Kentucky Association of Career Colleges & Schools
Final Legislative Report April 20, 2020.

The 2020 General Assembly concluded last Wednesday, April 15 about 90 minutes prior to the midnight deadline. Much like everything else this past month, the coronavirus dominated the session.

Outside of the budget, most of the legislation of note that passed had to do with combating the virus. This included SB 150 which gave the Governor clear statutory authority for the executive orders already issued, expanded the use of telehealth and provided Good Samaritan protections for healthcare providers and others responding to the pandemic. It also gave the Board of Medical Licensure and the Board of Nursing the authority to waive statutes or regulations in order to respond to the crisis.

The budget that was passed is a one year budget that is based on the pessimistic projection of the Consensus Forecast Group last fall.

The budget also contains a budget reduction plan should revenues fall 5% or less between now and the 2021 session. Most experts believe that the pessimistic forecast is now optimistic and that the additional shortfall will be greater than 5% and will need to be addressed either in a special session or when the General Assembly reconvenes in January.

The final version of the budget does include an increase in the dual credit reimbursement rate from 1/3 the community college credit hour rate to 2/5 of the credit hour rate. It also included a slight increase in the CAP and KEES programs as well as a bump in the Work Ready scholarship program. HB 393 would have made the change in the dual credit rate permanent but the bill died in the Senate. The dual credit rate will revert to 1/3 the Community College rate next June 30 unless the General Assembly takes further action,

Below are the bills KACCS tracked during the 2020 session. Unless the bill has been signed by the Governor or is on his desk it's dead for the session.
Prepared by: Greg Brotzge
Report created on July 27, 2024
HB15POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (GRAHAM D) AN ACT relating to governance of postsecondary education institutions.

Amend KRS 164.011 to require new appointees to the council to complete orientation and education program to be eligible for a second term; amend KRS 164.020 to direct the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) to develop an orientation and education program for new governing board members of the council, public universities, and Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS); require that the program include six hours of instruction time with specific information and be delivered within one year of a new member's appointment; require an annual report listing new board members not completing the program; invite board members of private colleges and universities to participate; authorize the CPE to develop continuing education programs for all governing board members of public institutions and to review and approve orientation programs for governing boards of each public university and KCTCS; amend KRS 164.131 to require appointed and elected governing board members of the University of Kentucky to complete an orientation and education program to be eligible for a second term; amend KRS 164.321 to require appointed and elected governing board members of the comprehensive public universities and KCTCS to complete an orientation and education program to be eligible for a second term; amend KRS 164.821 to require appointed and elected governing board members of the University of Louisville to complete an orientation and education program to be eligible for a second term.
 Current Status:   4/27/2016 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB39TUITION WAIVERS (STONE W) AN ACT relating to tuition waivers for children.

Amend KRS 164.2847 to provide a tuition waiver to a student at a Kentucky public postsecondary institution if the student's biological parents are deceased or have had their parental rights terminated due to neglect or abuse, if the student was adopted by a blood relative or assigned a legal guardian at least 12 months prior to the student's 18th birthday, and if documentation and information requested to confirm eligibility status is provided.
 Current Status:   1/5/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB54EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (SCHAMORE D) AN ACT relating to emergency medical services.

Amend KRS 61.315 and 164.2841 to make the survivors of emergency medical services providers and rescue squad members who are killed in the line of duty eligible for the state lump-sum death benefit and exemption of matriculation or tuition fees; amend KRS 164.2842 to include the spouse or child of a permanently and totally disabled emergency medical services provider in the exemption of matriculation or tuition fees.
 Current Status:   2/3/2016 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate State and Local Government
HB72TUITION PROGRAM TAX DEDUCTION (MONTELL B) AN ACT relating to an income tax deduction for qualified tuition programs.

Amend KRS 141.010 to allow a tax deduction for contributions to a qualified tuition program for higher education.
 Current Status:   1/5/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB80OPEN RECORDS (HARRIS C) AN ACT relating to open records.

Amend KRS 61.870 to narrow the funding criteria that determines exemptions from the definition of "public agency"in the Kentucky Open Records Act.
 Current Status:   4/27/2016 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB81TUITION WAIVERS (BELCHER L) AN ACT relating to tuition waivers for foster children.

