation of territory by cities within the consolidated local government; amend KRS 67C.115 to define powers of the county attorney in a consolidated local government; amend KRS 67C.139 giving the legislative council 60 days to approve mayoral appointments; amend KRS 67C.143 to allow a member preferring a charge to participate in the discipline of legislative council members; amend KRS 67C.147 to require annual report concerning the urban services district expenditures; amend KRS 67C.301 to define "chief's designee"; amend KRS 67C.321 to allow chief of police designee to undertake certain portions of an investigation concerning allegations against a peace officer; amend KRS 67C.323 to conform; amend KRS 67C.325 to allow the chief's designee to receive information. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 67C.111 to substitute "qualified voters" for "residents" in issues of new city formation; delete amendments to KRS 67C.105, 67C.301, 67C.321, 67C.323, and 67C.325 from the original bill. House Floor Amendment (4) Add new Section 2 providing for a 2 term limit for mayor, beginning January 1, 2023; specify that legislative council has 60 days to approve or disapprove the creation of a new city; add a new Section 5. retaining the original provisions and specify the presiding officer of the legislative council shall make all legislative council appointments to agencies, boards, and commissions. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 67C.111 to add effective date of July 15, 2024; add incorporation provisions for new cities; add new section creating the Louisville Metro Comprehensive Review Commission; direct a comprehensive study of the metro government model of local government; establish membership of commission; provide areas for review; establish reporting date of September 15, 2023.


4/14/2022 - Delivered To Secretary Of State (Acts Ch. 201)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to broadband deployment, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Appropriate Federal Funds from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 in the amount of $300,000,000 in fiscal year 2022-2023 to the Broadband Deployment Fund; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY. House Committee Substitute (1) Delete the original provisions; create a new of KRS Chapter 224A to establish the Office of Broadband Development, administratively attached to the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority; allow the authority to contract with a nonprofit corporation having specific experience to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office; amend KRS 224A.011 to define terms; amend KRS 224A.112 to make conforming changes; amend KRS 224A.1121 to require the office to issue grant applications, establish a challenge process, require a scoring process for applications, and establish eligible project expenses; create a new section of KRS Chapter 224A to define terms, create the rural infrastructure improvement fund, and establish a process for accepting applications and awarding moneys for eligible pole replacement costs; amend KRS 278.5461 and 278.5464 to conform; appropriate $20 million to the rural infrastructure improvement fund; amend 2021 Ky. Acts ch. 171, sec. 3 to specify the specific federal funds appropriated for broadband deployment projects and make conforming changes; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.


4/14/2022 - Delivered To Secretary Of State (Acts Ch. 202)




AN ACT relating to criminal offenses committed during a declared emergency.

Amend KRS 511.020, 511.030, and 511.040 to provide an enhanced penalty if the offense occurred during a declared emergency and within the area covered by the emergency declaration; amend KRS 514.030 to provide that the theft of property valued at $300 or more during a declared emergency and within the area covered by the emergency declaration is a Class D felony; amend KRS 514.110 to provide that receiving stolen property valued at $300 or more during a declared emergency and within the area covered by the emergency declaration is a Class D felony; create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to require a 12-hour hold for any person charged with certain offenses; provide exceptions.


1/20/2022 - Introduced




AN ACT relating to the community investment tax credit.

For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2023, but before January 1, 2027, create a new section in KRS Chapter 141 to establish the community investment credit for financial institutions making loans to a community development financial institution; establish the annual credit cap at $20 million; require the Department of Revenue to report tax credit data to the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue; amend KRS 141.0205 to order the credit; amend KRS 131.190 to allow the Legislative Research Commission to receive confidential data about the new tax credit from the Department of Revenue.


2/17/2022 - (H) recommitted to committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)




AN ACT relating to appointments to boards, commissions, and councils.

Amend KRS 15.315 related to appointments to the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council; amend KRS 222.480 related to appointments to the Advisory Council for Recovery Ready Communities.


4/14/2022 - Delivered To Secretary Of State (Acts Ch. 204)




AN ACT relating to local government records.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to define terms; allow local governments to submit to the state or the Legislative Research Commission an affidavit in lieu of a record that has been lost, damaged, or destroyed that was required to be submitted; establish requirements for the affidavit, and allow a government entity to require the production of the information contained in the record if necessary for governmental operations. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend to allow a local government to submit an affidavit when records were tampered with if the tampering itself was not done with the intent of invoking the affidavit process.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 111)




AN ACT relating to workers' compensation for first responders.

Amend KRS 342.0011 to clarify definition of "injury" to include psychological injuries for certain employees; create a new section of KRS Chapter 342 to set out when the psychological injuries are valid workers' compensation claims when no physical injury exists.


1/25/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to opioid overdose reversal agents.

Amend KRS 217.015 to define "opioid overdose reversal agent"; amend KRS 15.291, 217.177, and 217.186 to conform.


1/25/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to water fluoridation programs.

Amend KRS 211.190 to make water fluoridation programs optional; allow the governing bodies of water systems subject to regulation by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to decide whether they participate in water fluoridation programs; provide that a water fluoridation program in place on the effective date of the Act continue until action is taken by its governing body to end its participation; provide that any decision regarding participation in a water fluoridation program made by the governing body of a water system shall be binding on all water systems it supplies.


1/25/2022 - Introduced




AN ACT relating to the apportionment of money in the CMRS fund.

Amend KRS 65.7621 to define "core services" and "next generation core services"; amend KRS 65.7631 to reallocate a portion of the monthly revenues deposited into the CMRS fund for the purpose of next generation 911 initiatives, services, and applications when certain thresholds are met during a fiscal year; APPROPRIATION; EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2022. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; make technical correction APPROPRIATION. House Floor Amendment (1) In section 2, allows the change in rate from seven and one-half percent to five percent from August 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024, only; and allows the change in rate from ten percent to seven and one-half percent from August 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024, only.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 102)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to statewide mobile food units.

Amend KRS 217.015, 217.125, 217.126, and 217.128 to establish standards for statewide mobile food units; create a new section of KRS Chapter 217 to establish operational, inspection, and regulation standards for statewide mobile food units; amend KRS 217.136, 217.137, 304.17A-741, 315.010, and 411.600 to conform.


1/25/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to employment.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to define terms and make the termination of employment without cause unlawful; establish amount that may be recovered for wrongful discharge; specify when the employers' internal procedures are to be used.