Amend KRS 164.2847 to permit tuition waivers for foster children enrolled in a dual credit or dual enrollment course in high school.
 Current Status:   1/5/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB127ACADEMIC CREDIT (OVERLY S) AN ACT relating to academic credit for military experience.

Amend KRS 164.2951 to require the Council on Postsecondary Education to develop and implement a statewide policy for public postsecondary education institutions to provide academic credit for military service and training for active duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, and National Guard as well as veterans of the Armed Forces.
 Current Status:   4/15/2016 - received in House w/Letter
HB142KENTUCKY PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES (RICHARDS J) AN ACT relating to tax credits promoting research and development at Kentucky public universities.

Amend KRS 141.395 to establish a qualified research income tax credit for certain research expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer to a Kentucky public university; declare purpose of the credit and require annual reporting to the Legislative Research Commission to enable the impact of the credit to be evaluated; sunset the tax credit currently permitted for the construction of research facilities; provide for the ordering of the credit; declare short title of the Act to be the Kentucky University Research and Development Advancement Act of 2016.
 Current Status:   1/5/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB145FREEDOM OF STUDENT SPEECH (MEEKS R) AN ACT relating to freedom of student speech at public postsecondary education institutions.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to limit a public postsecondary institution's ability to restrict student speech on campus.
 Current Status:   1/5/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB158FINANCIAL AID (PALUMBO R) AN ACT relating to postsecondary financial aid for students with intellectual disabilities.

Amend KRS 164.7882 to increase the amount of Kentucky educational excellence scholarships available to students enrolled in a comprehensive transition and postsecondary program.
 Current Status:   4/27/2016 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB163NURSE LICENSURE COMPACT (WUCHNER A) AN ACT relating to the nurse licensure compact.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 314 to enact and enter into the Nurse Licensure Compact with all other jurisdictions that legally join in the compact; declare the purpose of the compact; define terms; recognize a multistate licensure privilege to practice for registered nurses or practical nurses; permit the Kentucky Board of Nursing to limit or revoke the multistate licensure privilege of any nurse to practice in Kentucky; establish application requirements; require reporting of any actions taken by the Kentucky Board of Nursing to the home state of the licensee; require compact states to participate in a coordinated licensure information system and provide for interchange of information; establish the Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators; provide immunity for party states, officers, employees, or agents of a party state's nurse licensing board who act in accordance with the provisions of the compact; prohibit amendment of the compact unless the amendment has been enacted into the laws of all party states; provide for severability for any provision in the compact that is contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance; repeal KRS 314.470, which set forth the prior version of the Nurse Licensure Compact; EFFECTIVE December 31, 2018, or upon adoption of compact by 26 states, whichever is earlier.
 Current Status:   4/1/2016 - floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, (2-title) filed
HB179CONCEALED DEADLY WEAPONS (COUCH T) AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.

Amend KRS 527.070 to allow vocational school teachers and administrators with valid concealed carry permits to carry deadly weapons on vocational school property; amend KRS 237.110 to conform.
 Current Status:   1/7/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Judiciary
HB225OCCUPATIONAL LICENSURE (RICHARDS J) AN ACT relating to occupational licensure for military service members and veterans.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 12 to require administrative bodies to issue professional licenses or certificates to military service members or veterans within two years of an honorable discharge if the training received by the service member or veteran could reasonably be expected to provide the necessary experience and skills; grant the administrative body the right to deny licensure or certification if training is not equivalent; allow appeal rights; require administrative bodies to promulgate administrative regulations to carry out the provisions of the Act.
 Current Status:   4/19/2016 - delivered to Secretary of State
HB265POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION CAPITAL PROJECTS (CLARK L) AN ACT relating to postsecondary educational institution capital projects to be financed with university restricted funds.

Create a new section of KRS 164A.550 to 164A.630 to authorize capital projects undertaken by institutions of higher education using a combination of cash restricted funds, federal funds, and private funds even though the projects are not specifically listed in a branch budget bill; establish conditions under which projects will be authorized.
 Current Status:   2/19/2016 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
HB276PUBLIC UNIVERSITY TUITION (HEAVRIN S) AN ACT relating to in-state tuition at public universities for members of any United States military Reserve component.

Amend KRS 164.2844 to allow public universities to offer in-state tuition to members of any United States Reserve component.
 Current Status:   4/13/2016 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB296REGISTERED NURSES (CARNEY J) AN ACT relating to advanced practice registered nurses.

Amend KRS 216B.020 to exempt private offices, clinics, and office buildings of advanced practice registered nurses from certificate of need; amend KRS 311.271 to include advanced practice registered nursing as part of the defined term "healing art"; amend KRS 311B.020 to include advanced practice registered nursing as part of the defined term "licensed practitioner"; amend KRS 438.065 to establish requirements for advanced practice registered nursing related to advertising or soliciting by practitioners of the healing arts.
 Current Status:   3/15/2016 - Senate Licensing, Occupations, and Administrative Regulations, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB303EXECUTIVE BRANCH BUDGET (RAND R) AN ACT relating to appropriations and revenue measures providing financing and conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.

The State/Executive Branch Budget: appropriate from the General Fund (Tobacco), General Fund, Restricted Funds, Federal Funds, Road Fund, Bond Funds, Agency Bonds, Capital Construction Surplus, Investment Income, Statewide Deferred Maintenance Fund, and other funds, $182,013,700 in fiscal year 2015-2016, $33,287,508,100 in fiscal year 2016-2017, and $32,051,036,100 in fiscal year 2017-2018 as follows: General Government 2015-2016 $22,370,700 2016-2017 $1,504,467,800 2017-2018 $1,538,644,000 Economic Development Cabinet 2015-2016 $975,000 2016-2017 $21,082,900 2017-2018 $22,017,500 Department of Education 2016-2017 $5,015,844,100 2017-2018 $5,006,558,900 Education and Workforce Development Cabinet 2015-2016 $900,000 2016-2017 $833,470,500 2017-2018 $847,236,600 Energy and Environment Cabinet 2016-2017 $244,344,100 2017-2018 $240,848,700 Finance and Administration Cabinet 2016-2017 $874,431,800 2017-2018 $919,630,900 Health and Family Services Cabinet 2015-2016 $111,126,200 2016-2017 $12,952,760,300 2017-2018 $13,442,186,100 Justice and Public Safety Cabinet 2015-2016 $21,157,300 2016-2017 $1,038,865,300 2017-2018 $1,041,148,500 Labor Cabinet 2016-2017 $233,085,300 2017-2018 $237,495,100 Personnel Cabinet 2016-2017 $65,055,000 2017-2018 $66,863,300 Postsecondary Education 2015-2016 $3,054,500 2016-2017 $7,630,081,700 2017-2018 $8,052,714,200 Public Protection Cabinet 2016-2017 $107,373,900 2017-2018 $108,306,900 Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet 2015-2016 $15,880,000 2016-2017 $234,406,800 2017-2018 $238,146,000 Budget Reserve Trust Fund 2016-2017 $153,436,000 2017-2018 $160,960,900 Not included in the above appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows: Capital Projects 2015-2016 $6,550,000 2016-2017 $2,378,802,600 2017-2018 $128,278,500.
Full summary can be found in miscellaneous documents.
 Current Status:   4/27/2016 - Line items vetoed
HB320HIGHER EDUCATION FUNDING (DENHAM M) AN ACT relating to higher education funding.

Amend KRS 141.010 to allow a deduction for contributions to the Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2019, but before January 1, 2025; amend KRS 164A.370 to clarify the tax treatment of refunds from participant accounts; create a new section of KRS 164A.300 to 164A.380 to specify reporting requirements for refunds from participant accounts.
 Current Status:   2/5/2016 - (H) posted in committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB323DUAL CREDIT SCHOLARSHIPS (MEYER R) AN ACT relating to dual credit scholarships and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS 164.740 to 164.7891 to establish the Dual Credit Scholarship Program; define eligibility for the program; direct the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority to administer the program; establish a trust fund for moneys appropriated for the program; APPROPRIATION.
 Current Status:   3/23/2016 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
HB329RECREATIONAL THERAPISTS (SMART R) AN ACT relating to recreational therapists and making an appropriation therefor.