1/25/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to merchant electric generating facilities and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 278.702 to provide that the terms of service for the ad hoc members of the Kentucky State Board on Electric Generation and Transmission Siting end when the merchant electric generating facility for which they were appointed has been constructed and has begun generating electricity for sale; amend KRS 278.704 to include decommissioning requirements within the requirements over which local planning and zoning requirements shall have primacy; remove outdated language; amend KRS 278.706 to require that a decommissioning plan be included in an application for construction of a merchant electric generating facility; establish minimum requirements for a decommissioning plan; require as part of a decommission plan that a bond or similar security be secured to assure that the decommissioning plan is accomplished; establish requirements for how the bond is set and how the beneficiaries of the bond are to be determined; require that certain components of the decommissioning plan be incorporated into the construction certificate applicant's leases with landowners; amend KRS 278.710 to include whether the decommissioning plan complies with the requirements of the Act in the criteria for approval of a construction certificate for a merchant electric generating facility; require a person that has received a construction certificate for a merchant electric generating facility file with the board the copy of the bond or similar security no later than the date that construction commences for the facility; require that an updated copy of the bond or similar security be refiled at least once every five years thereafter; require notice to be filed with the board when the construction of the merchant electric generating facility is complete and has begun producing electricity for sale; require that notice be given of any transaction involving the sale or transfer of ownership of the facility to the board and local officials within five days of finalizing the transaction; require a person who has acquired a merchant electric generating facility to file with the board written consent to assume the obligations in the decommissioning plan for the facility and to adopt or replace the required decommissioning bond; amend KRS 278.718 to provide that an ordinance, permit, or license issued by a local government shall have primacy over the requirements of KRS 278.700 and Sections 2, 3, and 4 of this Act. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Delete all provisions; amend KRS 278.212 to prohibit an electrical interconnection with a merchant electric generating facility that either operates at an aggregate capacity in excess of 10 megawatts or occupies in aggregate 10 acres or more of land until the plans for the electrical interconnection have been filed with the Public Service Commission; amend KRS 278.216 to prohibit a utility from beginning construction on an electric generating facility that either operates at an aggregate capacity in excess of 10 megawatts or occupies in aggregate 10 acres or more of land without first obtaining a site compatibility certificate from the Public Service Commission and to conform; amend KRS 278.700 to change the definition of "merchant electric generating facility" to include facilities that occupy in aggregate 10 acres or more of land; change the definition of "commence to construct" so that site clearing and excavation work satisfy the commence to construct requirements; amend KRS 278.704 to extend the validity of a construction certificate for a merchant electric generating facility to three years; establish setback requirements for solar merchant electric generating facilities of 50 feet from the property boundary of any nonparticipating adjoining property and 100 feet from a residence on any other property than the one on which the facility is to be located unless waived in writing; require that no later than 180 days prior to filing its application for a construction certificate, a merchant electric generating entity shall notify the heads of local government entities of jurisdiction; allow the local officials or the board to request a public hearing on the proposed merchant electric generating project; require that upon filing its construction certificate application, the merchant electric generating facility shall inform local officials of changes to the project and shall post the changes to its Web site; amend KRS 278.706 to conform; amend KRS 278.708 to require the site assessment report submitted by a person proposing to construct a merchant electric generating facility to include a decommissioning plan to explain in detail how the facility and its components will be removed; require the decommissioning plan to be reviewed as needed, but at least once every five years; establish minimum requirements for the decommissioning plan; amend KRS 278.710 to include whether the proposed decommissioning plan is complete and complies with state and local requirements as a criteria for application approval; require that prior to the commencement of construction, the holder of a construction certificate for a merchant electric generating facility shall furnish bond or other similar security to assure the decommissioning of the facility; establish the procedure for setting the bond amount; require that the bond be uncancelable and that it always maintain an "A" rating as determined by A.M. Best; provide for review of the bond amount as needed but at least once every five years; provide which entities will be named as beneficiaries of the bond depending on the circumstances; require the Energy and Environment Cabinet to claim forfeited bonds and perform decommissioning if there is no other party willing or able to do so; exempt cities, counties, and the siting board from legal or financial liability to perform decommissioning; require that the bond be forfeited unless the person responsible for completing the decommissioning plan begins work on the plan within 12 months of the date that the facility ceases to produce electricity for sale and completes the work within 18 months of that date and allow for extensions of those deadlines for good cause shown; require that any forfeited bond amounts only be used to decommission facilities on the properties for which the bond was posted; provide that after the application for a construction certificate for a merchant electric generating facility has been approved, the facility has been constructed, and it has begun generating electricity for sale, the secretary of the Energy and Environment Cabinet shall ensure the facility's ongoing compliance with the requirements of KRS 278.700 to 278.716 and the conditions of its construction certificate approval, including updating its decommissioning plan and bond amounts at least once every five years; require a finding by the secretary of the Energy and Environment Cabinet that an acquirer or transferee has a good environmental compliance history and will assume the obligations of the construction certificate prior to any transfer of control of a non-solar merchant electric generating facility; require the secretary of the Energy and Environment Cabinet to make a transfer determination for a non-solar merchant electric generating facility within 90 days of its application and to issue findings with the determination; for solar merchant electric generating facilities wishing to transfer control: define "control"; require landowner and local government notification within 14 days of the transfer; require a notification and attestation to the Energy and Environment Cabinet of good environmental history and of having financial, technical, and managerial capacity to assume all responsibilities and obligations of the solar merchant facility, including carrying out the decommissioning plan and maintenance of the bond; create a new section of Subchapter 10 of KRS Chapter 224 to require the Energy and Environment Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations within 9


3/14/2022 - received in House w/ Letter




AN ACT relating to public safety.

Amend KRS 500.080 to define "riot"; amend KRS 508.010, relating to assault in the first degree, to create a mandatory fine of $15,000 when the offense is committed during the course of a riot; amend KRS 508.025, relating to assault in the third degree, to create a mandatory fine of $5,000 and a minimum sentence of 30 days' incarceration, which is not subject to any form of early release; amend KRS 508.030 to provide that knowingly shining or aiming a laser towards the head of another person results in a Class A misdemeanor; amend KRS 511.060, 511.070, and 511.080 to make criminal trespass enhance one classification level when done to harass a person who is a law enforcement officer, active duty member of the military, judge, or elected or appointed government official; create a new section of KRS Chapter 512 to require the court to order full restitution in any conviction under KRS 512.020, 512.030, or 512.040; amend KRS 512.020 to create a mandatory fine of $5,000 when a person is convicted of criminal mischief in the first degree during the course of a riot; create a new section of KRS Chapter 525 to require the court to order full restitution in any conviction under KRS 525.020, 525.030, or 525.040; amend KRS 525.020, relating to riot in the first degree, to create a minimum sentence of 45 days' incarceration, which is not subject to any form of early release; amend KRS 525.030, relating to riot in the second degree, to create a minimum sentence of 30 days' incarceration, which is not subject to any form of early release; amend KRS 525.140 to make obstructing a highway a Class D felony when the obstruction blocks an emergency vehicle, emergency responder, or emergency exit; amend KRS 525.150 to make disrupting meetings and processions a Class A misdemeanor in all cases; create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to require 12-hour hold for any person charged with certain offenses and allow exceptions; amend KRS 431.073 to exclude various Class D felonies from being expungeable; amend KRS 533.254 to require the court to order restitution in cases where a person is put on probation or given pretrial diversion; amend KRS 411.100 to require gross negligence for a cause of action for property damaged by riotous or tumultuous assemblage of people that a local government could have prevented; repeal KRS 525.145, relating to disrupting meetings and processions in the first degree; amend various sections to conform.


1/28/2022 - Introduced


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to local government.

Amend KRS 42.455 to delete requirements for a public hearing and notifications concerning public hearings by a local government receiving economic development funds; require local governments to provide for public input into the expenditure of public funds for economic development; amend KRS 91A.040 to change audit deadlines from February to March and reporting deadlines from March to April; increase exemption for city audit from $75,000 to $150,000; require that if a city claims the exemption for 4 years, an attestation of engagement must be prepared by either a CPA or the Auditor of Public Accounts; amend KRS 174.100 to delete requirement for a public hearing and substituting a requirement for a public meeting on the expenditure of road funds; establish criteria for such a public meeting. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend Section 1 to require that the local government expenditure of Local Government Economic Assistance Program funds be done only after a public hearing called and noticed under KRS 61.823(2) to (4), relating to emergency or special meetings; amend Section 3 to provide that before a local government expends state-derived tax revenues on specified transportation projects, that a public hearing called and noticed under KRS 61.823(2) to (4) be held.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 103)




AN ACT relating to the recognition of EMS Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 311A to create the Recognition of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact; declare the intent and purpose of the compact; define terms; establish conditions under which an individual can practice in a remote state; require member states to expedite the processing of applications for licensure from veterans, active military service members, and members of the National Guard and Reserves separating from an active duty tour, as well as their spouses; authorize a home state to impose adverse action against an individual's license issued by the home state; authorize a member state's EMS authority to issue subpoenas for hearings and investigations as well as cease and desist orders to restrict, suspend, or revoke an individual's privilege to practice in the state; establish the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice; provide immunity from suit and liability for members, officers, executive director, employees and representatives of the commission who act in accordance with the provisions of the compact; require the commission to develop and maintain a coordinated database and reporting system containing licensure, disciplinary action, and significant investigatory information on all licensed individuals participating in the compact; authorize the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of state government to enforce the provisions of the compact; establish rulemaking procedures; authorize the commission to attempt to resolve disputes related to the compact that arise among member states and between member and non-member states; require provisions of the compact to become effective on the date the compact is enacted into law in the tenth compact state; establish withdrawal guidelines for a member state that wishes to withdraw from the compact; provide for severability for any provision in the compact that is contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance.