Establish KRS Chapter 319D and create new sections to establish the Kentucky Board of Licensure for Recreational Therapy; establish new definitions; set term limits for board members; require the board to meet monthly; require money received by the board to be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of a revolving fund; authorize the board to promulgate administrative regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of KRS Chapter 319D; establish the responsibilities of the board; authorize consultation and evaluation by a recreational therapist to be performed without a referral; establish requirements for licensure; authorize the board to establish fees related to the licensure process; set up a licensure renewal process; authorize the board to deny, refuse, renew, suspend, and revoke an applicant's license; enable applicants to appeal the revocation, suspension, and denial of a license; establish penalties; APPROPRIATION.
 Current Status:   3/10/2016 - (H) posted in committee House Licensing and Occupations
HB367ENTITIES REGISTERED WITH SECRETARY OF STATE (RICHARDS J) AN ACT relating to entities registered with the Secretary of State.

Amend KRS 14A.1-070 to define "veteran" and "veteran-owned business"; create a new section of Subchapter 2 of KRS Chapter 14A to exempt veteran-owned businesses from paying filing fees to the Secretary of State's office for filing various business documents; amend KRS 14A.2-060 to exempt a veteran-owned business from paying the filing fee for annual reports and amended annual reports for four years after the initial registration of the business; amend and create various sections of KRS Chapter 273 to modernize statutes regulating nonprofit corporations; amend KRS 275.015 to amend the definition of "nonprofit limited liability company" to comply with statutory requirements; amend KRS 423.010 to enumerate the requirements imposed on an individual applying for a commission as a notary public.
 Current Status:   3/18/2016 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
HB379APPRENTICESHIPS (CLARK L) AN ACT relating to apprenticeships.

Create a new section in KRS Chapter 141 to declare a tax credit for the small businesses who have an apprenticeship program; amend KRS 141.0205 to conform; create that new section of KRS Chapter 343 to require the Department of Workplace Standards to certify to the Department of Revenue the small businesses with apprenticeship programs and set out purpose of the tax credit.
 Current Status:   2/11/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB395TUITION (WEBBER R) AN ACT relating to tuition and fees for postsecondary education and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 164.020 to require the Council on Postsecondary Education to limit tuition for resident students at the public postsecondary education institutions to the 2015-2016 tuition level for four years; require tuition increases for resident students following the 2019-2020 academic year to be determined in consultation with the General Assembly; amend KRS 164.400 to require the boards of regents and trustees of state colleges and universities to limit incidental fees for resident students to the 2015-2016 level of fees for four years; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   2/16/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
HB401KENTUCKY EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP (YORK J) AN ACT relating to Kentucky Educational Excellence scholarship.

Amend KRS 164.7881 to allow a student who receives an undergraduate degree prior to using eight semesters of KEES eligibility to use the remaining semesters of KEES eligibility toward a graduate degree program.
 Current Status:   3/16/2016 - (H) recommitted to committee House Appropriations and Revenue
HB439ELECTRICAL WORK (CLARK L) AN ACT relating to electrical work.

Amend various sections of KRS Chapters 227 and 227A to update terminology used to define the scope of the telecommunications exception and make consistent with other state and federal law and the evolution of low-voltage technology; establish a limited low-voltage exception for wireless home surveillance, security alarm, or energy management systems; clarify the applicability of the National Electrical code to unlicensed electrical work; add two members of the low-voltage profession to the Electrical Advisory Committee; require the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction to establish separate classifications specific to the diverse qualifications and technical needs of the low-voltage industries.
 Current Status:   3/10/2016 - (H) posted in committee House Licensing and Occupations
HB537INTERSTATE DISTANCE EDUCATION (RICHARDS J) AN ACT relating to interstate distance education among postsecondary institutions.