3/14/2022 - (H) Referred to Committee House Licensing, Occupations, & Administrative Regulations (H)




AN ACT relating to public safety personnel.

Amend KRS 90.330 to remove the requirement that a candidate for employment shall not have passed his or her 46th birthday; amend KRS 95.010 to amend the definition of "member" as used in KRS 95.440 to 95.629; amend KRS 95.022 to provide that the number of police officers a city may hire is based on the total number of officers employed by the city in the immediately preceding year; amend KRS 95.450 to provide that any person may file a complaint and a mayor, city manager, or legislative body may prefer charges; to provide that a hearing shall occur within 10 days after charges were filed; to provide that an accused member shall be served with a copy of the charges at least 5 days before a hearing; to provide that an accused member may waive service and demand a hearing within 10 days after charges were filed; amend KRS 95.460 to provide that review by a Circuit Court shall be based solely on the record created before the legislative body and any new evidence regarding arbitrariness of the legislative body; amend KRS 95.495 to provide an exception to the work day limitations for police departments; amend KRS 95.762 to remove the age requirements for a candidate for employment as a police officer; amend KRS 95.765 to provide that any person may file a complaint and a mayor, city manager, or legislative body may prefer charges; to provide that a hearing shall occur within 10 days after charges were filed; to provide that an accused member shall be served with a copy of the charges at least 5 days before a hearing; to provide that an accused member may waive service and demand a hearing within 10 days after charges were filed; amend KRS 337.285 to provide an exception to the work day limitations for police departments with officers who are represented by collective bargaining units. House Floor Amendment (1) Retain original provisions; provide that a person may file a complaint against a police officer under KRS 15.520; provide that KRS 95.450 and 95.765 shall only apply when the provisions of KRS 15.520 do not apply.






AN ACT relating to public procurement.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 45A to set forth findings of the General Assembly and establish a policy of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to promote the Kentucky and United States economies by requiring a preference for iron, steel, aluminum, and manufactured goods produced in Kentucky and the United States; define "manufactured in Kentucky," "manufactured in the United States," and "United States"; require preference for iron, steel, aluminum, and manufactured goods made in Kentucky in construction and maintenance contracts and subcontracts; provide for a waiver of the Kentucky preference requirement; require preference for iron, steel, aluminum, and manufactured goods made in the United States if the Kentucky waiver is granted; provide for a waiver of the United States preference requirement; establish a short title of "Kentucky Buy American Act"; amend KRS 45A.343, 45A.352, 65.027, 162.070, 164A.575, 176.080, and 424.260 to require compliance.


2/1/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to the levy of occupational license fees.

Amend KRS 68.197 to remove the population requirement and the one percent occupational license fee rate limitation; allow the crediting of city and county occupational license fees by agreement only; amend KRS 67.793 to conform; repeal KRS 68.199.


2/2/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to property taxation.

Amend KRS 132.020 and 132.200 to exclude aircraft not used in the business of transporting persons or property for compensation or hire from tangible property tax state and local rates; create a new section of KRS 132 to exempt aircraft not used in the business of transporting persons or property for compensation or hire; apply to property assessed on or after January 1, 2023.


3/14/2022 - (H) Returned to Committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to resources for local development.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to define "county"; grant any city or county the right to levy a restaurant tax not to exceed three percent of retail sales; require the revenue to be distributed between the tourist convention commission and taxing jurisdiction; specify uses; exempt restaurants subject to the restaurant tax from certain occupational license fees; mandate first-time tax rate levies and rate changes take effect at the beginning of a calendar month; amend 91A.400 to sunset the levy of a restaurant tax under this section; require distribution of at least 25 percent of revenues generated to the tourist and convention commission; specify uses; exempt restaurants subject to the tax from certain local occupational license fees; amend KRS 67.938, 91A.390, 91.200, 92.281, and 92.300 to conform; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2023.


3/21/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Economic Development, Tourism, & Labor (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to peace officer training.

Amend KRS 15.334 to require law enforcement training on the link between animal abuse and certain offenses against people.


2/2/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to open meetings.

Amend KRS 61.810, relating to exceptions for open meetings for any public agency, to include within the exceptions any state or local law, in addition to laws under KRS Chapter 45A or 56, where a group is established to select a successful bidder for an award of a local contract;amend KRS 61.826, relating to video teleconferencing, to require any public agency to provide specific information regarding where any member of the media or public may view the meeting electronically; require the identification of a primary physical location of the video teleconference where all members of the public agency who are participating may be seen and heard, if the public agency provides a physical location for the meeting, or where two or more members of the public agency are attending a video teleconference meeting from the same physical location; require all public agency members who participate in a video teleconference to remain on camera all the time business is being discussed; amend KRS 83A.150, relating to cities operating under a city manager form of government, to allow the city board to meet in closed session no more than two times a year to conduct a performance evaluation of the city manager; stipulate that the board must follow KRS 61.815, and that the records of the meeting are subject to the Open Records Act. House Floor Amendment (1) Amend Section 2 to require notice pursuant to KRS 61.823 and subsection (2)(b) to (d) if a regular meeting is changed to a video conference on the same date and time as originally scheduled, without declaring it a special meeting.


3/25/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 37)




AN ACT relating to pharmacy or pharmacist services.

Amend KRS 304.17A-164 to prohibit insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, and other administrators of pharmacy benefits from imposing certain requirements on health plan insureds; create new sections of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to establish definitions for pharmacy-related insurance practices; require pharmacy benefit managers to establish reasonably adequate and accessible pharmacy networks; require pharmacy benefit managers to file, and the insurance commissioner to review, an annual report describing pharmacy networks; provide that information and data acquired by the Department of Insurance shall be considered proprietary and not subject to disclosure under KRS 61.870 to 61.884; establish requirements for certain contracts between a pharmacy or pharmacist and a pharmacy benefit manager; establish prohibited practices for pharmacy benefit managers; establish certain requirements for insurers and pharmacy benefit managers contracting for the provision of pharmacy benefit management services; prohibit administrators from offering any incentive or discount for use of an affiliated pharmacy benefit manager; establish a Pharmacy Benefits Management Advisory Council; create a new section of Subtitle 99 of KRS Chapter 304 to authorize the insurance commissioner to order reimbursement to persons who incurred a monetary loss as a result of a violation of provisions of legislation; amend KRS 304.9-054 to make technical changes; authorize the promulgation of administrative regulations; require pharmacy benefit managers to report certain information to the insurance commissioner; provide that certain reported information shall not be subject to disclosure under KRS 61.870 to 61.884; amend KRS 304.17A-708, 304.17A-712, and 304.17A-714 to conform; create a new section of Subtitle 17C of KRS Chapter 304 to apply provisions of legislation to limited health service benefit plans, including limited health service contracts; create a new section of Subtitle 38A of KRS Chapter 304 to apply provisions of legislation to limited health service organizations; amend 18A.225 to require the state employee health plan to comply with provisions of legislation; amend KRS 367.828 to establish certain requirements for the health discount plans that purport to offer discounts, or access to discounts, on prescription drugs; provide for staggered appointments to the Pharmacy Benefits Management Advisory Council; provide that provisions of this Act shall be severable; require the insurance commissioner to promulgate regulations to implement the Act on or before January 1, 2023; EFFECTIVE, in part, January 1, 2023. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions, except delete requirements for pharmacy benefit manager drug reimbursement at an amount that is equal to or greater than the national average drug acquisition cost and related reporting; delete requirements for pass-through pricing and related reporting; delete requirement to establish a Pharmacy Benefits Management Advisory Council; create a new section of KRS Chapter 365 to establish a fiduciary duty of a pharmacy services administration organization when acting on behalf of a pharmacy or pharmacist.


3/22/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)


AN ACT relating to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Amend 2021 Kentucky Acts Chapter 171, Section 3, to appropriate Federal Funds from the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 in the amount of $127,000,000 and Federal Funds from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 in the amount of $123,000,000 in fiscal year 2021-2022 to the broadband deployment fund; repeal 2021 Kentucky Acts Chapter 194, Section 17; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY. House Floor Amendment (1) Amend the date to May 1, 2022, for additional broadband deployment funds to be awarded. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions, except appropriate Federal Funds from the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 in the amount of $182,769,000 and Federal Funds from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 in the amount of $67,231,000 in fiscal year 2021-2022 to the broadband deployment fund; repeal 2021 Kentucky Acts Chapter 194, Sections 16 and 17; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.


4/14/2022 - (H) PLACED IN THE ORDERS OF THE DAY; for Concurrence or Nonconcurrence in Senate Committee Substitute (1)


AN ACT relating to the regulation of air ambulance services.

Create a new section of Subtitle 5 of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that certain air ambulance providers or other entities are engaged in the business of insurance; require certain air ambulance services or other entities to obtain and maintain a certificate of authority or license from the commissioner; provide that air ambulance memberships shall be considered a limited health service benefit plan subject to the applicable provisions of the chapter; create a new section of Subtitle 12 of KRS Chapter 304 to require entities selling air ambulance memberships to make disclosures; create a new section of Subtitle 17C of KRS Chapter 304 to require entities that operate air ambulance membership programs to implement a patient advocacy program; prohibit enforcement in a manner that conflicts with federal law; amend KRS 304.1-120, 304.17C-010, and 304.38A-010 to conform; establish a time frame for implementation of patient advocacy program provisions; include purpose provisions; EFFECTIVE April 15, 2023.


2/8/2022 - Introduced


Under Evaluation


AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the General Assembly's authority over local revenue options.

Propose to amend Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky to permit the General Assembly to authorize a county, city, town, or municipal corporation to assess and collect local taxes and fees that are not otherwise in conflict with the Constitution; provide ballot question with proposed amendment; submit to voters for ratification or rejection. House Floor Amendment (1) Remove franchise fees; specify that license fees include license fees on franchises.


4/13/2022 - (S) Returned to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)




AN ACT relating to local taxation.

Amend KRS 67.083 to allow a fiscal court of any county to levy all taxes not in conflict with the Constitution, provided that the fee or tax is allowed by the statutes of this state; amend KRS 92.281 to allow cities of all classes to levy all taxes not in conflict with the Constitution, provided that the fee or tax is allowed by the statutes of this state; amend KRS 610.350 to allow certain local government bodies to levy taxes within constitutional limitations, provided that the tax is allowed by the statutes of this state; amend KRS 83.520 to allow the legislative body of a city of the first class to levy all taxes, provided that the taxes are allowed by the statutes of this state; amend KRS 65.760 to allow local governments to levy certain taxes, provided that the taxes are allowed by the statutes of this state; create a new section of KRS Chapter 92 to prohibit municipal corporations that are authorized to levy and collect taxes or fees from levying the tax or fee unless the tax or fee is allowed by the statutes of this state; EFFECTIVE only upon the ratification by voters of an amendment to Section 181 of the Kentucky Constitution. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 67A.070 to allow urban-county governments to levy all taxes not in conflict with the Constitution, provided that the fee or tax is allowed by the statutes of this state; amend KRS 67C.101 to allow consolidated local governments to levy all taxes not in conflict with the Constitution, provided that the fee or tax is allowed by the statutes of this state.


3/29/2022 - (S) Returned to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)




AN ACT relating to solid waste.

Amend KRS 224.40-310 to list all the types of facilities under the definition of "waste disposal facility"; prohibit issuance of a permit to construct or expand a waste disposal facility that will result in substantial additional capacity absent submission of notice of intent to be licensed to the fiscal court of the county in which the facility is or will be located; prescribe time frame.


2/10/2022 - Introduced




AN ACT relating to the Law Enforcement Foundation Program fund and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 15.420 to delete reference to the payment made from the fish and game fund under definition of "police officer" for fish and wildlife conservation officers and make funding source the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program fund; amend KRS 15.460 to delete reference to the use of the fish and game fund for payment of training stipend under the supplemental funding from the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program Fund; amend KRS 150.150 to conform.


2/10/2022 - Introduced


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to construction bids.

Amend KRS 45A.494 to include a bidding preference of five percent for bidders who certify that 25 percent of their workforce have completed or are in the process of completing a registered apprenticeship and to include a bidding preference of five percent for bidders who certify that 70 percent of their workforce resides either in Kentucky or within 50 miles of the work site; amend KRS 176.082 to conform; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require the Kentucky Community and Technical College System to offer online courses to fulfill the technical education requirements of registered apprenticeship programs.


2/10/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to vegetation maintenance.

Create new sections of KRS 278.010 to 278.450 to establish definitions; require electric utilities regulated by the Public Service Commission to have a vegetation management plan approved by the commission; require vegetation maintenance to be performed in conformance with ANSI standards endorsed by the International Society of Arboriculture; make exception for standards under declared emergency or in situation of cleanup from storm damage; require different notice requirements to the public and property owners; impose penalty for failure of a utility to comply with vegetation maintenance plan requirements; require public hearings; establish homeowner rights with respect to vegetation maintenance; require the utility develop a brochure for homeowner rights and have the information available on its Web site; allow for civil action for unauthorized tree pruning or removal; allow for damages for unauthorized tree removal or pruning; require written consent to remove more than 25 percent of tree canopy; allow for a temporary cessation of work if property owner objects to vegetation maintenance; and prescribe time frames for notice and response.


3/17/2022 - (H) Referred to Committee House Local Government (H)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to utility pole replacement for broadband network deployment, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 224A to establish the Rural Infrastructure Improvement Program; define terms; establish the rural infrastructure improvement fund; provide that money deposited to the credit of the fund shall only be used by the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority to provide reimbursements to qualified applicants for eligible utility pole replacement costs necessary for the deployment of broadband infrastructure; set maximum reimbursement amounts; require the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority to receive, review, and approve applications for eligible pole replacement reimbursement; require the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority to promulgate administrative regulations necessary for the administration of the program; require that no later than 60 days of receiving moneys into the rural infrastructure improvement fund, the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority must publish the application form for requesting reimbursement from the fund; provide for eligibility requirements and terms and conditions of receiving reimbursement from the fund; require the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority to maintain statistics on its Web site relating to applications received, amounts reimbursed, and money remaining in the fund; require the Auditor of Public Accounts to audit the fund no later than one year after it receives moneys; no later than one year after the exhaustion of the money in the fund, require the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority to file a report with the Legislative Research Commission identifying and examining the deployment of broadband infrastructure facilitated by the eligible pole reimbursements awarded; appropriate $56 million to the fund from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.