Amend 164.540 to authorize the Council on Postsecondary Education to enter into the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, for the purpose of authorizing a postsecondary institution located in another state to provide distance education to Kentucky residents; serve as the lead or "portal" agency responsible for contact with other states on matters pertaining to interstate reciprocity agreements; promulgate administrative regulations.
 Current Status:   3/29/2016 - floor amendment (1-title) and (2) filed
HB578MIDWIFERY (WEBBER R) AN ACT relating to midwifery.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 309 to define terms; create the Kentucky Board of Midwifery; provide for licensure and administrative regulation requirements regarding the practice of midwifery; establish a trust and agency fund to be administered by the board to implement the licensure of midwives; specify that the formulary not include Schedule II, III, or IV drugs; require licensees to report data on clients for the previous year to the board; require options for moderate or high risk births to be disclosed to a client; require a record of informed consent to be kept for seven years by the midwife; set forth informed consent requirements for patient care; amend KRS 211.180 and 311.550 to conform.
 Current Status:   3/17/2016 - House Health and Welfare, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)
HB605SAMPLING LICENSES (KAY II J) AN ACT relating to sampling licenses.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 243 to allow a sampling license to be issued to a culinary program conducted by an accredited college or university; define "culinary sampling license"; prohibit the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in connection with a culinary sampling license; require the college or university to include the culinary program as part of an established curriculum emphasizing areas such as business and finance, hospitality, tourism and event management, or the aspects of selected alcoholic beverages; direct the curriculum to clearly state which classes include the sampling of alcoholic beverages; set handling, storage, and reporting requirements for alcoholic beverages; require STAR training for culinary program instructors who serve or dispense alcoholic beverages for sampling; limit sampling to students or other persons who are 21 or older on the first day of a sampling class; set daily per-person sampling limits for distilled spirits, wine, and malt beverages; require a sampling licensee to purchase all of its alcoholic beverages from a quota retail package licensee; forbid the use of a different alcoholic beverage license as a prerequisite to receive a culinary sampling license; amend KRS 244.050 to exclude culinary sampling licenses from the restrictions on retail licensee sampling licenses.
 Current Status:   3/2/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Licensing and Occupations
HB626FINANCIAL AID (STUMBO G) AN ACT relating to postsecondary financial aid and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to establish the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program; direct the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority to administer the program; define student eligibility for the scholarship; prescribe the calculation of the scholarship amount; require the Kentucky Community and Technical College System to submit information to the authority required for the administration of the program; APPROPRIATION.
 Current Status:   4/27/2016 - VETOED BY GOVERNOR
SB15EXPRESSION (ROBINSON A) AN ACT relating to the expression of religious and political viewpoints in public schools and public post-secondary institutions.

Amend KRS 158.183 to permit students to voluntarily express religious or political viewpoints in school assignments free from discrimination; require local boards of education to ensure that the selection of student speakers is made in a viewpoint-neutral manner, the student's prepared remarks are not altered before delivery without student's consent, religious and political organizations are allowed equal access to public forums on the same basis as nonreligious and nonpolitical organizations, no recognized religious or political student organization is discriminated against in the ordering of its internal affairs; allow students to display religious messages on items of clothing, access public school facilities during noninstructional time as a religious student organization, use school media to announce student religious meetings, and meet as a religious student group during noninstructional time and before and after school to the same extent as students undertaking such actions in a nonreligious manner, permit public schools to sponsor artistic or theatrical programs that advance students' knowledge of society's cultural and religious heritage; create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to allow a teacher to teach about religion with the use of the Bible or other scripture without providing religious instruction, and to teach about religious holidays in a secular manner; amend KRS 158.186 to require annual notification to local school boards, school-based decision making councils, and certified employees of statutes pertaining to religious freedom and expression in schools; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require public postsecondary education institution governing boards to ensure that students are permitted to voluntarily express religious or political viewpoints in assignments free from discrimination, the selection of student speakers is made in a viewpoint-neutral manner, the student's prepared remarks are not altered before delivery without student's consent, religious and political organizations are allowed equal access to public forums on the same basis as nonreligious and nonpolitical organizations, no recognized religious or political student organization is discriminated against in the ordering of its internal affairs, and there are no restrictions on speech that occurs outdoors on campus and is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, except for restrictions that are reasonable, justified without reference to speech content, narrowly tailored to serve governmental interest, and limited to provide alternative options for the communication of the information.
 Current Status:   2/8/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
SB75TUITION AND FEES (SEUM D) AN ACT relating to tuition and fees for postsecondary education and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 164.020 to require the Council on Postsecondary Education to limit tuition for resident students at the public postsecondary education institutions to the 2015-2016 tuition level for four years; require tuition increases for resident students following the 2019-2020 academic year to be determined in consultation with the General Assembly; amend KRS 164.400 to require the boards of regents and trustees of state colleges and universities to limit incidental fees for resident students to the 2015-2016 level of fees for four years; EMERGENCY.
 Current Status:   1/19/2016 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Education
SB81MILITARY CONNECTED STUDENTS (WESTERFIELD W) AN ACT relating to military connected students.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to require the Department of Education to develop a military-connected student identifier in the student information system; direct the Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations for the creation and maintenance of the military-connected student identifier.
 Current Status:   3/16/2016 - (H) recommitted to committee House Appropriations and Revenue
SB82GENETIC LICENSURE (ADAMS J) AN ACT relating to the licensure of genetic counselors and making an appropriation therefore.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 311 to establish a framework for licensure of genetic counselors; define terms; preclude a person from practicing genetic counseling after January 1, 2016, without a license issued by the board; prohibit a person from holding himself out as a genetic counselor without a license issued by the board; exempt certain individuals from licensure; establish licensure requirements and procedures to obtain a regular license, temporary license, and reciprocal license; establish renewal and continuing education requirements; direct the board to promulgate administrative regulations relating to the licensure and regulation of genetic counselors, including a fee schedule; create the Kentucky Genetic Counselors Advisory Committee; set up membership, meeting, and quorum requirements; direct all moneys collected to be deposited into a trust and agency fund to be used by the board to carry out the provisions of and to defray the costs of the licensing and regulation process; permit the board to refuse to issue, renew, suspend, or revoke a license, or impose supervisory or probationary conditions upon a licensee for certain acts or actions; permit a person whose license has been revoked to petition the board for reinstatement after five years; require the board to set matters of license denial, revocation, or disciplinary measures for administrative hearing in accordance with KRS Chapter 13B; grant right to appeal to an aggrieve party in the Circuit Court of the county of residence; amend KRS 331.990 to establish a penalty for practicing genetic counseling without a license as a Class B misdemeanor for a first offense and Class A misdemeanor for a second or subsequent offense; APPROPRIATION.
 Current Status:   1/12/2016 - (S) Referred to Committee Senate Licensing, Occupations, and Administrative Regulations
SB85MIDWIFERY (BUFORD T) AN ACT relating to midwifery and making an appropriation therefor.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 309 to define terms; create the Kentucky Board of Midwifery; provide for licensure and administrative regulation requirements regarding the practice of midwifery; establish a trust and agency fund to be administered by the board to implement the licensure of midwives; set forth informed consent requirements for patient care; amend KRS 211.180 and 311.550 to conform.
 Current Status:   2/22/2016 - (S) recommitted to committee Senate Licensing, Occupations, and Administrative Regulations
SB107COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGRAMS (GIVENS D) AN ACT relating to computer science programs in public schools.