2/14/2022 - Introduced


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to prevailing wage.

Establish new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to create a prevailing wage law for all public works projects; amend KRS 12.020, 99.480, 227.487, 336.015, 337.010, and 337.990 to conform.


2/16/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to annexation.

Amend KRS 81A.410 to prohibit city annexation of school property without the approval of the governing body of the public school system.


2/16/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to the priority of purchase money deeds of trusts and mortgages.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 382 to establish priority for purchase money deeds of trust and mortgages over a prior judgment lien against the purchaser; amend KRS 382.270 and 382.280 to conform.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 167)


AN ACT relating to publication procedures for local entities.

Amend KRS 424.145 by changing the definition of local government to remove the population restriction on counties, and governmental entities within counties, permitted to utilize alternative Internet publication.


2/17/2022 - Introduced




AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages.

Repeal and reenact KRS 242.1292, relating to alcoholic beverage limited sale precincts in cities with a population of 20,000 or more, to maintain existing licenses and their accompanying city regulatory license fees; amend KRS 243.033 to allow caterers to transport, sell, serve, and deliver alcoholic beverages in moist precincts if at least 10% of the catering gross receipts are for food purchases; supersede any conflicting catering or precinct statutes; authorize a caterer to cater alcoholic beverages at an event it hosted or co-hosted; amend KRS 83A.022, 242.1238, and 243.0341 to conform; repeal KRS 242.1294, 242.1296, and 242.1298.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 104)




AN ACT relating to first responders.

Amend KRS 15.518 to define "critical incident," allow a peace officer to take 48 hours leave after being involved in a critical incident, allow leave to be paid or unpaid, declare this section does not supersede any existing policies that grant greater benefits; amend KRS 95A.292 to define "critical incident," allow a firefighter to take 48 hours leave after being involved in a critical incident, allow leave to be paid or unpaid, declare this section does not supersede any existing policies that grant greater benefits; amend KRS 337.100 to conform.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 94)


AN ACT relating to public-private partnerships for capital projects with an aggregate value of $25,000,000 or more.

Amend KRS 45A.077, relating to public-private partnerships for capital projects with an aggregate walue of $25 million or more, to adjust the date to July 1, 2024 for authorization by the General Assembly.


2/23/2022 - Introduced


AN ACT relating to criminal justice training and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 15A.070 to require the Department of Criminal Justice Training to promulgate an administrative regulation to provide that 10 percent of basic training for police officers be given virtually; provide that 30 percent of annual in-service training for police officers be given virtually; exclude subject areas that require demonstration of physical skill from virtual training courses; provide that virtual annual in-service courses be made available throughout the entire calendar year. House Floor Amendment (1) Retain original provisions; provide that the Department of Criminal Justice Training shall make course training available for in-person instruction if the United States Department of Veterans Affairs finds that remote training is an independent study. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions except require the Kentucky Approving Agency for Veterans Education to seek a formal opinion from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to determine whether basic training and in-service course instruction electronically or online through remote learning constitutes an independent study; require that if the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs will not issue a formal opinion or determines that the program qualifies for independent study, the Department of Criminal Justice Training shall make in-person course instruction available to those who receive Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits or other federal benefits related to military service; require that, if the final determination from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs would disqualify the trainee from receiving benefits, the trainee be paid from Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program funds in an amount equal to the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits or other federal benefits related to military service; require the law enforcement agency employing the trainee to pay an amount equal to the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits or other federal benefits related to military service had the program not been disqualified if the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program fund does not have sufficient funds to pay.




AN ACT relating to medical transports and admissions.

Amend KRS 202A.011 to include definitions for "emergency medical services" and "medical clearance"; amend KRS 202A.028, 202A.041, 202A.051, 202A.0813, and 202A.101 to designate who may transport respondents under this chapter and the responsibility for the costs associated with transport; amend KRS 202A.041 to decrease the period a person may be held pending certification from 18 hours to 12 hours; amend KRS 202A.051 and 202A.0831 to establish that a sheriff or certified peace officer shall not be required to stay at a facility accepting a patient under this chapter unless the person is charged with a criminal offense; amend KRS 202A.202 to establish protocols for the transfer of a patient between facilities within the same network; amend KRS 210.300 regarding factors to consider in designating hospital districts. House Committee Substitute (1) Delete original provisions; amend KRS 210.300 requiring the cabinet to review census information in designating hospital districts and requiring annual reports to the Interim Joint Committee on Health, Welfare, and Family Services and the Interim Joint Committee on Judiciary regarding hospital districts and facilities.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 175)


AN ACT relating to emergency medical services.

Amend KRS 311A.015 to create the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services as an independent agency of state government; change membership of the board; amend KRS 311A.020 to change complaint investigations of ambulance services; delete language relating to transfer of the board to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System; amend KRS 311A.025 to permit hospitals exempt from certificate of need to provide transport services; amend KRS 311A.030 require distinguishing between emergency-only transportation and scheduled ambulance transportation; amend KRS 311.035 to require the board to carry out functions; amend KRS 311A.055 to make technical corrections and add complaint action language; amend KRS 311A.190 to require the board to publish a report; add compliance with HIPAA; require the board to give the Cabinet for Health and Family Services access to all data; create a new section of KRS Chapter 216B to require the Cabinet for Health and Family services to investigate and hold hearings on ambulance complaints; amend KRS 216B.020 to add conditions for ambulance services to be exempt from certificate of need; amend KRS 216B.095 to conform; amend KRS 189.910 to add vehicles operated by organ procurement organizations to the definition of emergency vehicles; amend KRS 189.940 to add vehicles operated by organ procurement organizations; amend KRS 324B.030 to add the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services to the Department of Professional Licensing; create a new section of KRS Chapter 311A to require the transfer of all board employees, funds, and equipment of the board from the Kentucky Community and Technical College System; make provisions for employee retirement transfer; amend KRS 61.510 to conform; amend KRS 205.590 to establish a new technical advisory committee on emergency medical services; establish membership; add noncodified sections to set board appointments and term limits; set effective date of transfer of the board of September 1, 2022; require the board to establish a special committee to study the board’s problems and make recommendations by December 1, 2022; permit the board and the cabinet to promulgate emergency regulations to implement changes; create a legislative task force to study the provision of emergency medical services in Kentucky; require findings and recommendations by December 1, 2022. House Committee Substitute (1) Retains original provision of the bill; remove repealer; remove trauma system oversight from the board; make technical corrections. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provision of the bill; require notice to all cities and counties that a certificate of need proposal for an ambulance service by a hospital has been submitted; require response by affected parties within 30 days; state that certain ambulance service provisions related to certificate of need expire on July 1, 2026; retain effectiveness of actions take prior to July 1, 2026; add duty of the task force to review the need for the certificate of need process for ambulance services; add two members to the task force; permit additional task force members.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 126)


A JOINT RESOLUTION extending emergency executive actions related to severe weather and declaring an emergency.

Extend certain executive orders, including emergency executive orders and administrative regulations, relating to the December 10, 2021, and December 31, 2021, storms and declare that the extended orders expire on April 15, 2022; EMERGENCY.


1/13/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 3)


A RESOLUTION urging parties involved in the search warrant process to support the adoption of the consensus recommendations of the Search Warrant Task Force established by Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

Encourage all parties involved in the search warrant process to implement the recommendations of the Attorney General's Search Warrant Task Force.


3/16/2022 - House Judiciary (H), (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location:




AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Appropriate moneys to the West Kentucky State Aid Funding for Emergenies (SAFE) fund; create a new section of KRS Chapter 39A to create the West Kentucky SAFE fund; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.


1/12/2022 - replaced by identical House Bill 5


AN ACT relating to state holidays.

Amend KRS 2.147 and 18A.190 to make June 19, also known as "Juneteenth National Freedom Day," a state holiday for state employees.


1/4/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State & Local Government (S)




AN ACT relating to actions in response to the SARS-COV-2 virus and declaring an emergency

Provide up to 10 days of remote instruction per school for school districts to use at the school, classroom, grade, or group level for the 2021-2022 school year; temporarily revise retirement reemployment provisions until June 30, 2022; EMERGENCY. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; make Section 1 retroactive to January 1, 2022. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; expire or extend certain executive orders, including emergency executive orders, administrative orders, administrative regulations, or other administrative actions, relating to the SARS-COV-2 virus; EMERGENCY.


1/14/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 4)


AN ACT relating to procurement.

Amend KRS 45A.380 to specify additional food items that are exempted from competitive negotation requirements in certain circumstances; amend KRS 424.260 to specify additional food items that are exempted from the newspaper notice requirement for competitive bidding for local government procurement. Senate Floor Amendment (1) Include fruits as a specifically enumerated food item. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; specify that vegetables and fruits must be fresh in order to be exempt; delete references to labels; create a new section of KRS Chapter 45A to prohibit a contract being awarded to a bidder if the bidder was awarded the same or similar contract through the use of an executive agency lobbyist who was convicted of a crime related to the contract for five years after the conviction of the lobbyist; amend KRS 45A.340 to prohibit any person associated with an agency from participating in the procurement of a contract for one year after termination; make Section 3 applicable to contracts entered into since January 1, 2017; RETROACTIVE.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 150)




AN ACT relating to public safety.

Amend KRS 500.080 to define "emergency services personnel," "firework," and "riot"; amend KRS 503.055 to allow a person to use defensive force; create a new section of KRS Chapter 532 to provide enhanced term of imprisonment for any defendant convicted of crimes committed during the course of a riot; create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to restrict when a person shall be released after an arrest for a violation of an offense of during the course of a riot; amend KRS 508.025, 520.090, 525.015, and 525.140 to provide enhanced penalties for violations of these offenses during the course of a riot; create a new section of KRS Chapter 511 to create the crime of unlawful camping on property owned by the Commonwealth; amend KRS 508.025, 508.030, 525.020, 525.030, and 525.060 to provide additional elements; amend KRS 439.3401 to add violations of KRS 508.020 and 508.025 committed during the course of a riot to the definition of violent offender; amend KRS 532.032 to require restitution be ordered in all cases where a person committed a crime during the course of a riot; create a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to state legislative findings and declarations; amend KRS 411.100 to require gross negligence for a cause of action for property damaged by riotous or tumultuous assemblage of people that a local government could have prevented; amend KRS 61.912, 61.914, 61.168, 525.010, 532.100, and 525.200 to make conforming changes; state the Act may be cited as the Community and First Responder Protection Act.


1/8/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to opioid antagonists designed to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.

Amend KRS 15.291, 217.177, and 217.186 to define "opioid antagonist" as naloxone or any United States Food and Drug Administration-approved opioid antagonist designed to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose; replace references to naloxone with opiod antagonist. Senate Floor Amendment (1) Retain original provisions of the bill; add provisions for providing an opioid antagonist as part of a harm reduction program; make technical corrections.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 154)




AN ACT relating to personal information and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 61.870 to define terms; amend KRS 61.878 to exempt records that would reveal the address or location of a public officer under certain conditions; create a new section KRS 61.870 to 61.884 to allow public officers to request that their personally identifiable information be designated as confidential and not publicly posted; create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to create a cause of action for public officers whose personally identifiable information has been disseminated; cite as the Fred Capps Act; EMERGENCY. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 61.870 to define "immediate family member" and "personally identifiable information"; allow public officers to request that personally identifiable information for themselves and their immediate family members be designated as confidential and not publicly posted; prohibit the protection of personally identifiable information if the public officer has been convicted of a felony or a criminal offense against a minor; make technical corrections. Senate Floor Amendment (2) Retain original provisions; define "federal law enforcement officer"; provide that a federal law enforcement officer is a public officer under this act; amend the term "public officer" to include that a public officer may be currently employed, formerly employed, or retired. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; remove photographs of any vehicle identification numbers from the definition of "personally identifiable information."


4/14/2022 - (H) Posted for Passage in Regular Orders of the Day; w/ HCS 1


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to peer counseling for public safety employees.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to provide definitions, authorize any public agency to establish a peer support counseling program, and provide for confidentiality of communications within a peer support counseling program. Senate Floor Amendment (1) Amend Section 1 of the bill to provide peer support participants the same protections in disciplinary proceeding or civil or criminal proceedings, with exceptions, as any counselor-client privilege under the Kentucky Rules of Evidence for criminal or civil proceeding; create a new non-codified section establishing the Task Force for Public Safety Peer Support Best Practices and attaching it to the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities for administrative purposes.


3/17/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 17)




AN ACT relating to merchant electric generating facilities and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 278.212 to prohibit an electrical interconnection with a merchant electric generating facility that either operates at an aggregate capacity in excess of 10 megawatts or occupies in aggregate 10 acres or more of land until the plans for the electrical interconnection have been filed with the Public Service Commission; amend KRS 278.216 to prohibit a utility from beginning construction on an electric generating facility that either operates at an aggregate capacity in excess of 10 megawatts or occupies in aggregate 10 acres or more of land without first obtaining a site compatibility certificate from the Public Service Commission; amend KRS 278.700 to change the definition of "merchant electric generating facility" to include facilities that occupy in aggregate 10 acres or more of land; change the definition of "commence to construct" so that site clearing and excavation work satisfy the commence to construct requirements; amend KRS 278.704 to establish setback requirements for solar merchant electric generating facilities of 50 feet from the property boundary of any nonparticipating adjoining property and 100 feet from a residence on any other property than the one on which the facility is to be located unless waived in writing; provide exceptions; require that before exercising an option to acquire any interest in real estate in a county that a merchant electric generating entity notify the heads of local government entities of jurisdiction; allow the local officials or the commission to request a public hearing on the proposed merchant electric generating project; require ongoing notification of changes to the project from the merchant electric generating entities to local officials; remove outdated language; amend KRS 278.706 to conform; amend KRS 278.708 to require the site assessment report submitted by a person proposing to construct a merchant electric generating facility to include a decommissioning plan to explain in detail how the facility and its components will be removed at the end of their useful lives; require the decommissioning plan to be reviewed as needed, but at least once every 5 years; establish minimum requirements for the decommissioning plan; amend KRS 278.710 to require the application for the construction certificate of a merchant utility generating facility to be denied until the applicant can provide documentation of compliance with all local planning and zoning requirements that existed on the date that the application was filed; include whether the proposed decommissioning plan is in the public interest as a criterion for application approval; authorize the merchant utility siting board to require the decommissioning plan to be amended to ensure that it is in the public interest; provide that the construction certificate holder and any of its successors in interest shall be required to comply on an ongoing basis with all conditions of its application approval, subject to enforcement in Franklin Circuit Court; require that prior to the commencement of construction, the holder of a construction certificate for a merchant electric generating facility shall furnish bond or other similar security to assure the decommissioning of the facility at the end of its useful life; establish the procedure for setting the bond amount; provide for review of the bond amount as needed but at least once every 5 years; provide which entities will be named as beneficiaries of the bond depending on the circumstances; require that the bond be forfeited unless the person responsible for completing the decommissioning plan begins work on the plan within 12 months of the date that the facility ceases to produce electricity for sale and completes the work within 18 months of that date; require that any forfeited bond amounts only be used to decommission facilities on the properties for which the bond was posted; require prior authorization for any transfer of control of a merchant electric generating facility; define "control" and the circumstances under which control will be considered to be transferred and the conditions for approval; require a decision to be made on the approval of the transfer of control within 90 days of the application, except that an additional 60 days may be taken for good cause shown; require that notice of an application for approval of transfer of control of a merchant electric generating facility be given to local government officials for where the facility is located; provide that the requirements of the Act shall apply to all new and current applicants for construction certificates for merchant electric generating facilities whose applications have not been approved prior to the effective date of the Act; EMERGENCY.