Amend KRS 156.095 to allow teacher academies to include developing disciplines, developing beyond the core including computer sciences; amend KRS 156.553 to include computer science teachers as eligible for teachers' professional growth funds; amend KRS 156.670 to require the master plan for education technology to include network capacity and the readiness of laboratories for computer science education; amend KRS 158.846 to include computer sciences as a key area of the knowledge-based economy; amend KRS 158.847 to allow the science and mathematics advancement fund to provide grants to local school districts to develop and implement computer science programs; amend KRS 161.048 to include persons with computer science expertise among those eligible for adjunct instructor certification.
 Current Status:   2/8/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education
SB127KENTUCKY EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP (WISE M) AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 164.7881 to permit high school seniors, beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year, and high school juniors and seniors, beginning with the 2018-2019 academic year, to use their KEES awards to pay for dual credit courses; require that the funds they would have received as eligible postsecondary students be reduced proportionally over a four, or in some cases, five year period by an amount equal to the amount used for dual credit; amend KRS 164.7885 to conform; designate the expenditures as necessary governmental expenses if KEES funds appropriated for fiscal year 2017-2018 is not adequate; APPROPRIATION.
 Current Status:   2/1/2016 - (S) recommitted to committee Senate Appropriations and Revenue
SB140INTERSTATE DISTANCE EDUCATION (WISE M) AN ACT relating to interstate distance education among post-secondary institutions.

Amend 164.540 to authorize the Council on Postsecondary Education to enter into the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, for the purpose of authorizing a postsecondary institution located in another state to provide distance education to Kentucky residents; serve as the lead or "portal" agency responsible for contact with other states on matters pertaining to interstate reciprocity agreements; promulgate administrative regulations.
 Current Status:   4/8/2016 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB165HEALTHCARE DECISIONS (CARROLL D) AN ACT relating to healthcare decisions.