2/24/2022 - floor amendment (4) filed to Committee Substitute


AN ACT relating to assessment of motor vehicles for property tax purposes and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 132.485 to establish requirements for assessing motor vehicles for property tax purposes when the standard manual valuation exceeds five percent of the immediately preceding year's standard manual valuation; EMERGENCY.


1/12/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to wine corkage.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 243 to authorize wine corkage in conjunction with a meal by a limited restaurant or NQ2 retail drink licensee; establish conditions to remove a bottle of opened wine from the premises; amend KRS 242.260 to exempt corkage from dry and moist territory violations; amend KRS 243.020, 243.034, and 243.084 to conform.


1/12/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Licensing & Occupations (S)




AN ACT relating to assessment of motor vehicles for property tax purposes and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 132.485 to establish requirements for assessing personal motor vehicles for property tax purposes for the January 1, 2022, and January 1, 2023, assessment dates; RETROACTIVE; EMERGENCY.


1/12/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations & Revenue (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to jails.

Amend KRS 431.215 to provide that the state pays a fee to counties for lodging prisoners judged guilty of death or confinement to the penitentiary beginning on the date the prisoner is delivered to the penitentiary; create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to require payment to the county of that fee and, if applicable, the fees set forth in KRS 532.100(7) for each day a prisoner is charged with a felony and lodged in the county with payment, ceasing the day the prisoner is acquitted of the felony charges, or has judgement rendered otherwise involving no felony.


1/13/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to employers.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 344 to require employers that mandate employee immunization to allow exceptions based on religious belief or conscientious objection to immunizations; provide sample form for employee affirmation; amend KRS 344.040 to make it an unlawful practice for employers to require immunizations as a condition of employment from employees who hold sincere religious beliefs against or conscientiously object to immunization. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions except remove KRS 344.040; create a new section of KRS Chapter 446 to require written notice of vaccination exemptions for sincerely held religious belief or medical contraindication; establish which health care providers can support a medical exemption; require notice of federal mandates and exemptions; establish civil cause of action for violations.


3/25/2022 - (S) recommitted to committee Senate Judiciary (S)


AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council.

Amend KRS 15.315 to include the chief of police of the Bowling Green Police Department on the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council; amend KRS 15.320 to change quorum requirements for council.


3/10/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 15)




AN ACT relating to first responders.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 518 to create the misdemeanor of unauthorized capture of photographic or videographic images by a first responder.


3/25/2022 - (H) recommitted to committee House Appropriations & Revenue (H)




AN ACT relating to education.

Amend KRS 158.4416 to require local superintendents to report information on school-based mental health services providers in the district to the Kentucky Department of Education; require the department to compile and maintain the information and report annually to the Interim Joint Committee on Education. House Floor Amendment (1) Amend KRS 158.648 to add a voting member appointed by the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education and allow the member to serve unlimited three year terms; permit gubernatorial appointments to serve six terms; require the council to meet at least four times annually. House Floor Amendment (3) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 159.030 to allow a qualified mental health professional to provide evidence that a child's diagnosis prevents the child's attendance at school; require evidence be provided by a qualified mental health professional if the condition is mental health related.


4/20/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 234)


AN ACT relating to the administrative dissolution of cities.

Create a new Section of KRS Chapter 81 to provide an administrative dissolution process for cities and require Department of Local Governement to implement. Senate Floor Amendment (1) Amend Section 1 of the bill to require the administrative hearing to be conducted in the city, or if no suitable place within the city exists, as near as possible to the city, and provide that any utility in operation at the time of the dissolution will continue in operation, with any board members' vacancies being filled by the county judge/executive of the county in which the utility operates, or allow the county to declare the utility as a department of the county, or be reorganized as either a stand-alone special district, or combine it with an existing special district under the provisions of KRS 67.715.


3/24/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 25)




AN ACT relating to local government.

Amend KRS 65.7047 to make permissive the use of an independent consultant or financial advisor in tax increment financing for local governments; establish criteria for the report of any consultant or advisor employed to analyze the project and development area data; provide for payment of consultant or advisor, if employed. Senate Floor Amendment (1) Add a non-codified section declaring an emergency; EMERGENCY. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 65.7047 to require submission of certain forms to the Cabinet for Economic Development; amend KRS 49.020 concerning the definition of "revenue and taxation agency"; renumber subsequent section.


3/25/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 36)




AN ACT relating to interlocal agreements.

Amend KRS 65.242 to conform to KRS 65.290 by specifying that interlocal agreements amended solely to add or remove parties to the agreement are not required to be submitted to the Secretary of State in order to become effective.


4/1/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 76)




AN ACT relating to a drug-free workplace.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 336 to provide definitions and to require public employers to have an appeals process for an employee who violates a drug-free policy using legal industrial products; amend KRS 18A.043 to require an appeals process for those public employers who require drug testing; amend KRS 304.13-167 to require that appeals process be complied with by public employers and suggested for private employers; established short title.


1/28/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Licensing & Occupations (S)


AN ACT relating to the costs incurred by animal care organizations.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 525 to define terms; require peace officers and animal control officers to serve notice of seizure of an animal subjected to cruelty; create procedure for seizing agencies to petition a court to order payment of animal care costs by owner; establish penalties; prohibit the destruction of seized animals, except for humane reasons determined by veterinarian; amend KRS 258.215 to require owners be responsible for cost of care of an impounded animal. Senate Floor Amendment (1) Retain original provisions; create a new section of KRS chapter 525 to exempt" livestock" and "poultry" as defined in KRS 257.010 from the term "animal."


3/11/2022 - floor amendment (1) filed


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to procurement.

Amend KRS 45A.490, relating to the Model Procurement Code, to include new defined terms; amend 45A.494 to exclude businesses that are controlled by an entity outside Kentucky from qualifying as a resident bidder, establish new preferences for bidders who are resident bidders and who use employees located in Kentucky to fulfill the contract, and establish an exception to these preferences if they contradict federal policy.


2/9/2022 - Senate State & Local Government (S), (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location:


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to fiscal matters, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Appropriate Restricted Fund moneys from the West Kentucky State Aid Funding for Emergencies fund to the Department of Military Affairs budget unit; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend Section 4 of 2022 RS HB 5/GA to require the replacement, renovation, reimbursement, or funding for certain items be limited to the extent of damage directly caused by the storms; require reporting of all requests submitted, denied, and awards increased from the amount requested and explanations for each type of action; amend the appropriation amount to $75 million; APPROPRIATION. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions, except that the appropriation from the SAFE fund to the Department of Military Affairs budget unit is increased to $146,000,000; appropriate $100,000 to Department for Local Government to be distributed to the Paducah City Commission; APPROPRIATION.