Amend KRS 311.621 to define "health information"; amend KRS 311.623 to allow health care surrogates to receive health information and make health care decisions in certain situations; amend KRS 311.625 to add the receipt of health information and ability to make health care decisions to the forms for advance directives; amend KRS 311.629 to reflect changes and allow health care surrogates to access appropriate health information; and create a new section of KRS Chapter 405 to establish a process by which a parent or custodian of a minor child can designate a surrogate to receive health information and make health care decisions in his or her absence.
 Current Status:   3/14/2016 - (S) recommitted to committee Senate Health and Welfare

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Kentucky Workforce Oversight Task Force to study and develop recommendations concerning the benefits, investments, and funding of workforce education; establish task force membership; require the task force to submit report to Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2015.
 Current Status:   3/9/2016 - (H) Referred to Committee House Education

Week In Review

Beshear’s PAC has raised $493,000, but given little so far to help other candidates
Gov. Andy Beshear’s political action committee raised $493,000 in its first six months, but so far it has made few contributions to fulfill its purpose of helping “good people” win closely-contested elections across the country.
Kentucky Lantern
FEMA approves federal disaster assistance for victims of Kentucky's Memorial Day weekend storms
Disaster assistance for those affected by storms during Memorial Day weekend are available for victims in 15 Kentucky counties.
NKY Democrats battle to win seats in red-leaning districts
Remnants of poison ivy picked up campaigning door to door covered the back of Kentucky 68th House District Democrat candidate Brandon Long’s arm as he stopped to talk with LINK nky last week. The 37-year-old father and educator was in the middle of yet another busy day on the trail that included stops in urban and rural Campbell County.
School choice is on the ballot. Here's what a school choice program costs in Arizona
School choice is on the ballot this November with Amendment 2, which would amend Kentucky’s constitution to allow the legislature to give financial support to students to attend nonpublic schools. The Kentucky Center for Economic Policy recently released a report on the possible consequences of a private school voucher program, with Arizona being mentioned for reference.
Spectrum News
Welcome move to boost child protection in Kentucky trips over conflicting views of the law
Increasingly worried about suspected abuse of her young grandson, Michelle Tynes said she battled for years with Kentucky social service workers to act on what she said was the deplorable situation in the Western Kentucky home where he and four other children lived.
Kentucky Lantern
Kentucky’s Andy Beshear most popular Democratic governor, survey finds
After widespread speculation that Kentucky’s Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear was on the list of potential running mates for Vice President Kamala Harris ahead of the Democratic National Convention, a new poll found Beshear is the most popular Democratic governor in the country.
Kim Davis appeals verdict ordering her to pay plaintiffs, attorneys in same-sex marriage case
Former Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis is appealing a ruling that says she must pay damages to same-sex couples who were refused marriage licenses.
Kentucky lawmakers discuss Democratic campaign shakeup
President Joe Biden’s decision to end his reelection campaign has Kentucky Democrats rallying behind Vice President Kamala Harris and Republicans pushing back, with barely 100 days until the election.
Spectrum News
H-L investigation: Smuggling at KY juvenile jail yields felony charges against officers
The latest scandal in the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice — now the focus of an ongoing civil-rights investigation by the U.S. Justice Department — is a smuggling operation that started to unravel just before last Christmas at the Warren Regional Juvenile Detention Center in Bowling Green.
Lexington Herald-Leader
Promised report on Kentucky single-bid paving contracts 8 months late
Prompted by research from legislative analysts late last year that showed a lack of competition drives up road paving costs, Kentucky lawmakers said they’d issue a full report on the issue by January this year. They haven't done it.
KY Secretary of State Michael Adams named co-chair of National Association of Secretaries of State
Republican Secretary of State Michael Adams has been chosen by his peers in the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) to co-chair its Elections Committee, along with Democratic Secretary of State Gregg Amore of Rhode Island, it was announced on Friday.
Northern Kentucky Tribune
How KY’s open records law reveals abuses inside state’s juvenile detention centers
Kentucky’s troubled juvenile detention centers don’t give tours. Their top officials usually won’t give interviews.
Lexington Herald-Leader
Coleman will not attend Fancy Farm, conflicts with event supporting cancer survivors
Democratic Lt. Gov. Jaqueline Coleman will not be attending the Fancy Farm Picnic because she will be attending an event to support cancer survivors — a cause she says is personal to her because of a recent medical diagnosis.
Kentucky Lantern

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