4/15/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 222)




AN ACT relating to solid waste management.

Amend KRS 109.0417 to exempt a local government that initially issues a solid waste management franchise in an area that the local government had exclusively provided services to from the requirements of the section.


4/1/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 77)




AN ACT relating to planning and zoning violations.

Amend KRS 100.991 to increase the penalties for violations of specified sections or actions in KRS Chapter 100, and violations of any regulations adopted pursuant to those specified sections or actions.


2/10/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State & Local Government (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to solid waste.

Amend KRS 224.40-310 to list all the types of facilities under the definition of "waste disposal facility"; prohibit issuance of a permit to construct or expand a waste disposal facility that will result in substantial additional capacity absent submission of notice of intent to be licensed to the fiscal court of the county in which the facility is or will be located; prescribe time frame.


2/14/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Natural Resources & Energy (S)




AN ACT relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 241.010 to redefine "consumer" and define "private selection event" and "private selection package"; amend KRS 243.027 to authorize a manufacturer to ship samples to persons or entities engaged in private selection events; indicate that the shipped sample quantity limits apply to each separate recipient; amend KRS 243.0305 to allow a distiller to conduct private selection events and sell private selection packages at retail; amend KRS 243.884 to exempt most private selection package sales from the wholesale tax; amend KRS 244.240 to exclude a distiller selling private selection packages from the interlocking interests prohibition; EMERGENCY.


3/4/2022 - received in House




AN ACT relating to heart attack response and treatment.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 211 to require the Department for Public Health to establish and implement a plan for achieving continuous quality improvement in the quality of care provided under a statewide system for heart attack response and treatment; require the department to designate licensed hospitals as Comprehensive Cardiac Centers, Primary Heart Attack Centers, or Acute Heart Attack Ready hospitals; amend KRS 311A.180 to expand the protocols of emergency medical services providers to include trauma, cardiac arrest, and heart attack.


2/14/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Health & Welfare (S)




AN ACT relating to the regulation of tobacco products and vapor products.

Create a new section of KRS 438.305 to 438.340 to permit a city, county, urban-county government, charter county government, consolidated local government, or unified local government to impose restrictions or requirements on the use, display, sale, or distribution of tobacco products or vapor products that are stricter than those imposed under state law; repeal KRS 438.300 which establishes the legislative intent for KRS 438.305 to 438.340.


2/23/2022 - Senate Health & Welfare (S), (Bill Scheduled for Hearing); Time & Location:




AN ACT relating to broadband services.

Amend KRS 278.5464 to provide certain restrictions on a provider who challenges the service within a broadband area by another provider, but does not document full coverage of the unserved or underserved area within one year.


2/15/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Natural Resources & Energy (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to emergency response plans for animals.

Amend KRS 39A.050 to require the Kentucky Emergency Operations Plan to establish and include an emergency response plan to coordinate with local government agencies, animal shelters, animal control officers, and other entities to develop a plan for household pets and assistance animals that would include notification requirements for lost household pets and assistance animals, protocols for returning pets and assistance animals, and minimization of euthanasia of owned household pets and assistance animals.


2/17/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State & Local Government (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to slow-moving vehicles.

Amend KRS 189.940 to allow the driver of a public safety vehicle which also meets the definition of a slow-moving vehicle to operate at a speed that may impede or block the normal flow of traffic; amend KRS 189.390 to conform. House Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; make technical corrections to include gender-neutral language.


3/25/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 35)




AN ACT relating to use of facial recognition technology.

Create new section of KRS Chapter 61 to require the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council to adopt a model facial recognition technology policy by January 1, 2023, to govern use of facial recognition technology; set forth standards and components of the policy; require law enforcement agencies that use the technology to have a use policy in place that meets or exceeds the council's model policy; establish inadmissibility of evidence collected in violation of the section. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions, except create a working group on facial technology; set membership, require the working group to adopt a model facial recognition technology policy by January 1, 2024, to govern use of facial recognition technology: set forth standards and components of the policy; require law enforcement agencies that use the technology to have a use policy in place. Senate Floor Amendment (1) Exclude consumer product using facial recognition to access a secure device or secure premises.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 147)


AN ACT relating to real property taxes levied by fire districts.

Amend KRS 75.015 and 75.040 to allow property owners to opt out of the portion of a fire district's tax rate that is above ten cents when the city or county provides an emergency ambulance service; require the fire district to advertise a property owner's option to opt out of the tax rate; direct the property owner to contact the county clerk to opt out of the tax rate; allow fire districts to charge a fee to property owners who opt out of the tax and use the fire district's emergency ambulance service; require the county clerk to provide fire districts a list of property owners that opt out of the tax rate; require the county clerk to maintain boundary records.


2/18/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State & Local Government (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to criminal offenses committed during a declared emergency.

Amend KRS 500.080 to define "natural or man-made disaster"; amend KRS 508.025, 511.020, 511.030, 511.040, 511.060, 511.070, 511.080, 512.020, 512.030, 512.040, 514.110 and 515.020 to provide an enhanced penalty if the offense occurred during a declared emergency arising from a natural or man-made disaster and within the area covered by the emergency declaration; amend KRS 514.030 to provide that any classification of theft by unlawful taking or disposition shall be charged one level higher if the offense occurred during a declared emergency arising from a natural or man-made disaster and within the area covered by the emergency declaration; amend KRS 514.040 to provide that any classification of theft by deception shall be charged one level higher if the offense occurred during a declared emergency arising from a natural or man-made disaster and within the area covered by the emergency declaration; amend various statutes to conform. Senate Committee Substitute (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 515.030 to provide an enhanced penalty if the offense occurred during a declared emergency arising from a natural or man-made disaster and within the area covered by the emergency declaration. House Floor Amendment (1) Retain original provisions; amend KRS 500.080 to define "impacted by the disaster"; amend Section 2 to 16 of the Act to provide that a crime must be committed in the area impacted by the disaster to qualify for an enhanced penalty.


4/8/2022 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; (Acts Ch. 151)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to local government.

Amend KRS 67.170 to make technical corrections.


2/22/2022 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State & Local Government (S)


Under Evaluation


AN ACT relating to residential communities.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 381 to define terms related to planned communities; require planned communities to file a declaration in the office of the county clerk or clerks where the planned community is located; provide for homeowners' associations duties and responsibilities; provide for owners' and prospective purchasers' or their agents' right to examine and copy certain records of the homeowners' association; provide for annual assessments of each lot to be equal unless established otherwise in the declaration or the governing documents of the homeowners' association; provide guidelines for revitalization of defunct declarations and homeowners' associations; establish guidelines for civil liabilities of planned communities and homeowners' association; provide for damages to be paid to homeowners' associations when any portion of a common area is taken or damaged under the power of eminent domain; provide that a homeowners' association shall not prohibit the outdoor display of political yard signs from 30 days before any primary, regular election, or special election until seven days after that election.


3/17/2022 - (S) recommitted to committee Senate Judiciary (S)




A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Governor to direct the Kentucky Department of Revenue to deviate from the standard valuation used in assessing motor vehicles for property tax purposes and declaring an emergency.

Exempt a portion of property taxes assessed on motor vehicles from taxation; direct the Governor to direct the Department of Revenue to deviate from the standard value; require the Department of Revenue to grant refunds for overpayments; RETROACTIVE; EMERGENCY.


2/15/2022 - (H) Returned to Committee House Committee on Committees (H)


Under Evaluation